
Reincarnated in the DC Universe with the Omnitrix.

A guy dies and mysteriously reincarnated in the DC universe, after 10 years of living in poverty he is blessed with an alien device that latched unto his wrist.

ZackDKaizo · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

I am the Night!

While Batman and Robin made their way towards Bludheaven, Ben, de-transformed is reading some books of the library to expand his knowledge.

"Curse the Galvan's small stature, I spent almost half the time taking a single book out and then I spend a couple more minutes understanding its knowledge." Ben.

Ben has spent his time studying diverse topics; history, science, geography, math, etc.…. While Ben was studying, a certain black bat disguised billionaire arrived at Bludheaven.

"So, what's the plan?" Robin.

"We'll analyze the scene of the events to find out where the entity might've gone to." Batman.

"Ok, and if we find it?" Robin.

"We'll wait for a few minutes to analyze its intentions. If its hostile we'll attack, if its friendly we'll try to engage a civilized conversation." Batman.

"…It's probably the first time I've seen you so reasonable." Robin.

"I know I have a tendency to solve matters regardless of the suspect's opinion, however, we're talking about possible alien technology, irresponsible acts can cost lives of thousands if not millions." Batman.

"…" Robin thinks deeply about the matter.

The duo makes their way to the scene where XLR8 subdued The Penguin gang and started to inspect for clues. While searching, Robin found small fragments of some sort of unknown material and reported them to Batman.

"Hmm…I've never seen something like this…"

Batman presses some switches in his forearm and a light begins to scan the fragments.

"Alfred, analyze the component I've just sent you." Batman.

"Right away Master Bruce." Alfred.

After a couple more minutes, Alfred calls back.

"Master Bruce, the analysis is completed, the fragments are made of a type of highly polymeric, low-friction material. The material seems to be natural based and further analysis confirms that it's the same that the unknown being had in its rollers."

"Can you trace where are more fragments?" Batman.

"I could but, given how much time has passed, I'm afraid that the wind might've blown them away." Alfed.

"We'll make things work out in here." Batman.

"Very well, sending you the information…now." Alfred.

The call ends and Batman begins to track down the dust from XLR8's rollers.

"What should I do?" Robin.

"Take a look around and tell me if you find anything." Batman.

'Classic, always takes the dangerous stuff and leaves me out it.' Robin.

Batman began to roam through the places XLR8 was caught on camera and Robin went on his merry way.

"Always doing stuff like that, leaving and excluding me from every important mission. Maybe I should just bail and do my own gig." Robin.

The boy wonder spots an unusual parked camper with several parking tickets.

"Who would leave such a camper in here?" Robin wondered.

He was curious about the looks of the camper and analyzed it with a device in his forearm. After getting a 3D blueprint about the camper, he also notices a peculiar trace of the same dust that was left from XLR8's rollers.

"Jackpot." Robin.

He thought of calling Batman for help but decides to look for the being by himself to earn his trust, you know, normal neglected teen stuff.

Ben however, was already timed in but didn't notice due to being too inversed into his study.

"*YAWN* I'll wrap things up for the night." Ben.

He looks at his watch.

"Since when where you timed in? Whatever, I'll just go XLR8 and clean this mess." Ben.

Ben transforms into XLR8 and fixes all the disorganized books that he moved. It took him a few seconds and then made his way out of the library. After getting out, he's speeding up through the street.

'Now that I think about it, should I go for something to eat while being like this? Not very heroic but I'm starving.'

Suddenly, a trap activates and XLR8's feet get tangled by a rope and he crashes unto a wall.

"Well, it seems that the lifeform is simpler than I thought." Robin spoke as he descended from a roof.

"Ouch! What the heck is the tweedy bird of Batman doing in here? Don't you have a city to gloom over?" XLR8 spoke as he was trying to untie himself.

"Save your breath, I'll give you two options, give up or get beaten up." Robin.

"I'll have a CHANGE from those options." XLR8 touched the Omnitrix symbol in its chest and changed form in a flash of green light.

From the slim bluish being, he became one made out of fire and burned the ties that were binding him.

'Shapeshifter? Not good, but nothing I can't handle.' Robin.

Robin sent some smoke bombs and Heatblast shoots them down, unleashing a smoke that covers Robin's presence.

"Cool idea, but can you keep this up while I turn up the heat!?" Heatblast.

Heatblast begins to emanate flames out of his body, forcing Robin to back down due to the temperature.

Heatblast notices his presence and sends a fire blast towards the boy wonder. Robin manages to dodge the attack but Heatblast was already moving towards him to deliver a punch.

Robin blocks the attack with his staff but Heatblast pushes him back while also melting the staff away.

'On second thought, this wasn't such a great idea.' Robin.

Heatblast points at Robin with his fingers and begins to shoot fire from them as bullets.

"PEW, PEW, PEW, PEW, PEW, PEW, PEW, PEW, PEW, PEW!" Heatblast.

"Really?! Making pew sounds? What are you, five?" Robin spoke while avoiding the fire bullets.

"Shut up! I was having such a normal time, strolling the streets of this wonderful city…until a jackass in a clown suit comes to ruin my gig." Heatblast spoke while shooting.


The alarm on the watched made Ben realize how much time he had left.

'An alarm?' Robin.

"You know what? I'll let you off the hook for today. See ya!!!" Heatblast exclaimed while taking a portion of the street and flying towards the horizon.

'A green light to transform, and I assume that the red light might be to revert back. I have to report this.' Robin.

He took hi phone out and noticed that he has over 10 missed calls and texts from Batman. Now sweating like a pig, Robin gathered all his remining courage and called for Batman.

"I want answers, NOW!" Batman.

"Hey…Batman…here's the situation." Robin.

Robin proceeded to explain the situation and that somewhat calmed Batman's wrath…not entirely though.

"I'll go there right away." Batman.

"But-" Robin.

"You disobeyed my orders, acted on your own, which resulted on damages to the street, and put yourself in unnecessary danger. I'll take things from here; the Batwing will take you back to Gotham." Batman.

"Understood..." Robin accepted.

(With Ben)

Ben managed to reach the outskirts of Bludheaven and hid himself, however, he soon noticed something odd. No matter where he looked at, every place was too empty.

Stores were closed despite it being 10 PM, there where no police officers patrolling, even a whole scenario was abandoned.

Ben was sure that something was off, he kept exploring the city on his own until he heard something.

He went towards an alley and saw some sort of…being? Ben got closer and saw a vampire sucking the blood out off a corpse.

'Yep, this is DC alright.' Ben.

The vampire notices Ben and what does he do…?


And the vampire follows him obviously.

'Crap, crap, crap, crap! Time in you stupid watch, time in!!!' Ben thought as he was running for his life.

Of course, Ben was nowhere near the physical condition to outrun a vampire and he knew that. So, with his quick thinking, he entered a house and hid in a closet.

The vampire entered but couldn't see him.

Ben began to breathe slowly and calmed his heartbeat to avoid being detected in any way.

The vampire then began to thrash the place, clearly mad for losing such a fresh meal, and breaks everything down. He takes the closet and slams it towards the ceiling, breaking it.

Ben was lucky enough to remain on the second floor by the time the closet fell down. The problem? He cut himself a little.

It wasn't even a whole drop of blood when the vampire went crazy and started to look through the place for Ben.

'Oh, watch heed my prayers, I have sinned against thy for using you as a tool for entertainment, I regret my past actions and so, ask for a chance to redeem myself, allow me to transform and I shall help the people of Bludheaven, don't do it and I'll use you to clean my ass, amen.' Ben ended his "prayer" and saw the watch glow green.

"Jackpot!" Ben yelled and attracted the attention of the vampire.

Before it could sink its teeth on Ben's shoulders, he felt a hard texture in the usual soft skin of humans.

The vampire directed its glare to where ben was and saw a green crystal being completely unscratched by its previous attack.

Before the vampire could react, the crystal being pierced its wings with projectiles that were sharp fragments of crystal, he then grabs the vampire and throws him out of the building.

With the vampire being weakened, Ben ended its life with a crystal stab to its head, killing the monster.

'I don't remember DC having Vampires. Though, I've read almost none of it in the first place.' Diamondhead thought.

Ben noticed a shiver in its back and had a guess on who was it.

"If you enjoyed the show, care to explain it to me?" Diamondhead.


A black figure jumped from a tall roof and landed near Ben. Yes, it was our favorite stalker, paranoic bat, Batman.

"You are in no position to ask for information." Batman.

"Then, why jump down?" Diamondhead.

"I need to analyze the tissue of this specific race of vampire." Batman.

"Cool, cool, (Whispering) Omnitrix, scan the corpse."

A yellow ray of light come out of Diamondhead's left side chest and scans the vampire corpse.

'Interesting.' Batman.

"Analysis complete: New DNA sample acquired." Omnitrix.

"Well, everything seems to be under your control so…" Diamondhead tried to leave but Batman stopped him.

"Leave the alien device." Batman.

"Nope! It's latched unto me and can't be separated. Try to do it forcibly and you'll get extremely hurt." Diamondhead.

"By what?"

"Eiter a massive electric shockwave or an explosion that can take half of the planet."

Batman looked at Diamondhead figuring out if his words were truthful, and in his eyes they were. He still didn't trust him of course.

"So…what's going on?" Diamondhead.

"If I answer, you will answer a question as well." Batman.

"Deal, but I can refuse the obvious ones."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Diamondhead a Petrosapien."

"Bludheaven is surrounded by some sort of magical barrier that prevent anyone from either entering or leaving the city."

"Warning! Unknown energy is beginning to surround the host, lock protection mode activated." Omnitrix.

Batman got in position and became wary of his surroundings. Ben did the same thing and changed his hands into gatling guns.

"We meet yet again, Batman."

A ghostly figure appeared in front of Batman, the ghost was bearing a white classic vintage suit, proper of the eighteen hundreds, a top hat, a monocle and a baton. It was no other than the villain, Gentleman Ghost.

"Gentleman Ghost." Batman.

"Who?" Diamondhead.

"Yes, it is I Bat--- wait a minute, do you really not know who I am?" GG.


"I was the one who stole three artifacts to create an army of the dead."


"I fought Hawkman countless times to kill him."

"No bells ringing."

"I stole the soul of Doctor Fate!"

"Ah, yeah....no idea what you're talking about."

Infuriated, the ghost shoots a purple beam from his baton at Diamondhead but he reflects it.

"Woo... if I knew that you were gonna be that touchy about it, I would've faked even better."

"You…!" Gentleman Ghost was interrupted by a batarang that Batman threw at him.

"You're going to confess everything Gentleman Ghost." Batman spoke while putting his Nth Metal gloves.

"You won't best me this time Batman. Rize! My army of freaks!" GG.

After he spoke, a large number of monsters, including; Vampires, Mummies, Zombies and werewolves, began to sprout from the shadows and charged towards Diamondhead and Batman.

'Ok Ben, time to see what the #1 super-powerless-hero can do.' Diamondhead looked at Batman with expectation in his eyes.

'This has become extremely troublesome; I just hope this guy won't be dead weight. Better put the tracker while we fight.' Batman.

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