
Reincarnated in Miriam

In the city of Shanghai in the alleyway there was an an intense fight there were about a hundred men and I'm fighting all those men was our main protagonist called Zang he did not like fighting but he had to sue survive because he he looks scary and fierce everyone picked a fight with him and even in his high school he became the the boss after enrolling for only 3 months all the police in that school wanted to be under his rule because he was strong there were five high schools some of which were extremely dangerous the top high school was Cheng an high the second strongest high school was tang Feng high school the third strongest school was Zang Quan high school the fourth strongest was mang Yi high on the weakest world Qi high school out of all these schools cheng an high was the strongest led by Shannonthey fought with other high schools for territory all the time once he even almost died then another time students from arrival high school went after his sister just to get to him but he beat them all up in the end and send them to the hospital