
Reincarnated In Merlin

The MC gets reincarnated in Merlin with wishes. I wrote this for fun also English is my second language so this will probably suck. I only own the OC the rest belongs to their respective creators.

Anonymous2000 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
15 Chs

Chapter 8

[A/N:Now the next 2 chapters will be on monday.]

In the Throne room, the tournament knights all queued up to meet Uther and Lady Morgana Valiant introduced himself"Knight Valiant of the Western Isles, My Lord."

Uther gave a nod and said"I saw you fighting today. You have a very aggressive style."Valiant replied"Well, as My Lord said, "To lose is to be disgraced."

Uther smiled and replied"I couldn't agree more. Knight Valiant, may I present the Lady Morgana, my ward."Valiant bows to kiss Morgana's hand while Hadrian glared at him as Valiant spoke"My Lady."

Morgana was uncomfortable but didn't let it show on his face as she said"I saw you competing today."

Valiant flirtatiously replied"I saw you watching. I understand the tournament champion has the honor of escorting My Lady to the feast."

Morgana gave a forced smile and said, "That's correct."Valiant replied, "Then I will give everything to win the tournament."She smiles and nods to him, he nods back. Valiant then walks over and shakes hands with other knights, Morgana and Guinevere watch him. Hadrian bowed to Uther as he spoke" Hadrian you were doing really well like always."I smiled and replied, "Thank you, your majesty."

Hadrian then came in front of Morgana as she just smiled and said"Win this Hadrian."I grinned and replied, "Of course my lady."Hadrian walked to the side as Arthur bows to his father as Uther spoke"Arthur."

Arthur simply replied"Father."Arthur looked over at Valiant before walking to Morgana as she asked"They all seem rather impressed by Knight Valiant."

Arthur replied, "They're not the only ones."

Morgana knew about Arthurs crush so she decided to irritate him as she said"You're not jealous, are you?"

Arthur shrugged and replied, "I don't see there's anything to be jealous of."Morgana shook her head and said in a low voice"Could Arthur be any more annoying? Both Valiant and Arthur are so going to lose this tournament?"

Guinevere in disbelief asked, "You don't really mean that."

Morgana looked at Guinevere and replied"Yes, I do. Guinevere do you know how many times Arthur has won against Hadrian."Guinevere shook her head as Morgana continued"Absolutely none."

Guinevere was slightly shocked as she asked"So why is everyone saying Arthur is the greatest swordsman and why has anyone heard about this?"Morgana whispered to Guinevere"Uther banned the knights who were present during that time from telling anything. He couldn't have his heir ridiculed for losing so much."

Guinevere dumbly nodded as Morgana said, "Also I know for a fact both Uther and Arthur know the fact Hadrian is going to win this tournament."

The next day I watched as Valient fought in the arena against Sir Ewan. Valiant knew he will not be able to win as knocked down Sir Ewan, whose helm rolls off and pinned him down with his shield.I saw serpents come out of the shield and one of them bites Sir Ewan. Valiant hits him and stands up. Crowd cheers. Arthur, Merlin, and I see Sir Ewan lying motionless on the ground.

Hadrian immediately said, "Take him to Gaius something is not right?"Arthur and Merlin didn't question as they took Ewain to Gaius as Gaius looked at him injuries.

Merlin questioned, "How is he?"

Gaius replied"It's most odd. Look at this. See these two small wounds. Looks like a snake bite."

Merlin in confusion asked"How could he have been bitten by a snake? He was injured in the sword fight."

Gaius answered, "But the symptoms are consistent with poisoning: slow pulse, fever, paralysis."Hadrian whispered to Gaius "We found our Knight."Gaius gave a nod as Merlin asked"Can you heal him?"

Gaius shrugged and replied, "Well if it is a snake bite, I'll have to extract venom from the snake that bit him to make an antidote."

Merlin questioned, "What happens if he doesn't get the antidote?"

While Gaius and Merlin were discussing about Ewain Hadrian groaned and thought"If only I could use phoenix tears or magic."The moment phoenix tears or magic is used the snake bite wound will disappear from his body. Which means no wounds to prove he is bitten by a snake."

Harian saw Valiant is escorted through the Square to the Council Chamber of Doom.I went to Gaius who was treating Sir Ewan in the Physician's Chambers. As Gaius saw me he asked, "What happened ?"I saw "Valiant being escorted to the Chamber. Did Merlin say anything to you?

Gaius understood as he said, "He told me about going to Arthur."As Ewan woke as Gaius smiled and said"Welcome back."

Ewan replied"There was a snake on his shield. It came alive."

Gaius nodded and replied"You're weak. The snake's venom is still in your system."

Ewan spoke, "I must warn Arthur."

Gaius smiled and replied"Arthur already knows. He's requested an audience with the King. Now, they'll want to talk to you. Rest. You'll need your strength. I need to fetch more herbs. I'll be right back."I spoke up"I will look after him."

Hadrian thought"What to do I am the one going to fight Valiant tomorrow so I can easily expose him."

Hadrian cast an invisibility spell it didn't take long as one of Valiant's snakes came as I used my sword immediately to kill it as Ewan who woke up from the looked at the snake with horror as I said"You are lucky I was here."

Gaius entered the room Hadrian showed him the snake and said"We have to go to the council room now."Gaius nodded as Hadrian looked at Ewan who was fell unconscious as he asked "Gaius what happened to him?"

Gaius while taking his pulse said, "He has gone into a coma?"Hadrian questioned"How? He was getting better?"

Gaius rubbed his temple and Hadrian cursed as they went to the council room as we heard Uther ask"Why have you summoned the court?"