
Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Power 1.Unlimited Power of Destruction 2.Perfect control 3.Tom Riddle's Magic Talent, and lot of Magical Energy Orphan trope Harem 1.Nymphadora Tonks 2.Luna Lovegood 3.Fleur Delacour 4.Daphne Greengrass 5.Astoria Greengrass 6.Hermione Granger Summary: MC is OP as fk but don't act cold towards people he care and actually listens to them (beta naive mc) He is Heir of an ancient noble family. A lot of MC's ass kissing, cringe af, ya this is it. I won't recommend you reading this shit. There are way way better ff available on webnovel read those than wasting your time here. why am I writing this then? cause I'm a fking loser. You're not right? sorry just got upset due to criticism. Ahh I should just delete this shit and do something productive with my life. You can't satisfy everyone. some like Hermione, some hate her to guts. fking idiots.

Agwinz · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
98 Chs

Paranoid Dumbledore

Dumbledore was waiting for the arrival of Agustus and Professor McGonagall.

Never in his life Dumbledore doubted his ability to just a child's personality like today.

He was lost in thought, wondering why Agustus had caused the Great Hall debacle. Since Professor McGonagall had told him about the events, Dumbledore had been unable to sit still. He wondered where the boy who loved the orphanage children had gone. He quickly denied the thought that it was all a farce. Dumbledore was worried because Poppy Pomfrey had said she was unable to grow Ash Bruke's bones, something was preventing his healing.

As he was wondering, he heard a knock on his door. "Enter," said Dumbledore.

Professor McGonagall, Agustus, and Dora entered the office. Dora looked really worried, while Agustus had an expression of indifference as the situation didn't concern him. Seeing this, Dumbledore went on another trip of paranoid thoughts.

"Albus, this is Mr. Peverell, the one behind the morning Great Hall debacle," said Professor McGonagall.

Dumbledore came back to his senses. Before he could speak, Dora hurriedly said, "He didn't do anything, please don't expel him." Tears threatened to leave her eyes.

Agustus just sighed at this and patted her head to calm her down. Dora hugged Agustus and started crying. Agustus don't like seeing Dora cry so he started to assure the crying girl.

"Calm down, Dora. Headmaster Dumbledore can't expel me," said Agustus to Dora.

Hearing this, Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore became surprised. That was the last thing they expected him to say.

Professor McGonagall couldn't take this anymore and said to Agustus, "Mr. Peverell, you shouldn't say such things. Even if you are trying to console your friend, the things you did at the Great Hall are more than enough for your expulsion. You left a fellow student half dead in the Great Hall. Headmaster Dumbledore is being responsible here to hear your side, and you are questioning his authority. You are definitely getting expelled."

Professor McGonagall respected authority, she didn't like how Agustus was taking a serious situation lightly.

Dora was devastated and blamed herself for Agustus' expulsion. Agustus, however, didn't care about professor McGonagall's words. He smiled at Professor McGonagall and said, "Professor McGonagall, you know Hogwarts runs on money, right? Guess what? The Hogwarts Board of Directors has 15 seats, and 6 of them belong to me. All the board members would gladly give me their votes as they owe millions of galleons to me. If Professor Dumbledore wants to expel me, I could just get another headmaster."

Hearing this, Professor McGonagall was stunned she couldn't believe what she was hearing, someone would want to fire the strongest white wizard?. She pointed finger at Agustus and said, "How could…"

But Dumbledore stopped her and said, "Minerva, stop." He looked towards Dora and said, "Don't worry, Miss Tonks. Your friend is not getting expelled. He was called here to tell me about the spells he used, nothing more."

Hearing this, Dora stopped crying and came out of Agustus' embrace. She was really worried for Agustus. She thanked Principal Dumbledore, "Thank you, Professor." Dumbledore smiled at her and said, "Alright, go back to class. I want to talk to Agustus a little. Professor McGonagall will take you back to the class."

Dora nodded reluctantly and walked with Professor McGonagall ( who was glaring at Agustus) out of the office. Now it was just Agustus and Dumbledore in the office.

Dumbledore walked towards his seat and asked Agustus to follow him. After Agustus and Dumbledore sat down. Dumbledore stares at Agustus really trying to judge Agustus's character.

Sighing, Dumbledore said to Agustus, "Agustus, and tell me about today's morning events. What and why did you do that to Ash Bruke?"

Agustus answered, "He insulted Dora and my legal guardian. I've known her for 3 days, but I consider her very close to me. I had to make sure nothing like that ever happens to her, so I did what I had to. If I had taken insult lightly I'm sure other students would take me lightly too."

Finding no lie in Agustus's statement, Dumbledore asked again, "You could've told a professor; they would have helped you. There was no need to use force."

Agustus countered, "Then what do you think would have happened? Would Slytherin allow Dora to sit on that table? No, professor, I wanted to convey a message, and I'm sure everyone got it perfectly."

Dumbledore looked at Agustus worriedly and said, "What did you do to Ash Bruke? His bones are not healing. Which spell did you use?"

Even Dumbledore with his Elder wand was not able to do anything to Ash Bruke. No healing spells or potions worked on him.

Agustus had already prepared an answer, "It was an ancient spell recorded in the Ashwood family tombs. He will take a month to recover; no medicine can heal him."

Dumbledore was ashen to hear that. "Agustus, my boy, you are young and powerful. You have the best magical talent I have ever seen. Don't waste it by going dark. Don't use that spell from now on. And remember, you should handle everything calmly, not by violence. You should learn to forgive people."

Hearing Dumbledore's lecture, Agustus sighed and said, "Don't worry, professor, I won't have to use violence anymore. If there is nothing else, can I go? I've already missed the first Charms class, and Defense Against the Dark Arts will start soon. I don't want to miss this one."

Dumbledore nodded at Agustus and said, "Well, Agustus, if you have any problems, you can feel free to drop by my office."

Agustus nodded at Dumbledore and left the office. Seeing Agustus had left, all the previous Headmaster's Portraits started talking.

"He is the Peverell Heir?" asked Dilys Derwent.

Dumbledore simply nodded at him.

"He is a true Slytherin. He was confident you wouldn't be able to do anything to him even before he entered the office," said Phineas Nigellus Black.

Other Headmasters agreed with Black.

"Be careful, Albus; he is too similar to him," said Armando Dippet remembering a certain charismatic talented student.

Dumbledore accepted the previous Headmaster's words and said, "I will, Headmaster Dippet."


Traveling rn.