
Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Power 1.Unlimited Power of Destruction 2.Perfect control 3.Tom Riddle's Magic Talent, and lot of Magical Energy Orphan trope Harem 1.Nymphadora Tonks 2.Luna Lovegood 3.Fleur Delacour 4.Daphne Greengrass 5.Astoria Greengrass 6.Hermione Granger Summary: MC is OP as fk but don't act cold towards people he care and actually listens to them (beta naive mc) He is Heir of an ancient noble family. A lot of MC's ass kissing, cringe af, ya this is it. I won't recommend you reading this shit. There are way way better ff available on webnovel read those than wasting your time here. why am I writing this then? cause I'm a fking loser. You're not right? sorry just got upset due to criticism. Ahh I should just delete this shit and do something productive with my life. You can't satisfy everyone. some like Hermione, some hate her to guts. fking idiots.

Agwinz · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
98 Chs

Nimbus 2000

"So you're telling me that you're going to marry my mom's sister, right?" Dora asked, looking at Agustus with disbelief.

He nodded, and she continued, "And she's living with you at Drakul Palace?"

He nodded again, and Dora put her hand on her forehead, feeling a headache coming on. "And you cuddle with her at home and she acts as your wife?"

Agustus was about to nod once more, when Dora grabbed his collar and bit his neck, making him gasp. He ran his fingers through her hair, enjoying the sensation of her teeth on his skin.

She stopped biting him after a few seconds and started shaking him, her voice rising. "I thought mom would like this, but now that I know, she'd probably beat you up too. I can't believe my boyfriend is going to marry me and my aunt. What in the hell is happening?"

Agustus just smiled at her, finding her troubled and adorable. He loved her fiery personality.

She glared at him and demanded, "Explain to me everything you did with her!"

Agustus hurriedly complied and told her about everything he and Narcissa had done over the past month. He told her how they had met in a meeting, and how he forced Malfoy to give her to him. He also told her about the ritual she did with Vampire hair and veela blood, and how it was part of his destiny to marry her as heir of Drakul.

After he finished, he also told her about Hela, the goddess of death who had claimed him as her master. He expected her to punch him again, but she surprised him by forgiving him. She understood that he had no choice in the matter, and that Hela was part of the prophecy of nature.

She looked at him and said, "Can you call her right now?"

"Alright, Hela," Agustus said, summoning the goddess with his mind.

A beautiful woman wearing skin-tight black robes appeared in front of them. She ignored Dora and kissed Agustus passionately, making him kiss her back.

Dora looked at them with a deadpan expression and clapped her hands sarcastically. "I'm also here, you know."

They stopped and Agustus introduced Hela and Dora to each other. He explained that they were both his future wives, and that they had to get along.

The three of them talked a lot and Dora sympathized with Hela, as she had waited for Agustus since the beginning of time. Hela also enjoyed talking with Dora, as they would be together as sisters for eternity. She was quite lonely in her domain, and now she had Dora and Narcissa as two sisters to talk to.

After the talk, Dora and Hela formed a pact against him. Dora said, "You owe us so many dates, you have to make up for making Hela wait, and for seeing other women even after having me."

He nodded and said, "Of course, I will. We'll go to Hogsmeade on weekends, and I'll take you both, alright?"

They both nodded. After that, Hela went back to her domain and Agustus and Dora slept cuddling together in the Room of Requirement, as she didn't want to be behind Narcissa.

Nothing much happened for the next few days. Agustus continued his classes with his friends, and Hermione didn't approach him again.

Professor Quirrell, however, stopped teaching the third year students, and even Dumbledore wasn't able to convince him to resume the class.

So Agustus decided to teach the twins and Cedric some DADA after dinner, as he didn't want them to be helpless chickens during a fight, as he already knows they would need these skills against death eaters.

It was Saturday morning, and today he was taking Hela on a date, as she had won the rock-paper-scissors game against Dora for getting the first date.

Agustus had woken up early and planned for the date. His girl had waited a long time for him, and he wanted this date to be special for her.

He walked out in black coat robes, looking handsome with his blonde hair and blue eyes. He had destroyed any impurities in his skin, making him even more attractive. Some Slytherin girls looked at him and gushed.

He arrived at the table for a quick breakfast and saw students talking among themselves. Apparently, Harry Potter had received a Nimbus 2000 broom from someone, as he had become the seeker for Gryffindors.

Agustus couldn't care less about that game, as he only loved flying, not playing Quidditch.

As he was sitting down at the table, Draco Malfoy who was sitting on left side of Heir Greengrass got a brilliant idea and got up from his seat and walked towards Agustus.

Daphne who saw him moving towards Agustus cheered for Agustus in her mind, as she was being pestered by Draco, he was telling her how good he is at flying compared to Potter, she had barely eaten anything due to Malfoy. She then fasten her eating to go to the library so that he won't find her again.

Agustus, who was about to call an elf for breakfast, was greeted by Malfoy and his two pets.

"Did you hear about Potter getting the Nimbus 2000?" Draco asked after greeting, to which Agustus replied, "Yes, I did, heir Malfoy, and I couldn't care less about that."

Draco frowned a little and said, "Isn't it unfair for other first years if Potter becomes a seeker, plus he has the latest Nimbus? I heard from my father that you have a major share in the Nimbus Broom Company, you must know how hard it is to get that broom. You could also get them for the Slytherin team. I could talk to my godfather Snape and ask him to make me the seeker and defeat Potter and win the Quidditch Cup for Slytherin."

Agustus, who was a little stunned by the little Malfoy, felt his nerves snap. He had been planning a romantic date, and this boy had come and ruined his mood. He looked at him and said, "Listen, Draco, you think too much of yourself. You're just a first year with your daddy's money. Potter, on the other hand, is the saviour of the British wizarding world. You're worthless, and he's a hero. Don't compare yourself to him. And as for Nimbus and Quidditch, I bought that company because I like flying, not for gifting brooms to other students, and Slytherin winning the quidditch cup has nothing to do with me. I'm going to ask you nicely to not disturb me, alright? Can you do that?"

Agustus had bought Nimbus two years ago as he knows the company is going to generate a lot of profit, he also got broom for twins and Cedric from there as well.

Draco and his two cronies were aghast at that answer.

Draco who believed himself to be better than the likes of Potter and Weasley was shaken by Agustus's statement, his confidence was broken. He looked at Heir Peverell and couldn't say anything as he won't be able to handle the consequences.

His eyes turned a little red and tears appeared in them as he said his legendary line, "My father will hear about this," and ran off with his bodyguards.

Agustus just sighed and grumbled about nosy first years and began his breakfast.

After finishing his breakfast and kissing bye to Dora who was sulking due to her loss, he arrived outside Hogsmeade and waited for Hela as they had planned to meet there.


Short chapter, next one is going to be more than 2000 words+ promise.


What's the best food/Dish you ever had? at which restaurant? Location?