
Reincarnated in Hellsing as a Hybrid

The bird of Hermes is my name, eating my wings to make me tame. Howling to drown my pain, the dog of Artemis I remain. ~Atlas Hy'mnia

Ichigo_Kurosaki_4529 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

AUXILIARY CHAPTER- will be updated

Atlas Hym'nia

dark composition: can manipulate shadow/dark matter.

Eolas: allows Wolfblood's to connect with nature, culminating in the user discovering someone's whereabouts (weak to magnetic fields)

Anison: allows user to connect with nature and its past, able to divine the history of a place or object (like Eolas but stronger)

Immortal: can only be harmed by pure silver and blessed weapons

Accelerated regeneration: can heal using the souls devoured or by natural healing factor.

Blood dependency: craves blood by instinct but doesn't need it to sustain itself (has an insane bloodlust that is only quenched by their beloved)

Heightened senses/ telekinetic/ intangible mist/ third eye (minor clairvoyance)/ can control an element of nature/ use familiars (by animals or souls)/ telepathy (only those bitten)/ resistant to most weaknesses (over time)

Kin: can turn virgins of both sex into vampires but non-virgins become ghouls

Hypnosis: can compel weak-minded humans and lesser vampires (can erase memories)

Daylight: immune but is sensitive