
Reincarnated in Dragon Ball

A man is reincarnated into the world of Dragon Ball without a system, cheat, or any special powers with no idea what will happen to him if he dies again.

Monkey115 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
24 Chs

Oolong the Terrible

"What'd you do that for?! That didn't tickle you know!" Goku took out his Power Pole pointing it the man who had just struck his head with an axe. He was a middle aged man with a yellow shirt and blue overalls, he wore glasses and was balding.

He shook before clapping his hands together with a light bow "Oh, please forgive me Mr. Oolong! I know it was foolish of me to try and attack you, but I'd rather die than lose my daughter! Oh please don't take her! I'll do anything!" Tora put his hand on Goku's shoulder signaling to him to put his weapon away. "I think there's been a misunderstanding."

It didn't take long until seemingly the entire population of the small village was crowding around the house to see the visitors after they realized no one here was Oolong. The man named Sherman Priest, apologized for attacking Goku thinking he had been Oolong in a new transformation. His daughter, a girl about Tora and Goku's age wearing a pink dress with a yellow apron and had brown hair in pig tails wearing a headband with a feather named Pocawatha, took a cool, drenched towel and let it rest on Goku's bump to ease his pain.

The town explained how Oolong somehow had the ability to change into any shape he wanted to, he kept the town in check with multiple freighting transformations, and demanded that they town hand over their daughters having taken three so far and now he wanted Pocawatha. During this explanation Tora had to stop Goku from patting people's crotches to determine their gender several times.

"Bully. Maybe we can trap him when he comes back again." said Goku. Sherman Priest looked horrified at the thought "How will you do that? He's bigger than this house! My word. You don't get it, do you? Oolong would squish you all like little bugs! There's no way to stop this monster!"

Tora tried very hard not to laugh knowing how weak and cowardly Oolong actually was "I mean, sure he can transform but that doesn't mean he's strong right? This village looks untouched has Oolong ever broken anything or hurt anyone directly before?"

"Well he hasn't but... huh." Sherman stopped in the middle of his thought. "How about Goku and I wait for him to come into the village for your daughter, we'll call him out and strong or not the two of us can take him down." Tora offered.

Sherman began to protest. "But it's Oolong he's a demon, he-" "Really, we got this." Tora interrupted. "Tora we don't have time to-" Tora interrupted Bulma pulling her aside. "These guys have a Dragon Ball, if we take care of this con artist for them they'll hand it over. We can even make him come with us, his skills could come in handy getting the last few balls." With that Bulma was won over on the plan to Goku's confusion.

"Do you guys have a ball the looks like this?" Tora took out his 3 star Dragon Ball he got from Master Roshi. An old woman from the crowd, named Grandma Paozu, spoke up "Young man I have a matching one, but it has six stars not three."

"I knew there was one here!" exclaimed Bulma. "If you give us the ball as payment we'll make sure Oolong never bothers you again and bring you back to your daughters." offered Tora. "It's been in my family for generations but if you two could really defeat Oolong then I'll give it to you." said Grandma Paozu. "I just thought of a great way to trap Oolong." said Bulma with a smile. "Not it!" Tora quickly said turning and smiling at Goku. "What?" Goku asked confused.

"All right! You look great kid!" said Bulma. Goku came back from the bathroom dressed in an identical dress to Pocawatha's with the addition of a pink spotted handkerchief covering his hair and his Power Pole still attached to his back.

"Can't Tora dress up instead?" whined Goku. "Sorry, no time kid!" said Bulma checking her watch. "Besides I said not it." Tora restated. "Gosh, Goku. You make a real pretty girl." said Pocawatha sincerely. Bulma's plan for was Goku to remain disguised until Oolong revealed the locations of the girls before taking him down, Tora knew this was unnecessary but didn't want to reveal too much.

Suddenly the building shook as Tora heard Sherman outside yell "It's Oolong! He's coming!" The residents of Aru Village poured into their homes, Tora and Bulma stayed in Sherman Priest's house while Goku went outside in his disguise as Oolong, in the form of a giant red demon in a white wedding tuxedo, walked though the town gate.

"I've come for you, my little buttercup. I brought you some flowers. I hope you like them sweetheart." spoke Oolong in a cartoon monster voice that was not his own. "Oh, y-yeah, uh, I love flowers." responded Goku in his best girl voice.

Oolong saw the Power Pole on Goku's back "Huh? Packed your rolling pin? And I see you've put on a little weight." "Yeah, well, uh, look who's talking." responded Goku. "You scamp. A little feisty today aren't we?" Demon Oolong said with a creepy smile.

Bulma was freaking out next to Tora "Where did Goku learn to act? If he doesn't shape up he's gonna blow this big time." "If he messes up I'll just knock Oolong out and we'll make him take us to where the girls are don't worry." said Tora. "You better be able to kid or... Aah!" Heart eyes suddenly appeared on Bulma's face.

Oolong seeing Goku shaking assumed he was scared and turned himself into a handsome man. Tora had to grab Bulma and hold her back from the door to prevent her from going out there. "Have some pride lady! How hard could it be for an attractive, genius, rich teen to find a boyfriend, why is she so desperate?" he thought to himself as Bulma kept trying to hit him off of her.

Tora and Bulma stopped when they heard a trickling sound by the door. Goku, having to pee for awhile at this point, just took his pants off in front of Oolong and started peeing in the nearby grass. Oolong screamed in shock. "I've been deceived! You're not Pocowatha!" Goku seemed surprised "Huh? What gave me away? It was my tail, wasn't it?"