
Chapter 3: The Devil Fruit


Jhonny and Yosako stand on the shore, gazing out at the vast sea. They excitedly discuss the newfound abilities granted to them by their recently acquired Devil Fruits.

JHONNY: "So, I've got the Limit-Limit Fruit. It lets me tap into the maximum potential of my strength and endurance whenever I want. And it heightens my senses to the limits of human capability."

YOSAKO: "Wow, Jhonny, that's incredible! As for me, I obtained the Speed-Speed Fruit. It enables me to move at incredible speeds, turning me into a Fast Human. It's handy for combat and getting around quickly."

Just as they contemplate the advantages and disadvantages of their powers, Franz suddenly appears from behind, catching them off guard.

FRANZ: "Allow me to enlighten you. Jhonny's fruit grants him access to his body's peak performance, making him immensely strong and durable. Additionally, it enhances his senses, giving him heightened awareness of his surroundings."

JHONNY: "And what about the downsides?"

FRANZ: "Well, the downsides are that Jhonny's fruit doesn't improve skills requiring finesse or dexterity, like balancing. Also, he's more sensitive to pain due to heightened touch sensors. Lastly, he remains vulnerable to diseases, drugs, and toxins."

YOSAKO: "And what about my fruit, Franz?"

FRANZ: "Your fruit's benefits include the ability to move at extreme speeds, making you a formidable combatant. It also facilitates rapid transportation, making travel more efficient."

YOSAKO: "And the drawbacks?"

FRANZ: "Using your power extensively may lead to exhaustion and fatigue. Moreover, it can have detrimental effects on your body, potentially shortening your lifespan. Additionally, as with all devil fruit users, you're susceptible to attacks from haki users and weakened by water or seastone restraints."

Jhonny and Yosako nod, absorbing this information.

JHONNY: "Very well, we'll train and master our powers to overcome these drawbacks. Let's spend a year fighting the peculiar creatures in the forest before setting sail to pursue our dreams."

YOSAKO: "I'm ready! Let's do this!"

Franz smiles, fully aware that their journey will be filled with adventure, challenges, and hilarious surprises.

As the trio continues their training, Franz's lack of combat experience and fighting instinct become evident. However, his determination to overcome these weaknesses and become a stronger fighter never wavers.

To address this, Franz shares his extensive manual on martial arts and sword fighting styles with Jhonny and Yosako. They are astounded by the wealth of knowledge contained within and eagerly begin practicing the techniques.

The training progresses, and Franz's growth is astounding. He has already achieved 45% of Saitama's power, possessing unparalleled speed and strength. He matches Jhonny and Yosako in combat, even when they combine their devil fruit abilities.

Despite their progress, the training sessions are intense and often result in substantial damage to the surroundings. Waves of peculiar monsters challenge the trio, each one more powerful than the last.

During one particularly fierce battle, Franz's lack of combat experience becomes evident. Caught off guard by a surprise attack, he is nearly defeated. Yet, Jhonny and Yosako come to his rescue, utilizing the techniques learned from the manual.

After the battle, Franz acknowledges that he still has much to learn. He devotes himself to studying the manual and refining his techniques until he can react to any situation without hesitation.

As the training continues, Franz's progress becomes remarkable. He anticipates his opponents' moves with lightning-fast reflexes. His power and speed soar, enabling him to single-handedly vanquish entire groups of monsters.

Yet, his lack of fighting instinct occasionally proves to be a weakness. In one encounter, he struggles to keep up with the unpredictable movements of an agile monster. Jhonny and Yosako step in, distracting the creature and allowing Franz to strike the decisive blow.

Despite occasional setbacks, Franz's progress remains undeniable. He transforms into a formidable fighter, astonishing Jhonny and Yosako with his remarkable growth. With their training complete, the trio stands prepared to face any challenges that lie ahead.