

I have a new book titled the sun burn totem: secrets of Power please read it and add it to your library. thank you.


Franz, a marked outcast in a world of mystical totems, discovers his hidden destiny when he unlocks the power of the cosmos. With his past knowledge and newly invented soul guns, he sets out on a quest that will shake the very foundations of the totem world.

Harnessing the might of his cosmos power, Franz becomes a beacon of strength and innovation. His soul guns, an invention that defies conventional magic, disrupt the balance of power and leave the world in awe. As he unleashes his arsenal, a ripple effect is felt across the totemic realm.

With his loyal band of warriors, Franz navigates treacherous battles against ruthless foes. His past knowledge of anime and his inventive spirit allow him to create techniques that leave his enemies astounded. As the legend of his cosmos power spreads, his influence grows, and the totem world trembles.

"The sun burn totem: secret of powers " is a thrilling tale of a cursed outsider's rise to power, armed with knowledge from another realm. Join Franz as he wields his cosmos power, reshapes the totemic landscape, and becomes a force that the world of totems can no longer ignore.