
Thrill of the Hunt

Chapter 22 – Thrill of the Hunt

Run always wondered why teaching was such a hobby. Maybe it was the joy of enlightening those who hadn't had the knowledge. Or it just could be the fact that it made the person a pillar of intelligence? That had given permanent purpose to whoever had vast amounts of knowledge. He thought It was probably both. No matter the answer, he loved teaching. Teaching gave him the pleasure to answer air headed, colorful, and even articulated questions from children. He'd read an article from the Daily Empirical that reported a mass murder of children near the squalor district. This prompted something in his mind.

He'd woke up from a dream this morning, and this dream entailed the war being over. Run resumed in his teaching. He entered a newly constructed school for a full day of work. With his excitement mounting, he strode the halls as he noticed something. An acrid iron smell flowing through the halls. He wondered the source of the smell but nothing truly unsettled him until he saw the source. He entered the classroom itself and blood and entrails were splattered and strung across the walls like crude decorations. Run hadn't been unsettled by death as he was Jaegers member. But it was the children, "why them?" He thought with his mind in shards. He'd also noticed that a good portion of the children were in various stages of undress.

They had to have been sexually assaulted while they were murdered, or after. He'd seen this before near the end of his original peaceful teaching job. A massacre committed by unknown assailants, he'd ran to other classrooms to see if the other children had been harmed. His worst fears were realized as the condition of the room was the same as the last. He ran nearly endlessly down the halls and seen the same thing over and over. It was an endless loop, and he'd finally woken up as he felt his mind break.

He walked through the luxurious imperial palace hallway in which the windows bathed the hall in light from one side. Even though it was only a few nights ago in which the Jaegers had failed to protect the Path of Peace headquarters from being compromised by Nightraid, he felt a sense of solace. He knew that it'd probably be some time before another assignment for the Jaegers as the Nightraid. But his nightmare bothered him greatly.

The Jaegers all sat as General Esdeath strode into the room with her usual vigor.

Esdeath: Good morning Jaegers.

"General", Each of them saluted except for Run who did so after a few moments. It was apparent to Run that Esdeath had taken note of this. Though this didn't sway her attention enough to address his folly.

Esdeath: I was told by the prime minister to deeply scold the rest of you for failing to protect the Path of Peace. However, I will not. The fault lies with Seryu and Suzuka for their failure to not detect Nightraid's diversion. With her aid, we would've likely caught and executed them all.

"Permission to ask a question general?" Wave said as he raised his arm slightly.

Esdeath: Go ahead Wave.

Wave: Can you really be sure General? What if the Nightraid just managed to outdo us strategically?

Esdeath: Negative, Seryu and Suzuka followed whoever they did well outside of Kyoroch. The mission was to ensure the protection of Bolic from the Nightraid, not to chase them down. Seryu died due to her incapability to separate her personal feelings from the mission's objectives. While she will be missed, it also must to be considered that Seryu deserved her death.

Saying that ripped at Wave's skin. It was said, it felt like a parent excusing and justifying the brutal euthanasian of an unruly pet. But it was true, Seryu's actions did lead to her death and Wave lamented at this. Run had noted that Seryu was a kind-hearted person stricken with severe mental illness and was misguided by the empire as she'd known nothing else.

Esdeath: Regardless of the outcome of another botched mission. The Jaegers are still strong and right now we're granted a reprieve from combat for a short time. Do as you like, as long as it isn't involved with capturing Nightraid. For now, I will focus on recruitment efforts to strengthen us in the future.

Kurome: What about [Name]? What happens if we come across him?

Esdeath: Don't engage him, if you can; question his whereabouts, motives, and destination and report back to me as soon as possible. Since I'm his owner and mate, that makes any business he has mine as well. Attacking and bringing him back by force will only make him more resentful. Nevertheless, You are dismissed.

The rest of the remaining Jaegers members had left their chairs and went about leaving the room. Run himself was glad this meeting was over. This gave him time to grab his personal bearings about his nightmare that he still remembered as if he'd just woken up from it.

Esdeath: Run, I need to speak with you.

This was the part where he was scolded for his mistake earlier. Wave and Kurome had left the room and he was now alone with Esdeath. She walked over to him and he somewhat began to tense up. Two failures must not be kind to a perfectionist like the General. She was no doubt holding in her aggressions.

Esdeath: Run are you feeling okay? You seem unsettled.

She stated with a surprising amount of concern. This then had Run resting easy, though he didn't fear her as much as his ideas of her did. He swallowed.

Run: Yes general. I just didn't get an appropriate amount of sleep.

Esdeath: Run, you can tell me anything. There isn't a need to lie. I care for my teammates a great deal. Something's bothering you.

"She's very astute", Run thought. He knew her analytical skill was extremely apt, not to mention her empathetic prowess being much higher than his. He didn't really have time to make up that much of an excuse that would be more believable.

Run: I had a very unsettling nightmare. It was about the school was massacred at the beginning of my career. It's haunting me. Hearing of the gruesome murders made it even worse. I have a feeling that the ones who were involved in both are one in the same. I need to find the ones responsible and bring them to justice.

A smile came to Esdeath's face.

Esdeath: As I said, do as you wish. You have my full authorization to open an investigation case. If I may add, the culprits were more than likely the Wild Hunt. I don't want to upset you but they disbanded after I filed the report to the Imperial Police force.

She said as she walked away and made her way to leave as well.

Run: General? You won't take part in the investigation?

Esdeath: I won't. Personally, I believe they aren't any fun.

She said as she continued to leave the room.

Morning - Imperial Squalor District

Run walked through the cobble stone streets. The sky was without clouds, the air did have somewhat of a chill in the air as he was at the site of the massacre. The children were in fact murdered very similarly to the children who were killed at his school. This was no doubt the work of the Wild Hunt faction that Esdeath stated were disbanded. She through her own self confidence believed that they wouldn't have defied her actions.

"Horrible isn't it." A dark girl had said behind Run who stood and looked at the small girl who'd now be beside him.

Kasumi: I heard about it early this morning.

Run: Did you live here?

Kasumi: No, but it was one of the only ones left in the entire empire. Are you here to investigate?

Run: Yes, I am. Violence like this won't be tolerated in the empire.

Kasumi: Shouldn't General Esdeath be here? I bet since she's a general she'd wrap this case up super fast.

Run: She doesn't deem it fun enough, also she has other business to attend to.

Kasumi scoffed and shrugged her shoulders.

Kasumi: Sounds about right. Mr. had said that she could be a bad person. Only if I'd met her one time, I'd have so many questions. But one of my friends had said they saw a clown guy leave. You can take that lead for what it's worth.

"A clown" Run thought.

This is very strange, but useful. After thanking her she'd left, she said something about giving people in the district courage, and then finding someone who she thought of like an older brother.

Then a man of a very distinct appearance had walked up and joined him in inspecting the site. He knew exactly who this man was, it was [Name].

Run: [Name]?

This shocked [Name] slightly but it now wasn't too shaken. This definitely was not good for [Name] especially with his horrible luck of running into people he doesn't care too much for. Though personally he sees not much wrong with Run.

[Name]: Hey there Run. What are you doing here?

Run: I should be asking you the same. What happened to you?

[Name]: I got split up after the battle with Nightraid. I wondered around and found my way back here. But I can't go back now, I heard about what happened here and I need to find out who did it. The bodies were destroyed and a lot of them had clothes off. This was the work of multiple people.

Run: I do have a good idea on the culprits. The Wild Hunt. Someone just told me one of them had looked like a clown.

[Name]: A clown, seems legit. I've fought one before. Let's find them.

Run: What are you going to do when you see them? Apprehending them wouldn't be too wise.

[Name]: That's why I'm not going to. They shouldn't be all that much of an issue with all my new training.

Morning - Imperial Palace Courtyard

Wave and Kurome walked along the beautiful outside hallway along the artistically sculpted columns. It was lunch time and they'd decided to have lunch outdoors even though the chill in the air still persists as of late. After sitting down at the stone tables outside onto the grass next to statue fountains, Wave noticed that Kurome hadn't brought her lunch bag with her.

Wave: Hey Kurome, where's your bag?

Kurome: Eh, I forgot to pack this morning. It's fine, I'll eat when I get home later on.

Wave: Kurome, you need to eat.

He said with a smile as he dug through his own lunch box and pulled out his sandwich. He the halved it and hand it to Kurome. But she didn't take it.

Kurome: Don't be silly, thanks but no thanks. You need to eat more than me to keep your strength up.

Wave: Come on eat.

Kurome: No, I'll just sit here.

He then placed the sandwich down over to her and turned his back to his half.

Wave: Then I'll just sit here too.

Kurome: Fine then.

Wave: Yeah fine.

After a few moments went by he noticed she still didn't take it and eat the piece. He had to improvise to get her to partake.

Wave: Man, I'm gonna be hungry in the battlefield. I might just slip up and die because I'm so hungry.

Kurome then snatched the sandwich off of the table and sighed.

Kurome: Thank you Wave.

He turned around and smiled.

Wave: No problem.

Kurome: You're too nice of a guy. I don't know why you even signed up here.

Wave: I-

Syura and a group of strange looking people walked along with him into the yard speaking loudly.

Syura: Man, those poor little shits. Oh well, not everyone gets to grow up.

Wave then clenched his fists after a moment to understand that he was talking about that group of massacred children.

Wave: That bastard, what the hell is so funny?

He asked with a hiss under his breath.

Kurome: Wave stop.

She said as she rubbed his shoulder that was closest to her.

Wave then stood up and yelled.

Wave: Hey Jackass, what's funny?!

Syura then noticed.

Syura: Hm? Excuse me bitch?

Wave: ANSWER ME! Kids were raped and murdered and you think that's funny?!

He shouted.

Syura: So what it happens all the time and it's not like yooouu do anything to stop it. Plus why should I answer to you? You're a goddamn nobody. Hey? You're one of those Jaeger's right? It'd be a real shame I someone looked up your info and had some nasty people to give your parents a visit. So you'd best shut the hell up!

Wave: You're wrong.

He said with hate deep in his voice.

Syura: Oh I'm wrong? I can do what I want, when I want, and how I want. Wanna know why?!

Wave: Why?

He said while clenching his fists to the possible point of breaking his own skin.

Syura: Cus I'm the Prime Minister's son bitch! Now I'm out of here. I have a meeting with some important meeting later tonight with some important people to have some fun.

He said as he and the other strange looking fellows had left the area with him as they cackled like wild dogs ready for a hunt. As Wave still had his fist smashed into the table.


One of the murderous friends of the Syura had somehow instantly appeared behind Wave and had a dagger spring from his throat and reach the back of Wave's neck. Neither of these men were of the Wild Hunt but were extremely dangerous assassins who now follow Syura himself.

Quickly and without thought Kurome quickly had her blade at the nape of the man's neck. The defense of her friend was a top priority in this moment.

Syura: That's Genma. He's the fastest assassin in this hemisphere. With fifty confirmed kills without even being detected.

Kurome: That doesn't impress me.

"Maybe this might!" Genma said with a sharp bite.

Instantly the man zipped behind and around her with a swish! She'd managed to parry his strikes. Kurome noted how she hadn't even begin comprehend his movements as he had already made his way back to Syura's side before they had a laugh and left.

Wave then only calmed down with a somewhat outclassed Kurome placed a hand on Wave's fist. He then loosened his grip on the air and calmed it. It was only reassurance that people like that had to be dealt with in very special ways. And if not by them, certainly someone else will.

She then booked him on the top of his head for his recklessness.

Twilight – Imperial High Class District

Within the Capital there are three districts. The last and largest of the rings ring from the capital was the squalor which contained the poor. The second and middle ring of the capital, this known as the Habitual district which contained second class citizens, better than the squalor. Then the Capitol district which contained the rich, this is the first and smallest of the three rings that the Capitol building sat in the middle of. The execution and games arena sat close by.

Run and [Name] stood together atop the roof of a building with considerable height. One could see the pure beauty of the capital's skyline in its entirety filled with lights of all kinds. The sky was dark blue with a fusion of orange from the descending sun as [Name] and Run enjoyed it.

Run: Hey [Name]?

[Name]: Yeah?

Run: Is General Esdeath kind to you? Do you like her?

[Name] took note of the question and didn't answer right away. Esdeath was an aesthetically beautiful woman, that fact was undeniable. It was her character that [Name] had taken issue with. She's already demonstrated that she'll hit him if she feels it appropriate which [Name] finds a major issue with. She is then treats him very well at the same time.

[Name]: She's treated me pretty well so far. With the exception of being hit, though I did receive kisses too but I wouldn't say it makes up for her hitting me. She's a strange person, she's really nice to people she likes, but is a totally cold: no pun intended, person to people in general. But I can't say I don't like her.

Run: I can identify. The reason I ask is because I wouldn't have thought she'd have treated you bad enough within a night to scare you off, but then again you got lost. I think you too could work out. You're a righteous person who'll get things done if need be. Plus, you aren't with Nightraid and you don't support them either. I understand that maybe she can be a bit much at times but it's not something you can't work with. Think about it, when you come back we can assimilate or defeat Nightraid and we can change the empire from the inside for the better.

Run knew the depths of her callousness and how he thought for sure he was going to feel some himself earlier that day. Run remembered that just the other day the morning after her humiliation from her former colleague Najenda. A guard spoke ill of [Name] and his abilities. Upon hearing this, Esdeath had removed his helmet, place him against the wall, and placed her hands on the man's face. She then slowly eased her thumb and sharp nail into the man's left eye until it reached the retina. Screams filled the halls as the fellow guards in place and continued to do their jobs. That side of her was something [Name] would have to get used to if they entered a relationship.

[Name]: Really? You think me and her would work?

He said with sarcastic enthusiasm.

Run: I believe so, and you don't seem too convinced.

Jokingly he said, as he then shrugged his shoulders at a notion.

[Name]: Believe it or not, it's actually pretty hard to fall in love with sadomasochistic women

Run: Don't worry, you'll probably get used to her when the children come along.

[Name] then reluctantly but quickly envisioned being in a nursey with four babies in bassinets. Him holding a whaling newborn and two toddlers aggressively tugging on a insane [Name]. As well as a gleeful Esdeath cradling two more newborns adding up to the nine-blue haired babies in all as she had wanted.

[Name]: Nope, nope. Never ever going to happen. But lets' talk about what we're up here for.

Run then stood up and placed a fist in his hand.

Run: We've looked everywhere. We've looked in each district in the suspected places that would serve as a base for them and still nothing.

[Name] then thought to himself, there's something he'd just remembered. Rom, his former lead generator on cases during his time as the shadow told him something. He'd knew information on the leader of the group; Syura. The only reason at all [Name] himself knows he's the leader is because the group has attacked him once before some time ago. Rom's lead came from someone who regularly met him at a bar, maybe it's likely he's still there.

[Name]: I have an idea.

Night – Capital Night Bar

[Name] walked in the bar alone which reeked of alcohol. Circular tables, chairs, and drunken people were partying about. While he looked, he expected to find nothing, but his luck seems half on his side and half not. He saw him sitting about with a few younger women around him. So, he walked to him and made his way through the rowdy and obnoxious people.

[Name]: Koukei, I have business with you.

The man then waved away the women clamoring for him and spoke to [Name].

Koukei: What business?

[Name]: You knew someone who you gave leads to?

Koukei: I give that to lots of people.

[Name]: A guy named Rom said you had a lead on the son of the Prime Minister.

He said with a slight whisper as he sat down to speak further with the shady business man. The man put a hand to his chin and lifted a finger as to signify remembering something.

Koukei: Oh yeah, I remember now. What's it to you?

He gave a side glance.

Koukei: Were you his friend?

[Name]: No I wasn't, I just overheard and now I think that info might be of some good use. Tell me.

Koukei: I take it you wanna kill him?

[Name]: Something like that.

Koukei: You'll cause a mass uproar in the empire. People could get hurt.

[Name]: I don't care too much about that right now. I just need that info.

Koukei then held out his hand and [Name] promptly paid him for his "troubles".

After telling him the info [Name] then asked a question before he left.

[Name]: You brought up that the empire could be knocked further out balance if I make a move. What do you have to gain by watching the empire fall?

Koukei: More than you think.

He said as he saluted to [Name]. This was an obvious sign of "time to go" [Name] thought as he did just that and left. Upon reaching Run who stood outside reading a book, he spoke to him.

[Name]: I know where we need to go.

Run: Where?

[Name]: A place called Fake Mount.

Night - Base of Fake Mountain

[Name] and Run quickly made their way out of the Empire's jurisdiction. Run recalled the time where Tatsumi of the Nightraid, Esdeath's former fancy mate had gone missing and fled. He'd somewhat thought that's exactly what [Name] did those two times before hand, or it's possible he would've came back and served the Empire for more time.

Run was flying with his imperial arms that granted him the wings of an angel and ample mobility. [Name] on the other hand was on a dark steed with a long dark mane and long hove feathering. This horse was extremely fast and Run had little bits of trouble keeping up. But he'd seen this somewhere before. Upon attacking a bandit's outpost with the Jaeger's he'd seen the famed Shadow injured before fleeing them with a similar horse after Kurome pursued him.

Run then put two and two together. [Name] the lowly but skilled imperial guard was the one and only famed Shadow during that time. Esdeath had to have known this and took a vast liking to [Name] anyway. But right now, none of that was important, finding the Wild Hunt outpost was of primary concern.

Run: I can see the outpost ahead!

He shouted at [Name] from above.

[Name] and Run had approached a small place that resembled a summer house of sorts. The lights were on, so this meant people were there. "Good", [Name] thought as they walked up to the place.

Run: We should fall back and strategize.

[Name]: It'll take us all night. There's five of them and only two of us, planning and trying to make things work might kill us.

Run: So you think us winging it will be better?

[Name]: I think so.

Then from behind a massive winged danger beast swooped down and attempted to claw at both Run and [Name]. [Name] had without a moment's notice slashed off the large hawk's foot. Blood spurting heavily to the round, the beast screamed in pain as it sprouted tarantula legs from it's back and charged at the duo.

Run had quickly flown up and showered the creature with his Shooting Feather's attack. The shinning feather blades then heavily mutilated the entire body of the strange creature. After the body smashed onto the ground, [Name] spoke.

[Name]: That was no normal danger beast. It was crafted together somehow.

Dorothea: You're right.

Both looked atop a large boulder in which Dorothea of the Wild Hunt. She stood with hands on her hips as [Name] shook blood off of his blade.

[Name]: You're one of the Wild Hunt.

A largely overweight man dressed as a clown appeared from a similar position.

Run: So you are the Wild Hunt. Your actions are punishable by death and I'll see that it comes to fruition. Monsters like you don't deserve life.

[Name]: Where's the rest of you?

Syura: Right here douchebag.

He said while cleaning his ears. Izou was walking behind him with his sword on his shoulder. They came straight from the forward direction leading to the entrance of the luxurious house. [Name] had also noticed that there was a group of very strange individuals along with Cosmina who'd waved at [Name].

Run: Syura, I'm here on imperial business. I, Run of the Jaegers would like to take you in for questioning.

Syura: Like hell!

He said with an excited tone. He then also noticed [Name] and smiled. The son the prime minister was looking for the perfect moment to brutally murder the one who killed Enshin. He could care less for Enshin, his life meant nothing at all. Someone killing him finally gave the young man an excuse to terrorize and kill an individual. That's the reason for the new editions.

Syura: First, I want to know what for.

Run: You're a suspect in the murder of those children.

Syura: Sorry, but that's more of Champ's vocation.

Champ: It was me who played with those kids earlier. Everything went fine until they started screaming.

Run felt a rush of hot anger shoot through his blood.

Run: What do you mean played with kids?!

His mind fell back into the abyss. He had to briefly regather himself from the massive influx of anger. The children who'd been violated were caused by this savage of a human being. It was this one, this was the murderer and the son of the prime minister helped. That does it.

Run: An imperial prison is too good for you! YOUR LIFE IS MINE!


He shouted as the men flanking Syura had quickly dashed their way forward and blitzed Run. Before he could even move [Name] had already stood in front of Run to defend him. This sudden action made all of the attackers cease movement, they've surrounded them both.

Run: [Name], this isn't the best of situations.

[Name] had twirled his blade slowly and replied.

[Name]: Not for us, because I'm going to kill every last one of them.

It takes too long to come up with a character name, use your imagination for the MC name

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