
Reincarnated: I Shall Become The Strongest

"Ah, is this the end?" "If only I was stronger, I could've escaped." "If only I was stronger, I could've lived my life as I wished." "If only I was stronger, I could have everyone at my beck and call. If only I was stronger..." "I-is this the afterlife? Where am I? Wai- wait.. What happened to my hands? Why are they so- stubby?" --------------------------------------------------------- A/N: This is another generic reincarnation novel. If you're looking for something with lots of kingdom building and characters with complicated personalities, this is not the story for you.

V_xltr · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

First Magic

'Hm... Priscilla and Hamilton, the Tree of Hope. Myra really did have some interesting stories. Come to think of it, her past was way more complicated than I thought. I should pay more attention to her in the future.' Sethos ruminated as he deactivated his skill.

The technique Sethos used just now was called the 'Peering Eyes, and it was a skill that allowed a person to read someone else's memories. As it was only a Rank I technique, it naturally could not be used on people who were a higher rank. Moreover, it could not be used on people who possessed a strong mental barrier, or those who were actively defending their minds. Even then, the technique could only allow the wielder to see fragments of the targets' memories.

As Myra was unconscious, it was extremely easy for Sethos to utilise the technique over and over again to gain as much information as he needed. 

'Hm, perhaps I should rethink of disposing her.' Sethos mused. 'Even if she possesses many flaws, there are some good qualities of hers that could be used.'

Sethos thought about it for a while, then decided to make Myra into one of his first loyal retainers. First of all, Myra had some incredibly useful memories that he could utilise. Sethos planned on fully gaining her trust so that he could freely look through the information she had without her opposition. Secondly, the fact that Myra was a Count's daughter made the situation several times more complicated than it was. Sethos did not want to incite the anger of a Count just because of a mere maid. And finally, considering Myra's disposition, gaining her trust shouldn't be too difficult seeing how she was already extremely fond of him. 

After laying out his new schemes for Myra, Sethos immediately began the most exciting part of his plans today - looking over the gains of activating his mana heart! 

Sethos sat in the usual meditation pose and immediately noticed many changes that had happened in his body. Compared to before, he could feel his pulse and heartbeat a thousand times more clearly, his blood flowing through his veins, and he even felt a mysterious power lying dormant within him. 

'This foreign yet familiar power... This is mana isn't it?' Sethos pondered as his lips curved into a slight smile. 

Sethos could sense the unique magical power swirling within his heart. The sensation he felt was so intense yet fulfilling that it further stirred up his passion to learn some spells immediately. The boy recalled the information that he painstakingly acquired from the library, and carefully followed the steps to activate his first magic spell. 

Sethos held out his hand, chanted a few inaudible words, then allowed the mana to seep from his heart, through his veins, and into his hand. There appeared a neon white orb; large enough to squash an ant, but small enough to fit into his tiny palm. 

The magic that he just casted was called "Illuminate". It was the most basic spell one could learn, and it was generally used to light up the casters' surroundings. Though it was the easiest magic one could use, it was definitely not something that a rookie could cast in their first try. This showed Sethos' incredible talent and aptitude in magic, which was extremely essential in order for him to accomplish his goal of rising to the top of this world.



'What happened?'

Myra's eyes were still wet from the tears she cried last night, her eyelids were droopy and her face was slightly puffed up. The young maid looked around, and realised that she wasn't sleeping on her usual bed. Instead, she fell asleep right next to Sethos' crib. 

"Gud mowanin, Mywa." (Good morning, Myra.)

These were the first words Sethos said since he reincarnated. However, due to him having barely any teeth, he couldn't pronounce things properly. Even Sethos himself was surprised and disgusted by the way he spoke just now.

Meanwhile, Myra was in shock. She couldn't believe what she just heard. She fell into a daze as she kept thinking about how the young master said her name. She then slowly turned her head around, and saw Sethos smiling and waving at her. Her eyes were filled to the brim with tears once again, but this time in a good way. 

"Thank goodness you're okay, young master! I was worried sick last night!" Myra exclaimed while clasping to Sethos' tiny hands. 

"It's alwigh, Mywa, I dun feel sick." (It's alright, Myra, I don't feel sick.) Sethos tried his best to reply despite his terrible pronunciation. 

"You know how worried I was when you haven't spoken a single word even after you turned one? I heard from other nannies that other children in the House already knew how to speak in sentences! Gosh... Silvermoon children are all incredibly talented." 

Sethos was extremely astonished by the fact that children here could already speak in sentences even when they're a year old. Back in the world of martial arts, children were not as intellectual as those here. They could barely walk at the age of one, and most of them couldn't even say a single word. And here he was, trying his best not to say anything all this time as he was afraid that others would get suspicious about his identity.

Sethos deliberated long and hard about what to say, and finally made the choice to tell Myra that he already knew how to talk since he was six months old, but decided not to as nothing was worthy of his attention.

"Ah! This lowly servant forgot her place and needlessly worried about you. Of course young master needn't mind the businesses of us lowly servants." Myra bowed down immediately as she replied in a fright.

The two stared at each other for a long while. And just as things were about the get awkward, Sethos asked Myra a simple yet confusing question.

"Mywa, whom do you seuave?" (Myra, whom do you serve?)

Hearing what Sethos said, Myra fell into a trance. Although this seemed like an easy question, there were many possible answers that she could give. As she encountered many questions like these from others before, Myra knew that the 'correct' answer depended on the young master's mood, and whether she could say something that would suit his tastes. 

After pondering for a while, Myra uttered, "I serve the Silvermoon House, young master."

"Gud answae, but not duh won I'm luukin foa." (Good answer, but not the one I'm looking for.) Sethos declared. "I wan you to wourk foa me, an only me." (I want you to work for me, and only me)

Myra was dumbfounded by Sethos' proposal. By proclaiming that he wanted her to work for him, it was a direct request for her to work as one of his loyal retainers. In the Silvermoon Estate, servants also had a certain hierarchy that they had to follow. Maids and nannies were placed in the bottom ranks, butlers were placed in the lower-middle ranks, knights and guards were placed in the middle ranks, personal servants of of vassal families were in the upper-middle ranks, and loyal retainers of descendants were the highest rank a servant can obtain. 

If Myra became Sethos' retainer, she could obtain many more benefits, a higher salary, and even protection for her and her family. However, despite that, she was still unsure whether she should accept his offer. Myra looked back to the time when Madam Aurelia rescued her from the streets and offered her a job in the Silvermoon Estate. At that time, she vowed to herself that she would work up the ranks and become a personal retainer of the Madam. To achieve her goal, she would do her best in every job she was assigned, volunteered for extra work hours, and even diligently trained herself though she had no aptitude in magic. But now, Sethos Silvermoon, the son of Madam Aurelia, was asking her to become his retainer. 

"I- I'll need some time to think about it, I- apologise, young master." Myra regretfully bowed her head and said. She was ready for Sethos to lash out at her for not hearing the answer he expected. However, his response was completely different to her expectations.

"I see, yuu wanted to wourk foa mah muhdaah, wight?" (I see, you wanted to work for my mother, right?) 

"Howevaa, dun you fink da best way to repay mah muhdaah ish to hel and protecc meh, her son?" (However, don't you think the best way to repay my mother is to help and protect me, her son?)

"Beshide, I kno yuu arh haf beasman, an I hab wat yuu despehwetly wan." (Besides, I know you are half beastman, and I have what you desperately want.) Sethos stated with a smile.

"Is it what I think it is?" Myra replied with disbelief. 

"Yesh, I can teech yuu tekneeckes dat could wival majeek." (Yes, I can teach you techniques that could rival magic.)