
Reincarnated Dungeon Master: I am the Weakest Villain

Max was an avid gamer playing an erotic game called ⟪Dungeon Breaker⟫ Upon finishing, he briefly thought of wanting to experience the game world crossed his mind, but he didn't think it would happen to him. The company sent out a review request, which he accepted. It was a simple browser with various multiple-choice questions; sometimes, the music became distorted when he answered. Maybe it detected his lies, or he liked both answers. Once he finished the last question, something attacked him. He hit his head on the corner of the desk before his neck was snapped by the remote control truck on the ground. He woke up in another world, the world of the game he had just reviewed, the erotic RPG ⟪Dungeon Breaker⟫, but he was not the hero. Rather, he was the weakest dungeon master, who died in the tutorial. Asmodeus, the lord of lust, was an incubus that could only use fire magic and couldn't equip any weapons. "I will never die to those foolish Heroes. Even if I can only use fire, I will burn them to death!" Follow Max, who abandons everything and dedicates himself to improving himself to fight against his nightmare handicap, as he battles heroes, demon lords and the dungeon masters to become the strongest dungeon master and god of magic he aspires to become.

Crimson_Tyrant · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Cold Mature Maid And Goblin Shortstack!

There was no way this could be true.

This was the only thought possible in my mind.

"Where am I?"

I tried to recover, but when my body moved, I fell back, hitting something cold and hard. It seemed to be a damaged marble wall.

Trying to assess my situation, I looked around, concluding I was in a cave shrouded in darkness.

It reminded me of a scary horror movie called The Descent, where many people get lost in a dark, narrow cave and are hunted by a strange creature. This room was around 20 metres high. Quite amazing. Didn't this mean I was deep in the earth right now...

Without food or water.


My breathing began to slow, something my mother taught me when she used to suffer from anxiety.

I took a deep breath, blowing the air as quietly as possible.

"...Last night, I filled out that strange survey before suddenly blacking out. It was late. I didn't eat or drink and was yet to bathe..."

Slowly the breathing technique worked, helping me calm down—however, it turned out that my memory and cognitive functions were working well.

"The blow didn't cause major damage, at least."

While I ensured my eyes, ears and other senses were fine, I noticed two people—maybe they were monsters? I was unsure one was a small green lady with a rather ample bosom and rump that didn't match her short stature.

Yet her face was extremely pretty.

Then the other one was a tall woman with a petite build, a mature face, soft pink hair, and a maid outfit with demon-like characteristics.

At first, I felt it might be cosplay and wanted to admire their craftsmanship as it looked flawless, unlike those cheap costumes bought online!

"Lord?" A strange tone and language sounded, but did I understand the pretty little shortstack girl?

But then I saw my face reflected in the beautiful marble flooring.


This isn't me...

I was average at best in my last life, but this face was far too obnoxiously handsome that it made me feel attracted to it, even as a male, for a moment.

"That's me...?" My lips moved in the reflection before I lifted my hands to notice the difference.

Gone was my worn, tanned skin from years of work and living as a commoner, replaced by beautifully soft and fair skin all over my arms.

"Lord Asmodeus?" Once again, that bombshell, despite being barely over 5'4", spoke to me with that weird language.


Dark cave.

Faithful goblin shortstack with a nice body, icy maid with pink hair looking at me like I killed her mother...


Instantly after, before I could focus on myself, a loud voice entered my head, not my ears, but directly into my brain.

Then a screen that was familiar to me appeared on the right side of my vision, identical to ⟪Dungeon Breaker's Status Screen!⟫

[Connection of Soul to Target Body 100% Completed]

[Congratulations on becoming Dungeon Master Asmodeus]

[Main Task]

Survive the first invasion


100 DP, 1 Basic Summoning Circle

Before I could fully adjust myself and understand the situation, I felt dread and despair.

I was sure to have selected that I like playing games in easy mode, but now I am... Asmodeus!

The weakest Dungeon Master. Someone scripted to die in the first hour of the game, and what's more... I could only use ONE element of magic and had 0 affinities with anything else.

A weak body... poor magic... This truly was Nightmare Mode!

"Asmodeus, why are you being pathetic and standing there, don't say you are scared again?" The maid's voice was filled with a poisonous tone.

Well, I cannot blame her. The lore between the two is horrible...

This bastard tried to use his position as a Dungeon Master to molest her.

"My Lord?"

The cute goblin who was always treated like a shield in the game, most faithful to the man named Asmodeus and never rewarded even in the end, dies to save him with nothing but a slap to the face for "Harming his pride."

"Muru, are there intruders?" I tried to speak with my most pleasant and elegant voice—12 years in the drama club helped me with the tone and sound. Thanks, Mother! You want to see me on the big stage singing and dancing seems to have helped me!

Yet she looked at me with a bright red face and waved her arms at me.

"Hooh. You couldn't seduce me and left with your tail between your legs."

"So now you're going to try fucking the inferior goblin? What a pathetic Dungeon Master I serve."

Before I could speak back, I saw two choices as the world seemed to stop for a moment, just like the computer before.

[1. I would sure love to have this goblin serve me forever.]

[2. The maid is hard, but I can make her like me!]

I couldn't choose quickly; there was already the moment of betrayal that this damn choice system did to me.

My preference was kind older sisters, and somehow, I was placed with an "older sister" that would gladly castrate and kill me without a second thought and a gentle shortstack that could sacrifice herself, and all I needed to do was ask.

Not only that, I chose the answer for an easy playthrough... Wait, I also chose a more physical character, not magic! Asmodeus is a Magic ONLY Boss... Why?

Is this why that damn song became distorted.

Not just the music, but my answers were distorted too!

I looked between the two women as this choice was most likely far more important than just getting their trust.

Would the other betray me, draw further away or end up my enemy? I might be overthinking here, but with no idea what is happening, what can I do?!

But let's be perfectly honest, why would I choose this maid after all the previous me did? I cannot let her become my most trusted aide.

How could she trust me fully and never forget the act of rape my previous body's owner did? Would she believe it if I said. "oh, that was another Asmodeus—I am a changed man!"

Like hell, she would!

Thus my choice would only ever be number 1.

Muru, a goblin knight who is infertile and abandoned by her clan, was picked up by Asmodeus on a whim and became his protector.

No matter how much he abused her, told her she was ugly and not a real woman because of her infertility, she never once betrayed him...

Could you not find a girl this tragic cute? I am a mage; mages are squishy. That maid is called Sophia, and she is a magic type too.

Do I need to spell it out...

Two Mages, like in the normal game, is a retarded idea with no tank!

My spine shuddered at the thought the game might ask me to seduce and be nice to Sophia. There was no way I would simp for a cold-faced demon bitch.

So after pressing the choice, I sat on the broken black marble 'Throne' behind me and crossed my legs before the world began to move again like normal.

Tapping my leg, "Come Muru, sit."

Without a complaint or reaction other than a huge smile, she hopped onto my right thigh, dangling her legs between mine as she sometimes sneaked into my face. I couldn't say I liked her or felt anything.

But of the two, this woman could save my life.

I needed her.

And as expected, the pink-haired Sophia walked off with a huff and gave me daggers.


[Invasion Detected: Type Human]

[Would you like to activate the Dungeon Master Interface?]

[Yes] / [No]