
Reincarnated Business Man

Royal_Pulse · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 4: Payment Received

Nathan was ecstatic as he left the networking event that night. He had just landed his first client, Maria, the owner of a small restaurant. She had approached him after hearing him speak about website design and had hired him on the spot to create a website that would showcase her restaurant and attract more customers.

The next morning, Nathan got right to work on the website. He spent hours poring over templates and designs, trying to find the perfect look for Maria's restaurant. He wanted something that was both beautiful and functional, something that would make customers want to come in and try the food.

After a few days of hard work, Nathan had created a beautiful website that he was proud to show Maria. He scheduled a meeting with her at the restaurant and brought his laptop along to show her the website.

Maria was thrilled with the website. She loved the colors, the photos, and the easy-to-navigate layout. She couldn't believe that Nathan had created something so beautiful in such a short amount of time.

"How much do I owe you for this?" Maria asked, looking at Nathan expectantly.

Nathan hesitated for a moment before giving his price. He knew that he was just starting out and that he didn't have much experience, so he didn't want to charge too much. At the same time, he didn't want to sell himself short.

"Two thousand dollars," Nathan said, holding his breath.

Maria looked surprised but nodded her head. "That's more than I was expecting, but I can tell that you put a lot of work into this. I'm happy to pay that."

Nathan breathed a sigh of relief. He had just made two thousand dollars from his first client! It wasn't a huge amount, but it was a start. He knew that if he could keep creating beautiful websites like this one, he would be able to grow his business and make a good living.

As they wrapped up the meeting, Maria thanked Nathan and promised to recommend him to her friends and colleagues. Nathan couldn't have been happier. He had just taken a huge step towards his dream of being a successful entrepreneur.