
Reincarnated as Uraume in the heian era

Rin, a seventeen-year-old girl with a troubled past, finds herself reincarnated in the Heian era of the Jujutsu Kaisen universe as Uarume with her cursed techniquee. Can Rin survive the Heian era and encounter Ryomen Sukuna, enduring the fate of being a chef, and still manage to meet both the strongest sorcerer in history and the strongest in the modern day without succumbing to their immense power? “Domain expansion: Seas of the Crystal Forest” As the domain "Seas of the Crystal Forest" formed around Sukuna, he casually activated his "Hollow Wicker Basket" with a flick of one of his lower pairs of hands forming the hand sing, a smirk of complete disdain playing on his lips. "I'm curious to see how you plan to escape from me," he taunted, his voice laced with confident challenge, while his other pair of arms remained poised, ready for any move. #No yuri (death for all of the yuri lovers) This fic might get too dark for some of you, so please feel free to leave if cockroaches scare you ps: I don't own Jujutsu kaisen, obviously, nor do i own anything else mentioned or referenced except for my OC's.

TH_Inbox · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Domain expansion

"My skin is all red and I have several injuries. Let's hurry up," Rin urged as she passed Akira.

Akira "…"




Meanwhile, as Aqua was drinking his sake, a knock sounded on his door.

"Come in," Aqua commanded, his voice steady.

Tetsuya entered, bowing respectfully. "Aqua-sama, we have spotted the maker of the Kitsuki village genocide and gathered information on her using Dororo's cursed technique."

"Oh? Go ahead," Aqua listened with interest, setting his sake aside.

"Her name, as we know so far, is Rin Akutami, though it could be a fake name. She is 18 years old and is currently staying in Fukiya Village with the patriarch of the Sadatsuna school. Surprisingly, they both managed to exorcise a registered special grade curse, Nuribotoke," Tetsuya reported, his face unreadable.

Aqua leaned back, absorbing the information. "Rin Akutami… interesting. And she exorcised a special grade curse, you say? That's quite the feat."

"Yes, Aqua-sama. It seems she's more formidable than we initially thought," Tetsuya agreed.

Aqua's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "Inform our allies about her. She might be an asset. However, if they find her to be a threat, they are free to do as they please with her."

Tetsuya bowed again, understanding the weight of Aqua's command. "Understood, Aqua-sama. I will relay the information immediately."




A week passed, and Rin continued perfecting her Simple Domain, sparring with Akira in her free time. Her combat skills improved steadily, each session bringing new insights and refinements.

One morning, after packing her belongings, Rin stood at the village exit. She gazed at the city she had grown to loathe, a part of her wanting to freeze it solid just for existing. The only thing holding her back was her binding vow.

As she turned to leave, she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"Are you going without even saying goodbye to me?" Akira asked, his face a dramatic mask of fake sadness, trying to mimic Rin's typical theatrics.

"Oh, it's you, Akira. Who could have thought," Rin replied mockingly.

"How am I going to live now without your food? Everything else tastes like dirt compared to what you cook," Akira said, feigning distress.

"I miss the part where that's my problem," Rin replied with a smirk.

"I think you owe me something, right—" Akira began, but Rin interrupted him.

"About the kiss? Come, let me give it to you. I didn't think you would remind me yourself," Rin said, approaching him with a provocatively playful smile.

"I meant that you owe me your life as I saved you. Who mentioned a kiss?" Akira retorted, stopping Rin with his hand, his face showing clear disgust.

"The next time we meet, I will be a special grade, and you… hehe," Rin said provocatively, a hint of disdain in her voice, ignoring the fact that she owed Akira her life.

"Let me give you some advice," she continued, her tone serious. "No matter what, never fight Sukuna. Even if all the sorcerers, all the cursed spirits, and all the curse users banded together, they would never be able to take him down. He is that strong. So in the future, if they invite you to jump Sukuna, refuse, and you will live a little Longer."



"Ryomen Sukuna, huh? I heard he's a very strong special grade curse user, and they even gave him the title of the King of Curses. But we have six special grade sorcerers on our side. Even with the strongest being Aqua, we'd lose? I think you might be delusional, Rin," Akira responded, not taking her advice seriously.

"Well, whatever you say," Rin replied, a smirk on her lips. "But remember, don't think I will save you just because I owe you my life when it comes to Sukuna."

Akira watched as Rin walked away, her words echoing in his mind. Despite his skepticism, there was something about her warning that unsettled him. He shook his head, deciding to focus on his training. If Rin was aiming for special grade, he couldn't afford to fall behind.


"I need to master my Domain ASAP," Rin thought to herself as she trekked through an icy mountain. The frigid air was of no consequence to her, thanks to her ice curse technique. She pressed on, her determination unwavering.

"If that bum Megumi can master it, I think I can too," Rin muttered, making random hand signs and chanting "Domain Expansion" with each gesture. Despite her efforts, nothing happened. Her frustration grew with each failed attempt.

"Even if it's incomplete, it's fine," Rin said, her frustration evident. She knew that mastering a Domain Expansion was no easy feat, but she was determined to succeed.

"I need to enter my training arc," Rin declared, her resolve solidifying. She headed toward the highest point of the mountain, seeking solitude and clarity. The journey was treacherous, but Rin's determination drove her forward.

As she climbed higher, the wind howled around her, and the snow grew deeper. Rin pushed through, her mind focused on her goal. She reached a plateau near the summit, the view breathtaking despite the harsh conditions.

"This is it," she said to herself, taking a deep breath. She sat down, crossing her legs, and began to meditate. The cold and snow around her were mere background noise, her ice curse technique keeping her comfortable. She concentrated on her cursed energy.

She remembered how the Domain felt when she experienced it for the first time in Nuribotoke Domain, and she tried to replicate that sensation in her mind time after time.

As time passed, Rin's mind became more attuned to her surroundings. She could feel the flow of cursed energy within her, the icy landscape enhancing her focus. With each visualization, she honed her ability to create her Domain—a vast expanse of frozen crystal forest that reflected her inner strength and personality.

In her mind's eye, Rin envisioned the Domain stretching endlessly, crystalline trees towering above, their branches glistening with frost. The air was sharp and clear, imbued with a quiet power that resonated with her spirit. She imagined an icy moon-like orb floating behind her, casting a soft, ethereal glow over the landscape. This frozen forest was not just a creation but an extension of herself, a manifestation of her resilience and determination.

"Domain Expansion," she whispered, her voice steady. She felt a flicker of energy, a hint of success. Encouraged, she continued her efforts, refining her technique, and pushing her limits.

Days turned into weeks turned into Months as Rin dedicated herself to her training. She faced countless challenges, both physical and mental, but she never wavered. Her control over her cursed energy improved, and her understanding of her Domain deepened.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Rin stood at the edge of the plateau, her eyes closed. She took a deep breath, her mind clear and focused.

"Domain Expansion," she said firmly. This time, she felt a surge of power as the air around her shimmered and twisted with her command. The landscape before her began to transform, responding to her will. The frozen crystal forest materialized, its towering trees casting long shadows that danced in the soft light of the imagined icy moon. The air crackled with her cursed energy, enhancing the aura of her Domain.

Rin opened her eyes slowly, taking in the sight before her. The Domain was no longer just a visualization; it was real, tangible, and under her control. She felt the strength and resilience of the crystalline trees, the ethereal glow of the moon-like orb behind her, empowering her every move.

"Hahahahahah, finally I did it! Mastering it without a desperate situation is insanely hard. Six months! Six freaking months to master it. I lived like a homeless person all this time," Rin said while scratching her messy hair.

With newfound confidence, Rin tested the boundaries of her Domain. She summoned icy winds that swept through the forest, causing the crystalline leaves to chime softly. She experimented with shaping the landscape, forming icy barriers and pathways that responded to her gestures.

"But is it supposed to be an incomplete one at first? Or am I just special? Or is everyone better than that bum Megumi?" Rin thought to herself.

"But holy ****, it costs a hell of a lot of cursed energy. I think I can only open one Domain a week. My cursed energy control is still ass. I have to keep working on it or just try to land a Black Flash. Maybe that will help me understand my cursed energy better," Rin muttered to herself.

"I need to work on my hand-to-hand combat too and there is reverse curse technique too. Ughh, so much work," Rin said annoyingly as she was ready to leave this ass mountain.

She descended from the peak, each step taking her closer to her next phase of training. Despite the frustration, she knew that the hard work was necessary. Her experiences on the mountain had taught her the value of perseverance and dedication.




Author note:

I haven't decided yet on how Rin is going to transition to the modern era, which might happen after 20-30 chapters from now. What should I do? Please vote on the options below:

Rin learns how to turn herself into a cursed object: Rin becomes a special grade cursed object like Sukuna and asks Kenjaku to revive her with a vessel.


Rin creates a sealing ice technique: Rin seals herself using a unique ice technique and makes a binding vow for the seal to release after 1000 years.


Rin learns a soul technique: Rin discovers a technique that allows her to reincarnate, similar to Jin Itadori's soul.

If you don't like any of these options, please share your ideas. They might inspire me. Thank you!


(This is outside the Topic: but What do you guys think? This is just my view.

Everyone talks about how Sukuna is a fraud, but I rarely see people discussing Gojo, the biggest fraud. Let's dive into the Heian era Sukuna without the World Slash and imagine if he fought Gojo in episode 2 of season 1 when Gojo said, "Nah, I'd win" for the first time. If they fought, Gojo would lose so badly it would be embarrassing.

If Gojo had not been sealed inside the Prison Realm, he wouldn't have an effective way to counter Sukuna's Domain Expansion and would lose every Domain Clash. Sukuna could probably launch Kamino and end him in the first domain clash. Some might argue that Gojo can teleport away, but do you think Gojo would run away from his biggest fight ever, his second most challenging fight after Toji? Gojo is goated and isn't a coward.

Why don't people talk about the 200% Hollow Purple? How did Gojo get three people helping him out and enhancing his output? Some might say it didn't affect Sukuna, claiming Sukuna is just that guy goated, but what if it did affect him? What if it was the thing that gave Gojo a 0.00001% chance to win? We can conclude that Gojo is a fraud for taking outside help from others.

What's you opinion?)