
Reincarnated as the youngest son

This is a story about a boy, Lawrence, who's reincarnated into a world where magic, monsters, elves, demons and beastpeople are common. Watch where the plot leads our protagonist as he grows up with the memories of his past life in a new and unfamiliar world. Hope ya'll like the story.

noobmaster · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Ch#6 : A Fight

I was wondering around the city when something caught my eye. It was a shop, a restaurant to be exact. I hadn't tasted much food in this world yet so I decided to go and have a taste. Inside the restaurant, it was a very cheerful atmosphere, people laughing, chatting and drinking. Most of them seemed to be adventurers, relaxing after a hard day at work.

I decided to take a seat as well. After some time a boy came up to me. He was wearing casual clothes and seemed to be in his late teens. Apparently he was a waiter at this restaurant. He asked me,

" What would you like to order, sir?"

" Its my first time here so can you recommend me something good?" I replied with a slight laugh.

" I would recommend you the wolf steak, it's pretty rare so it will be expensive but it tastes delicious." He said.

" I'll go with that then." I replied with a smile.

I had a lot of money with me so I wasnt worried about the cost. I just wanted good food. While I was waiting for my food, I observed my surroundings a bit more. One or two fights broke out as well but they were taken care of quickly. I saw three people sitting on a table not that far from me. They were wearing black capes and masks. I got very curious and started observing their actions. Of course I tried my best to keep them from noticing but they noticed me right away. They seemed to be some sort of spies. I still kept an eye on them though.

After a while the waiter came back with my meal. It smelt really good. I asked the waiter...

" Who are those people wearing masks?"

" Oh they are from the intelligence unit. They often come here to eat."

" Do you know who they are?" I asked him.

" Of course not." He said.

Then he left. I was waiting eagerly for this moment. The steak in front of me looked very well cooked and juicy. I took a bite and for a moment I felt like I was in heaven.It was that good. I savored every bit of it.

I payed the money and left the shop. Then I roamed around the city in search of something interesting. I soon saw some guys with those capes and masks again. This time there were two of them. I decided to tail them, so I took out a mask from my inventory and put it on to conceal my identity. I kept my distance but I also kept them in my vision. I was prepared for being locked up in prison for some days if I were to get caught though. I thought that since I was just a 6 year old they would let me off the hook if I just said that I was curious so I started following them. It was a pretty naive thought but I couldn't see them torturing a 6 year old in search of information.

They walked in circles. They knew that I was tailing them. I knew that but still chose to ignore the fact that they were going around in circles, passing through the same place over and over again. When they saw that they can't just shake me off they decided to take action. At one point they went separate ways. One went to the left and the other walked straight. I decided to go straight. I was expecting an attack from behind but a few minutes passed and nothing happened. The guy ii was following continued to go straight and there was no movement behind me but I was on guard.

After a while the guy I was following, stopped and turned behind. He couldnt see ke but he sensed me and threw a gaze at me. At that moment I sensed someone coming from behind. The attack was very fast but I managed to get out of the way in time. The attack just grazed me but it left a cut on my face. When I turned to look, it was the other guy, as expected. I smiled slightly. He then closed the distance between us and thre a punch at my face, which I evaded. He then quickly tried to kick me, I blocked it and threw a punch at his face, which he stopped with his palm. Then he came at me with a barrage of attacks. I evaded most of them but one punch hit me in the stomach. I quickly jumped back but he closed the distance in an instant and threw a kick at my face which I blocked with my forearm. Then I threw a punch at his stomach which he blocked, just to be hit by a kick in the face. I didnt hesitate and went on the offensive. Suddenly the tables turned and he was helpless. I punched him in the face, his gut and the final one, I drilled in his liver. Blood came out of his mouth. Then I backed up a little to let him catch his breath.

On seeing me back up, he looked me, of course I couldn't see his face but I bet he was really shocked at my behaviour. Then he got up on his feet slowly and asked in a pained voice.....

"Who in the world are you?"

"Just an ordinary kid." I replied with that in a sarcastic manner.

The other guy who was watching this, came to help his partner. He didn't take a fighting stance but he was on guard. I wasnt going to attack them tho. He helped his partner stand properly. The injured guy said to me....

"Let's fight some other time."

" Yeah sure." I replied.

Then we parted ways, of course I didnt take my mask off because I was still cautious about these intelligence guys.

Only an hour or so had passed since brother Dave told me to go home so I had a lot of time still to explore the city. I chose not to and went in the direction of Marie's house so that I could check if brother Dave was back yet ot not.....

noobmaster here,

Well it's been some time since I wrote a chapter. This one came out pretty much to my satisfaction. I hope you guys like it as well.

Tell me how the story is in the comments please.

Till next time, Take care

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