
Reincarnated as the youngest son

This is a story about a boy, Lawrence, who's reincarnated into a world where magic, monsters, elves, demons and beastpeople are common. Watch where the plot leads our protagonist as he grows up with the memories of his past life in a new and unfamiliar world. Hope ya'll like the story.

noobmaster · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Ch#5 : A trip to the city

Our house was located in the outskirts of the capital city. One day, brother Dave said to me,

" Have you ever been to the city before?"

" No, I have not" I replied.

" Well, let's go today then." he said.

I was quite surprised at his proposal but I nodded in agreement and hot ready to go. We rode a horse to the city.

I was really excited as it was my first time in this world, that I was going to the city.

When we got to the gate of the city, my brother showed some card, which was apparently his adventurer card, to the guards over there and they let him through. The city was surrounded by big walls, about a 100 feet tall, which looked pretty sturdy. From the inside, the city was very crowded. Near the gate there were some shops, and there I, for the first time in my life, saw a beast person. It was a Male with dog ears, and a tail. The rest was the same as humans. I was staring at him in awe when brother Dave signalled me not to stare too much. I also saw some elves.

We weren't there for any business, we just went to the city for sightseeing. That's what I thought but brother Dave had other plans. He took me to the adventurers guild. Everyone was staring at me. I felt really uncomfortable over there but kept my composure and continued to walk with brother Dave. Brother Dave went into a room and signalled me to wait outside.

After a few minutes brother Dave came out and said that we're going to meet his friend. Then we left the guild. We went through some streets and as we went deeper into the city, the number of people and noise decreased. We now came at a type of colony. There were about 50 houses there. They were nowhere near the size of our house, but they were not that small as well.

We went and knocked on the door of a house. A girl, about my age came out. She had blonde, short hair and was about the same height as me. She looked at brother Dave, smiled and let us in. Then she went upstairs, yelling, " Mama! Mama! He's here."

It looked like they were expecting brother Dave. Then, a lady in her late twenties, came down the stairs. She had black, medium sized hair and was about the height of Sister Luna.

Brother Dave signalled me to go outside, so I left the room and sat on a chair to wait, just like a good boy, which I definitely was not. Seeing me sitting there the girl came towards me and asked shyly ....." Umm, what's your name?"

" Lawrence, and yours?" I replied with a smile.

" Marie" she answered.

" How old are you, Marie?" I asked her.

" I'm 5" she replied.

" What's your ability?" I asked her.

" I use teleportation magic."

" Oh wow, that's cool. I wish I had something unique as well. I'm just a magic swordsman."

" Do you practice your magic?" I asked her.

" Yeah I do it with mama, everyday."

" That's nice." I said.

" And how old are you?" She asked me.

" I'm 6." I replied.

" So you'll be my senior at the academy huh." She said.

" Yeah. I hope we get along." I said while holding my hand out for a handshake.

" Likewise." she said while shaking my hand.

After a while, brother Dave came out of the room and said to.....

" Sorry bud, we will have to cut our trip short this time. I have some work to do."

" Is there gonna be some fighting?" I asked.

" Well, yeah. That's why you should stay here until we come back."

" Ok" I said with a disappointed look on my face.

Soon after they both left. I turned to Marie and said.

" Before I go, can you show me your teleportation magic?" I requested her.

" Yes of course." She replied.

She then teleported from inside the house to the garden outside. I said my goodbye and went to the city. Of course my brother had said to ho home but I wanted to explore the city for a bit more. It was a very rare chance for me to explore something new in this world. There was no way that I'll not take the chance.

Noobmaster here,

I hope you like this chapter. It was a little incomplete but I'm pretty satisfied.

And please,please leave a comment. I'm an attention seeker so I dont like it when I get ignored.

Anyway hope u guys are safe. Take care.

noobmastercreators' thoughts