
reincarnated as the villain

a guy is killed in the middle of the street while walking his sister to school and is then reincarnated in a new world of ???

x_xavier · แอคชั่น
3 Chs


Huh where am i. My vision is blurry and all I can hear are a bunch of muffled sounds. Am I in a hospital? If so, where is my sister? Is she okay? I hope she's not hurt. I feel drowsy and can't keep my eyes open I hope …

How long have i been asleep also why is everything black and white i i can't move was i paralyzed does paralysis affect vision what is that sound an explosion was there an accident

Gauss I fell asleep again "grrrrrr!!" so hungry i should try to call out to someone but i don't want to wake the other patients mmmmhh i can't move though what am i gonna do.well i have no choice"hello!."Is There anyone here!" No response gauss there's no one here i might as well

Go back to sleep im sure theyll be someone to feed me sooner or later

Sweet. What is this it has a creamy texture it tastes nice "look at him go so cuttte!"a voice it's the first time i've heard someone wait did she just call me cute oh whatever no need to think just drink soo good "il tak vil na al te ri so ka.kanta na' who said that as i looked up i saw a young looking lady probably only in her twenties her chest had been exposed but for some odd reason

I Didn't find it attractive or weird, they are pretty small though I thought to myself.

I thought that maybe she's a nurse but then why wouldn't she have a shirt on.

From the angle I'm looking at her it seems like she's carrying me but that's not possible. Is my vision damaged more than I thought or maybe I'm not actually in a hospital but if I'm not in a hospital then where am i and what's happened to my sister was she hurt if so i should ask her that's right why don't i i just ask the her.

I started asking a bunch of questions but i was only greeted with a smile and the more i began to ask and actually determine where i was the more it began to sink in i was in no hospital

Have I been kidnapped?I asked myself as my vision had finally begun to notice the color of everything around me, the wooden walls all around me. the spider in the corner of the room.

The almost medieval decor and the lady who i could now clearly see her white hair, golden

Eyes and pale skin.

Should I run?

As I tried to act on that thought trying to move my body which felt paralyzed before. My hand moved and I tried to grab the lady's arm when I noticed why. Why is my hand so small