
(VII) An Unorthodox Victory

"What did you say, boy?" Cody asked, his eyebrow twitching as he glared at him incredulously.

"I'm not some scared field mouse cornered by a barn cat!" Mikaru shouted with determination, "If you can finish me, then do it!"

Leon noticed Mikaru's expression and demeanor changed suddenly after that. He dashed forward as Cody entered a defensive stance.

Mikaru feinted an overhead slash as the Commander raised his sword to block it, but the wooden sword soared over his head as the young man slid between his legs.

He jumped into the air and grabbed the wooden sword. Cody smirked, turned around, and remarked, "All of that showboating when you're actually coming from above."

The Commander raised his wooden sword, successfully blocking the attack; however, due to the force and momentum of Mikaru's swing, his sword lightly grazed his shoulder.

"We're finished here…" Cody said ominously as he stood straight, pointing the wooden sword at the ground.

"Huh..?" Mikaru asked, staring confused as he didn't know his sword touched the Commander's shoulder.

"It's your win…" The Commander replied, turning as the squire rushed over with a wet towel. He took it and wiped the sweat from his face, "As promised, I'll train you in swordsmanship myself."

"Congratulations, Mikaru!" Leon ran over, his eyes beaming with pride, "That was an amazing fight!"

The soldiers rushed over, encircling Mikaru as they were invigorated by the heat of the battle. They asked him how he pulled off that last move and if he wanted to spar.

"I'm sorry, but…" Mikaru chuckled, raising his shaking hands and trembling sword, "My hands are shaking so bad from the Commander's strikes that I can't hold a sword any longer…"

The soldiers nodded in agreement, stating that it was to be expected against a sword master like the Commander and requested they spar next time.

"Quit playing around and get back to practice!" Cody shouted, causing the soldiers to jump in shock before rushing back to their positions.

"Get your rest tonight, because tomorrow, you're going to wish you never came here." He warned the Parthrak before turning around and departing.

Leon and Mikaru returned to the keep, leaving the soldiers behind as they failed to mimic his feint and sneak attack combo.

They approached the front doors when a menacing aura suddenly appeared behind them. Leon held his arm out, stopping Mikaru from opening the doors, "I don't think you want to do that…"

Before the two could vacate, the doors burst open as Sasha stood before them, her eyes wild from anger as steam escaped her nose with each breath.

Moments later, the two were nursing injuries inside the young lord's room after his mother went ballistic on them when Mikaru turned to him and asked, "Is it really okay for me to live here..?"

"Of course! You took on the job of my personal servant and bodyguard, didn't you?" Leon asked, smiling as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Yes…" He nodded, looking down with a smile, "I wanted to help you out, even if it's just a little bit… but is it really okay for me to be a servant?"

"I've heard that question about thirty times already!!" Leon exclaimed, smiling as he laughed, "This is the house of the count of a small territory and you're now a hired servant of said house. It's not that dreamy of a story if I'm being honest."

"No…" Mikaru countered, smiling back at him, "To me, this entire story is like a dream come true."

Suddenly, he knelt before Leon, bowing his head as he rested his elbow on his knee, "Master Leon, without you I would have been dead in the streets… I'm really grateful to you. I swear, I will devote the rest of my life to you and only you."

Leon was taken aback as a wave of awkwardness washed over him before he patted Mikaru on the shoulder, "I will have you as long as you wish to serve me."

The two clasped their hands together as the young lord approached the balcony, grabbing the sheet rope and pulling it up.

"Milord!" Mikaru exclaimed, running over, "You're not going to disobey your mother again, are you?"

"Of course not!" He replied, pulling the end of the sheet rope over the railing, revealing the two wooden swords knotted together, "I wish to begin practicing!"

"I understand." He said, grabbing the two swords and handing one to Leon, "I'll teach you."

"Forget that. I know how to fight with a sword. Let's spar!" He said, spinning the wooden blade in his palm and dashing forward. He swung at Mikaru, who effortlessly blocked the attack.

It wasn't long before Leon was panting heavily, leaning forward as he rested against his knees, lamenting aloud, "I can't believe I'm already exhausted!"

"It's to be expected if the rumors were accurate." Mikaru said, walking to the table and pouring a glass of water before handing it to the young boy.

"The rumors..?" He asked before it dawned on him, "Oh, yeah, the mana poisoning. Yeah, that was true."

"It's a miracle someone bedridden for nearly eighteen months has been up and running around all day!" He exclaimed, staring at him with concern, "You get into bed, I'll go grab your dinner."

Leon sighed, nodding and agreeing with him as he lazily walked to his bed. He stripped his clothes off as he fell into the bed, passing out before Mikaru could even leave the room.

He walked through the castle hallways, still thinking, 'Is it truly okay that I'm allowed to live here..?'

"Hey, Parthrak boy!" A voice called out from behind him, startling him as he turned to see a man with blonde hair pulled back into a short ponytail with fierce golden eyes.

"My lord!" Mikaru bowed, instantly recognizing the golden eyes that were known only to the Astrahart family's main house.

"No need for formalities, you're my youngest brother's servant, not mine." Alec smiled softly, "I saw your bout with that old scrooge, you did well."

"Thank you, but your compliments are wasted on someone as lowly as me." He replied, standing straight as the eldest patted his shoulder.

"Nonsense!" He chuckled, turning around, "Let me show you to the servant's quarters."

"Why are you here?" Mikaru asked, following Alec as he led him through the castle, "I thought Leon was the Count of Othniel."

"He is, but no matter how smart he may be, he's still a child." He chuckled, shaking his head, "I've been serving as the Count in place of him since his arrival, I was just away on business when he awoke."