
Reincarnated as the oppressed sacrifice

from a criminal into a sacrifice

Salah_Dea · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

chapter 5 :

Reincarnated as the oppressed sacrifice

Chapter 5:

Despite the horrible physical pain caused by the stabs wounds, the emotional pain as a result of  the betrayal had a greater impact on Valiard soul, as although they were not his real family, he decided to consider them as such, since Adam soul came to Valiard body he spent 50 days with them.

The sun has set and the crimson moon has risen,Both of them were happy to get rid of valiard

  The sacrifice rite is complete، The princess and queen returned to the palace while the sacrifices were thrown into the demons cave "Dungeon portal"


Valiard, wounded, full of blood, and in a deplorable state, is about to enter a dark cave as a sacrifice to the demons.

Someone from afar shouted: "Throw them in the cave gate,  we have no time"

All the sacrifices entered, the countdown to their death began, some of them sat in shock, waiting for the moment of their death, while some tried to dig a hole to hide like a mouse in order to extend their life for an hour or two, while others stood firm and prepared to fight.

Unfortunately, the monsters inside are stronger than humans, so the survival rate is very low

The moment valiard entered the gate He began to think about the reasons that prompted the queen and her daughter to betray him and sacrifice him, and since he was good at politics in his previous life, he came up with 3 reasons:

-The first reason is fear,the queen was scared of the fact that valiard could steal  the throne from the first prince

-The second reason is Enhancing the influence of the monarchy, since only slaves, commoners, and the poor were sacrificed, that why she thought that sacrificing a prince would calm the anger of the people and enhance the status and the reputation of the queen

-The third reason is because their ugly pride Since they are  noble  and I was nothing but a filthy commoner, they could not bear to live with a concubine son .

valiard vowed angrily to destroy what she tried to protect, including her reputation, her crown, and her throne Then valiard replied to himself sarcastically: "Ha, noble blood, dirty blood. I don't care about this nonsense. How dare she betray me and throw me in this place?"

Although valiard determined his decision to take revenge on them, he was not sure of escaping from this place in the first place