
I'm Aethisia (2)

Time slowly passed by, and the warmth of the womb I was in was...


I reveled in the warmth, which lulled me to sleep countless times.

And one day, I accidentally kicked out when I woke up, and I could hear Astra grunt in slight pain.

Hearing that, I felt guilty and angry at myself; the woman who was carrying and nurturing me was in pain from my kick.

However, a few moments later she muttered soothing, warm words to me, and if I could tear up I would have.


This is what I wanted...

She had forgiven the pain I had caused her, and she even comforted me.

I could only make out a few of the words she muttered to me, but from what I heard...

"...okay baby..."

"... waiting for you, little one..."

"... hear your sister..?"

"... I can't wait..."

"... little blessing? Ha~..."

Every word I heard from my mother made me so happy; she was talking to me with such gentle tenderness...

Of course, guilt wracked my body whenever I kicked or scraped her womb when I awoke, hearing her pain or discomfort as I did so.

However, when it was followed by such kind and comforting words, directed at me...

Well, I'll admit that, when I got lonely, I would reach out and remind her that I was there, just so I could hear her voice.

Every time I did so, I was immediately consumed with guilt, but it was swept away by her forgiveness and love.

And so, time eventually passed by, and I was informed that [Host, it is time to be born! Congratulations!]

'Blinking' a few times, I was surprised when I felt my warm surroundings close in on me, pushing me towards one of the walls.

I could hear mother grunting and groaning in pain, making my little heart cry out.

So, I pushed with all my might, trying to sadly escape this warmth, but I knew that what lay on the other side was much warmer than here.

Pushing and pushing...

Only to hear mother let out pained grunts and a scream, making me redouble my efforts.

I could feel her pushing as well, trying to get me out of her body, and I eventually burst out into the world, my body instantly going cold as the warmth left me.

However, I was swiftly grabbed by a large pair of hands and washed off, and then swaddled in something soft.

Forcing my eyes open, I saw a large dark skinned woman holding me, a giant pair of antlers on her head as she stared down at me with a gentle smile.

Above her head was a name; Rhefia.

Gently poking my cheek, her smile widened as I tilted my head, only for me to be moved to another persons arms.

What entered my eyes was one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen...

Long violet hair, which was currently plated with sweat.

Fair skin that glistened in the light, with not a blemish in sight.

Pale crimson eyes stared down at me in warmth, and I shivered as she lifted me up, nuzzling her cheek against mine.

However, that warmth, paired with the contact, made my heart soar.

Seeing her name, I wanted to reach out and grab her finger, to let her know I was so happy to see her.


My mother.

However, as I was about to reach out to her I felt a sharp pang of hunger in my stomach, and I stared down at her giant breasts, my eyes zeroing onto her hardened nipples.

Seeing my gaze, she smiled gently at me and pulled me to her chest, and I instinctively latched onto her tit, my eyes going wide as a heavenly taste flooded my mouth.

That was how my first moments in this world went; I got to see not only my dama, but also my mother, and I could feel her warmth, her love for me...

I wanted to cry, to jump with joy every time she looked at me, but I was so used to holding everything in that I remained silent.

After I had my fill, sleep took me again, and I eventually awoke to find myself in her arms still, the violet haired woman peacefully sleeping in a rocker.

Staring up at her, I lost myself to her beauty, before looking down at my small hands.

I had pale brown skin, and considering my dama had gigantic antlers...

I was half...


[Correct Host! Rhefia is a Deerkin, while Astra is a Human.]


Continuing to stare up at my new mother, I eventually saw a shadow fall over us, and I turned to see a new face.

Not as tall as dama, but the same skin tone and with shorter antlers, I read her name, Camara.

She was my sister.

Crouching next to me, she smiled at me with slightly darkened cheeks, rubbing my cheek.

Staring at her, I let her continue before reaching up and grabbing her finger, my heart pounding as I saw her smile widen, joy in her muddy crimson eyes.

Then dama entered my view, and she smirked at Camara before reaching for me, gently lifting me from mothers lap.

"Ah~! Look at you~! You look a lot like your mama, hmm~? Wonder if you'll get to be as beautiful as her~?"

Chuckling, she pulled me closer to her, nuzzling her cheek against mine.

Enjoying her warmth and words, I rubbed against her cheek as well, before I found myself in a surprised Camara's arms.

My elder sister stared at me in surprise, only to grin stupidly as I reached my arms out towards her, tilting my head.

Receiving a happy squeal, I found myself smothered in her arms, making my heart soar more.

[Level Up!]

[Would Host like to increase Health, Mana, or Stamina?]


[Very well... Host, as a reminder, you level up by improving and maintaining your relationships with your mother first and foremost, then your dama and sister. I wish you luck Host, and have a happy life this time!]


Looking towards my new mother, I found my heart racing as she opened her eyes, before reaching her arms out towards me.

When I was back in her embrace, I found myself at ease, completely relaxed and warm.

I was at peace.

I had found what I was missing...


So, what do you think about her so far?

Not much to go on, but I want to get back to Astra now, so you'll see things from Aethisia's PoV in about ten chapters.



Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts