
Reincarnated As The King's Wife

Sophie Danvers, formerly a maid for the Royal family, was tragically murdered after witnessing a crime. However, the reincarnation goddess grants her a second chance at life, reincarnating her as the wife of Theodore Silver, the man responsible for her untimely death. Intent on seeking revenge against the family, Sophie soon discovers that there is more to them than meets the eye, becoming entangled in a web of deceit, betrayal, and family secrets. Will she be able to uncover the truth and exact her revenge, or will she succumb to the darkness surrounding the Silver family?

Pheonix_Inks · ย้อนยุค
5 Chs

Chapter 5

The woman scrutinized her from head to toe and let out a scoff, "Are you just going to stand there or are you going to let me in?" she snapped. Ivory heard the maids gasp behind her.

She knew why; no one spoke to Ivory Silver with such a tone. However, she wasn't Ivory Silvers herself. She was just Sophie Danvers temporarily borrowing Ivory's body.

She recognized the woman as Yvonne, a businesswoman seeking to set up her maize plantation in Dystopia..

Ivory remained motionless, feigning ignorance. This seemed to anger the woman further, as she pushed Ivory hard, causing her to fall on her behind.

Ivory winced in pain as she hit the ground. She was accustomed to being pushed around, though. In her previous life, she had often been forced to the floor.

"Know your place next time!" Yvonne snapped with a victorious grin. She must have mistaken Ivory for a maid due to her attire.

"How dare you!" someone yelled. Ivory looked up to see Theo watching them from upstairs.

He leaned over the railing with a glass of wine in his hand. "You're in trouble now," Yvonne whispered to Ivory, oblivious to the consequences of her actions.

"I'm glad you're here, Theo, sir. You should really terminate this maid. Can you believe she…" Yvonne was cut off by a slap, but not from Theo. It was from Queen Amelia. "How dare you?" Queen Amelia snarled.

"I let you into my home, and you have the audacity to push my daughter-in-law to the ground and even dare to call her a maid!" Yvonne seemed to have entered a trance for a moment, standing there, staring into space.

"Y... y... you slapped me," she muttered, blinking repeatedly. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and her lips quivered from shock.

"Yes, and I would do it again," Queen Amelia replied with a defiant look. Although Queen Amelia did not like Ivory, she always stood up for her family. And as much as she hated to admit it, Ivory was her family.

"Get out of my house, Yvonne, and know that Dystopia will no longer accommodate your maize plantation," Queen Amelia snapped. Yvonne ran out in tears. It was Ivory's first time seeing a grown woman cry, and it was all her fault.

Theo came to her side and helped her up. "Did you get hurt? How's your bruised knee?" he asked, scanning her body for injuries.

"I'm fine. I fell on my behind," she replied, moving away from Theo. "My apologies, I invited her over without knowing she would cause a scene," Queen Amelia said with a forced smile. She really despised the fact that she had to act so nice to Ivory. She had promised Theo she would be kind to Ivory while she adjusted to the family.

"It's fine, Queen Amelia. It was my fault anyway," Ivory unintentionally mentioned Queen Amelia's name. "You remember my name?" Amelia asked with a raised brow. "Have you regained your memories?" Theo asked with an anxious look.

"I... I... it just came to me. I don't know..." she stuttered, fearing getting caught. "Your memories must be coming back because of the fall. I told you we should hit a plank on her head," Queen Amelia said, earning a glare from Theo.

"I'll go take my bath," she muttered and left. When she reached her room, she scolded herself for almost slipping up. As she began to undress, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in," she yelled. The door squeaked open, and three maids walked in. "We're here to bathe you, ma'am," one said. Ivory remembered how, in her past life as Sophie, she used to bathe Ivory every day.

She tried to argue with the maids, but they were adamant about bathing her. They were afraid of Theo's anger. Eventually, she gave in and let them bathe her.

They helped her remove her clothes and gave her a cold bath as she requested. They washed her hair and gave her a manicure and pedicure treatment. Ivory felt on top of the world as they treated her like a queen. She couldn't believe that wealthy people received such treatment, while she had never experienced a manicure or pedicure.

Even though this was the second time she was going through the beautifying process, she still wasn't accustomed to it. They selected a red jumpsuit for her to wear and styled her hair into a French braid. They tried to apply makeup to her face, but she refused. She didn't think she needed any makeup since she wasn't going anywhere special.

After finishing, they left her alone in the room, and she took some time to admire herself in the mirror—or rather, to appreciate her host body. She had to admit, Ivory was naturally beautiful, with or without makeup. It was no wonder that Theo was deeply in love with her.

She stepped out of her room and decided to continue her stroll around the mansion. As a maid, she was only permitted in the maid's quarters and the rooms she was assigned to clean.

Accidentally, she entered Diego's quarters, as she was unfamiliar with the boundaries between each section. She only knew their rooms.

Only when she spotted Diego's art studio did she realize she had trespassed. She tried to sneak back to Theo's quarters but was noticed by Diego, who had just finished rehearsing in his studio.

"Ivory! To what do I owe this unwelcome pleasure?" he said with an eye roll. "I... I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to trespass. I was just trying to familiarize myself with the environment," she stammered, trembling out of fear. She was frightened of Diego, as she had a bad experience with him in her previous life.

In her past life, Diego had taken advantage of her and slept with her whenever he pleased. He was even the one who took her virginity.

"You really have lost your memory. The normal Ivory would never stammer," he said with a dry chuckle. Ivory felt uneasy under his gaze and attempted to leave, but he grabbed her and pulled her back.

"Let go of me!" she yelled, struggling to free herself from his grip. Finally, she managed to break free but fell and hit her head in the process.

She winced as a flash of memories rushed through her mind. However, none of them were her own memories. Instead, they were the genuine memories of the real Ivory.