

Two days later on the Going Merry, Gohan was standing in front of Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji. "Let me tell you the rules. If any of you can land a hit on me, I will teach that person a ki blast," said Gohan.

"Really? I want to shoot lasers from my eyes!" said Luffy with excitement.

"I don't want to learn it," said Zoro, not impressed with the reward.

"Oh? But you could do a flying slash with the use of that, and it will be more destructive than the one that Mihawk did at Baratie," said Gohan with a smile.

"Then you better be prepared to get cut," said Zoro as he took out his sword.

"Oh yes! Your other swords got destroyed. Then I will give you guys a handicap. I will only dodge and not attack," said Gohan.

"I am not doing this." Sanji thought and started walking away. "It's good that you know your limits, pervy-cook," said Zoro with a mocking smile.

"What did you say, you moss head!" said Sanji with an angry face.

"You heard me," said Zoro without looking at him.

Seeing them arguing, Gohan said, "I don't have all day, you know."

Sanji sighed and said, "Okay, if we want to land a hit on him, which I am sure is not possible with our current strength, we will have to give it our all," said Sanji while looking at Zoro and Luffy.

"Let's fight already," Luffy said in urgency.

"Wait!" said Gohan, and he covered Merry with his ki.

"Oh! Merry is covered in a mysterious thing," said Luffy.

"That's his ki," said Sanji.

"So you guys can see my ki now! That's neat," said Gohan in surprise.

"This will protect Merry, so you guys can go all out. But I have to keep in touch with the ship," said Gohan while stretching his legs.

"What are you guys waiting for? Let's get started," said Gohan.

Luffy ran back and stretched out both of his hands. He grabbed Sanji and Zoro's shoulders and said, "Gum Gum... SLINGSHOT!" Luffy shouted and came flying towards Gohan, but Gohan side-stepped, and Luffy crashed behind him.

"IT HURTS!!!" shouted Luffy while holding his forehead.

"Oh? I forgot to tell you. Since Merry is covered in ki, then you better fight carefully. Otherwise, you'll hurt yourself," said Gohan.

Zoro and Sanji started running towards him. Zoro from the left while Sanji from the right side. Zoro slashed at him, but Gohan stopped his sword with his index finger of his right hand, while from the left hand, he blocked a kick to the head from Sanji.

"I didn't even feel anything from that. Are you guys even trying?" said Gohan. But suddenly Luffy shouted, "Gum Gum... GATLING!!!"

But Gohan put Zoro and Sanji in front of the attack. 'Shit,' thought all three of them.

Before Luffy could stop himself, Sanji and Zoro got hit by some of the punches. "Damn! you gave them quite a beating there, Captain!" said Gohan with a smile.

"THAT WAS UNFAIR, GOHAN!" shouted Luffy.

"You are misunderstanding something here, Captain. Our opponents are going to be some real pieces of shit. They are not going to fight fairly with us, so we have to be prepared for that," said Gohan with a serious expression.

Luffy looked angry, and his clothes started fluttering, his hair turned spiky, and his skin turned reddish. 'Huh? He turned into a DBZ character!' thought Gohan in shock. Luffy disappeared and appeared before Gohan. He punched him, but he moved his head away. 'He is quite fast!' thought Gohan. Luffy kept attacking while Gohan dodged those attacks.

'He can already use it?' thought both Sanji and Zoro. They were finding it hard to get a proper look at the fight. But suddenly Luffy's body turned back to normal, he dropped down to his butt, and started panting.

"You used up all of your energy in just a few seconds. It can't be helped, after all, you just got this power. So it will take some time for you to control your energy. Till then, it will be better for you to not use it in a fight," said Gohan.

Luffy looked at his hands in deep thought. Right at that moment, Sanji and Zoro attacked him from both sides, but he disappeared. 'Shit!' thought both Sanji and Zoro as they were about to collide with each other. But Gohan reappeared and pushed their heads towards each other while smiling evilly.

'Noooooo..!' shouted both Zoro and Sanji in their minds as their lips collided with each other. Their faces turned blue, then purple. Gohan released their heads, and they bolted towards the railings and started puking. Gohan started laughing loudly.

Nami came out from the cabin hearing his laughter and asked in confusion, "Why are you laughing, Gohan? And what happened to those two?"

"Hahaha... Nami... hehehe... just now!" But before he could continue, both Zoro and Sanji covered his mouth.

"You are not allowed to tell that to Nami, San! Never!" whispered Sanji. "Yes!" whispered Zoro. But by looking at Gohan's face, Sanji knew he would definitely tell Nami about it.

"Listen! If you keep it a secret, I will give you the biggest portion of every dish I am going to make for a whole week," said Sanji.

Gohan looked at Sanji and eyesmiled at him. After that, he looked at Zoro with expectation. Zoro started thinking hard, then gritted his teeth and said, "I will give up alcohol for one week." Gohan's eyes widened with shock, then he eyesmiled at him as well.

"What are you guys whispering about?" asked Nami with a doubtful face.

"Nami! Let me tell you what happened! Just now, two flies got inside their mouths at the same time, and these two idiots swallowed the flies. Then their faces turned blue and then purple at the exact same time. It was so funny!" said Gohan as if it was the best thing.

"Hehehe... what a weird coincidence," said Nami while giggling. 'This bastard can sure make a story,' both Zoro and Sanji thought as their expressions became gloomy.

Suddenly Gohan heard a bird's cry. He looked at the sky. 'A news coo!' he thought as he saw the bird dive towards them. Gohan put out his hand for the bird to sit on, but the bird ignored him and stood on the railing close to Nami.

Nami took the newspaper from it and gave it some money while complaining about the price. The bird left, and Nami opened the newspaper paper to read. But some bounty posters fell down

from the newspaper. 'Finally, it's here,' thought Gohan as he became excited.

Nami picked up the posters and started looking at them. Her face became pale. Sanji looked at her in worry. "What happened, Nami-san?"

Nami looked at them. "These are our wanted posters." She then took a deep breath and started announcing:













Luffy started yelling in happiness. Zoro and Sanji were looking at their posters with grins on their faces. Nami was biting her lips in frustration, and Usopp was crying in sadness. "I am a great warrior! Not a great liar." Everyone ignored his cries.

Nami looked depressed. "Why is it so high?" Gohan looked at her and said, "Isn't it obvious? Because we are strong. And also, we did kill a lot of Marines there." Nami shouted, "YOU KILLED THEM!"

Gohan started smiling. "Anyways, we can celebrate later. But first, I want to tell you guys that only Usopp will be allowed to learn the ki blast."

"What?" "Why?" "No! I want to shoot lasers too." They started protesting. "Stop! It's very difficult to control the ki when doing a ki blast. That's why I have decided that only Usopp will learn because it needs full concentration from the user. Usopp is the most suited person here, and I think he can do it better than any of you. And because he is a sniper, it can become his main weapon," said Gohan.

Gohan looked at Usopp. "How is your ki visualization going?" "Oh? Yes! I think I can do it already. Let me show you." He showed them his palm and started concentrating. A few seconds later, little sparks could be seen over his palm, and then a small light started levitating over his palm.

Beads of sweat trickled down from Usopp's face as he tried to maintain the light. Gohan looked impressed. "Great job, Usopp! Now let me show you the next step. Follow me."

Gohan walked towards the railings. "I want you to guide a fixed amount of energy that you can control to your index finger. Then bring that energy to your fingertips and try to shoot it outwards like this."

He shot a very small ki blast at the sea, and it made a big splash in the water. But it was very weak compared to the ones he used before. "Remember to use as little amount as possible because control is the key here. Then after you have mastered it, you can increase the amount."

After five days, they finally saw the island. "Finally! I thought I would die from boredom," thought Gohan as he looked towards the island. "This is where everything starts. Let's see how much entertainment this world can provide me."