
Your War and Mine (8)

While this fact alone was a great comfort to Brusilov, when he thought about the future, this time felt somewhat regretful.

'Just as General Dukhovskoy placed me in this position. I too must leave someone behind...'

Brusilov had to acknowledge that his life had already entered its twilight years.

He was too old. Contrary to his will, directly commanding combat as cavalry was now impossible, and with the flow of time, cavalry would become obsolete.

In fact. Brusilov didn't want to admit that cavalry should now be phased out.

He didn't want to see that sight, nor face that process and its results.

That's why Mannerheim being Finnish felt even more regrettable.

A fellow cavalry officer.

Cavalry regiment, cavalry school, staff college, cavalry regiment commander, participation in the Russo-Japanese War, China expedition (Asian exploration).