
Reincarnated As Karna With System In Mahabharata

(This Story Takes Place In AU So, Don't Expect To Go Things As It Was In the Original Mahabharat.) A Young Boy From Kalyug Named Jaswant An Orphan But Was Hardworking And Caring To His Fellow Orphan. But When He Was At The Age Of 16 Years Old When He Died Mysteriously And Got Reincarnated- As Karna From Dwapar Yug With Boon As A System. Let's See What A Boy With a System From Kalyug Does In His Second Life, Will He Live As the Original Karna, Will He Walk On His Path? Disclaimer: Remember, This is fanfiction of Mahabharata. Not "Original" Mahabharata. I have no intention to harm anyone's religious belief, I am just writing what-if story from my perspective. If you don't like it, So I kindly request you not read further this. 4 Chapters/Week Minimum. Bonus Chapter Depends On Mood Teehee~

Suryaputra_Karna01 · แฟนตาซี
192 Chs

Chapter No.114 Restoration

"Well I can't tell you all the details but know this I can do it because of something I got from Legacy."

The revelation that Karna possessed the bloodline of Ravana and Meghnad, along with the promise of restoring the old Lanka, left King Vibhishana and Mandodari both intrigued and hopeful. They understood the gravity of Karna's presence and the potential for positive change he brought with him.

Vibhishana, always a thoughtful and diplomatic leader, considered the implications carefully. "Karna," he began, "if you truly possess the means to restore the old Lanka and are committed to the well-being of our people, then I am willing to collaborate with you in this endeavour. The restoration of our ancestral kingdom is a noble goal, and if it can be achieved, it would bring great joy to our hearts."