Given the chance to live life to the fullest, watch as 1 man takes one of the poorest of the 7 kingdoms and catapults it into the strongest, bringing awe and terror on both sides of the Narrow Sea and Beyond.
Hi, everyone, it seems that the reader community of this is not as dead as I previously thought it to be (totally my fault). Now that I have been on a process of re-write (with the original wishes, I still love them, please stop asking to change them.), I feel like I am in a unique position that I can take your honest feedback. So please, if you have the time, do answer these questions -
1. What were the aspects about the story that you liked and wished I did more of? Conversely what were things you wished I didn't do as much?
2. Stuff that I can improve upon when it comes to writing or any other thing? (Outside of stability of updates, I suck, I know)
3. What are some events or things that you would like to see in the fic in the future? (This could be anything from exploring more of a certain character/place to just an event you like a lot to see in ASOIAF fics)
4. What are some events you definitely don't want? (Disclaimer : I am just taking feedback and opinions, this is still very much my fic, so if I like a type of thing I will add it, whether some of you don't particularly appreciate it as much.)
5. As you know, this will have tech-uplift and kingdom building aspects to it. So what all stuff in that category would you like to see/ hate to see?
6. Harem/ Non-harem. Let your degeneracy show ig? This is wish-fulfillment after all. To be perfectly frank, I am not that great when it comes to lemons, so a pokemon harem is probably a big no-no (depends on how long this fic gets). But I am not that great when it comes to romance as well. so the people who like just one girl for a deep romantic relationship, I will not be able to do that as well, I am sorry. (Actually, I will not focus on the girls all that much I think, depends on the feedback, so harem/non-harem, shouldn't be a big deal breaker, because I wouldn't focus much on either aspects.)
7. I am thinking of opening up the multiverse. BUT VERY BIG DISCLAIMER: This will still be a very much ASOIAF focused series, I love me some ASOIAF, and I will take my sweet time with the ASOIAF-verse. I like multiverse stories but I hate the ones that don't focus on the worlds and just use them as stages of power boosts. So, tell me some verses that you love, I personally love Harry Potter, and other nerdy shit like Star Wars, Cosmere-verse, LOTR, (but I am intimate with the lore of Harry Potter and the LOTR most),and isekai animes as well( fucking love Tensura, Shield Hero, Arifureta) and Vinland Saga (not isekai, but still) and western shows as well (the Office, Parks and Rec, Brooklyn 99, Suits, shit like that).
Another thing I wanted to discuss is canon, while I love ASOIAF canon, and the complex ways the characters move, I know that I can't really emulate it, it is just not my strength, especially with a massively OP SI, who can literally read people's minds. So, on that note, some canon divergency will occur just due to the character growing in a much different way than canon. I just want to know how many of you care about keeping the story intact and playing within its bounds, and how many don't give a shit and are here just for a good time. Personally, I like the mystery aspect of ASOIAF, part of the reason I am writing this fic is because I really want to discover stuff in the Far East of Essos, go through Southryos, and see what is West of Westeros, but that is far-off in the future, if I don't loose motivation. So, yeah, tell me where you stand on canon-divergence.
Hope you will have a great day!