
Reincarnated as Grimjow

A guy dies and is reincarnated as Grimjow from bleach. Watch as he becomes king of not just the bleach world but multiple kingdom hearts worlds. This is a bleach/kingdom hearts crossover fanfiction he will conquer multiple worlds so if you don't like take over the world type fanfiction then don't read but if you do then enjoy cause it will be awesome.

Shadow_Dark240 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
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Chapter 4 the human World

Grimjow steps out of the portal to see ichigo running after what looks like a girl about to fall in the river but I know its a hollow its that psychopath grand fisher well looks like its time to play the hero I rush off and just as the hollow is about to kill ichigos mom I jump in and block the strike that would have killed her.

I glare at grand fisher as little ichigo drops his mouth open in awe.

who are you mister?

I am the future King of Hueco Mundo Grimjow Darkheart now stand aside kid I have a monster to kill.

ichigo steps aside as him and his mom watch in amazement as I slowly walk towards grand fisher he just shouts " whats another hollow like you think of taking my prey i will end you for trying to steal my food."

"Who i am is your king"(punches him in the mask) and monsters like you are not allowed in my kingdom (the mask cracks and he dies).

nel suddenly shows up beside me "good job boss that was a nasty one"

I turn to the still shocked ichigo and mother" yo that was a close one huh look is there somewhere we can talk where I won't be in this rain its kinda important.

masaki aka ichigos mom thinks for a second then nods.

she leads me and nel towards a familiar candy shop.

masaki tells me to wait outside for a minute to explain things so I won't get attacked the minute me and nel walk in after about 15 min.

and I quickly see Urahara and Yoruichi glare at me as Urahara asks " So why would a hollow like you save ichigo?

To protect a innocent kid and mother and kill Aizen.

both Urahara and Yoruichi looked surprised then Yoruichi asks " What does that evil jerk Aizen have to do with this.

"Aizen plans to take over Hueco Mundo eventually and I plan to be king of it so naturally were enemy's that and he is not just evil he is completely nuts there's no way I will let someone like him or anyone for that matter take my throne."

"fine then you said you had something you need to talk about he asks."

yeah I need your help with a few things first I plan to stay in the human world for a while so I will need a place for me and nel to both stay and train I need to get stronger very strong to take on Aizen and my other enemies and lastly I need to train ichigo he would be a huge help against most of our enemies.

masaki intrupts" you are not training my boy to fight monsters he should have a normal childhood"

"Miss kurosaki to be blunt that was taken the moment he was born to a quincy and former shinigami he was going to be hunted by hollows whether I saved you guys or not he has a very high spiritual power they will try to kill him. Whether you let him die or have some chance to defend himself those are your only choices left."

masaki looks like she wants to cry "but its not fair."

"No its not but he was born to be a warrior, life may have not given him the chance at a normal life but he can still be happy he just needs a teacher to give him that chance besides he can still go to school but after school he will be trained by me and nel.

fine but how will you teach him his power hasn't awakened yet and can he use his outside of soul form??

Yes he can with some help I can fuse my darkness energy with my hollow power and awaken his hollow power in his soul and body his other powers like his shinigami and quincy power will awaken on their own in time once his hollow power awakens his others will eventually I will need you to teach him kido though Urahara

It should be fairly obvious I have no idea how to use kido so you will need to teach that.

fine looks like we got a lot of work ahead of us i will let you and your friend stay here at my shop and use my training grounds in return just help out in the shop like deliver packages and stuff from time to time we will need to get you a gigai though.

Alright sounds like a deal and don't worry about the gigai I can make me and nel visible to normal people with my dark energy.

Take care of my boy Grimjow.

don't worry he will be perfectly safe and until he is strong enough I can protect him from other hollows.

and that was the beginning of a long 5 years of training.