
5 year time skip

It has been a long five years but all my training and preparation paid off.

My base power is now on the captain comander level without Resurrección with it i have far surpassed him.

I have gotten better with my dark powers too where before i could only summon five or six heartless now I can summon five million at a time , I can also use the dark magic version of all the spells sora could use in kingdom hearts three .

My zambacto changed as well now it can change form from a regular bleach zambacto to a keyblade so I can switch forms when needed.

Nel has gotten stronger as well while not as much as me or ichigo she has improved a great deal now she is just as strong as Aizen before he betrayed everyone.

Now ichigos training improved him by a lot while he is not as strong as when he used the final getsuga he is at olmost to Nels level just a little bit weaker but not by much he has become one of my few friends here in the bleach universe there's only one problem his sister Karen is in love with me and ichigos angry about it.

oh he was as dense as a brick at first but when Karen kissed me out of nowhere on the lips and whispered in my ear to be hers which thanks to his sensitive hearing he heard it and it became very obvious even for someone as dense as him.

Ever since while he respects me he also checks up on my relationship with Karen

Thats right me and Karen are a couple now and thanks to that I had to tell her my origin aka that I am a hollow and explain what that is at first she thought I was crazy so I flew her to mt fuji and shot a powerful cero that destroyed the mountain now its the fuji hill as its just a small mound of rock compared to before after seeing me do that she believed me.

Of course Karen finding out about spirit power opened the flood gates and so of course she went to the only person she knew would be willing to teach her how to fight like that her boyfriend me so now considering she started late is about top lieutenant level in terms of power while she didn't inherent hollow power like ichigo she did inherent her own soul Reaper power from her father its currently unknown if she will ever be able to use quincy power but we will we see.

Her bankai and shikai are both very cool,

her shikai seems to have been influenced by me unlocking it with my dark powers because it let's her use dark flames to burn anything she sees as a enemy to ashes its like a more controlled amatarasu from naruto whatever it touches does not stop burning till she wills it stop.

It gets even more crazy with her bankai her power is like a fire version of captain Tōshirō Hitsugayas power she can do every thing she could with her shikai except control it better and have far more flames to control like a sea of flames she can control including make wings and dragons of dark flames fortunately for me my spirit power is so strong her fire can't hurt me if she gets angry at me so she can never try to control me not that she would she is not the type only bitches try to control there boyfriends and she would never do that.

Ether way I am now more then prepared for when the Canon events arive from what Urahara says rukia will come tomorrow and with that I can leave the rest to ichigo while I go to Hueco Mundo to become its king at first it was just going to be me and nel going there but when Karen found out I was leaving she insisted on coming with us at first I was going to refuse then I remembered she has gotten very strong from all the training we did and this could be the push she needs to get even stronger so I let her come along.

Ichigo of course threw a fit about taking his little sister some place dangerous but it was Karens choice so he calmed down after I promised to keep her safe.

Now we are about to leave so I open a garganta and we walk on through.