
Reincarnated as Draco's Twin To Dominate Hogwarts

Finding himself getting thrown into the wizarding world of Harry Potter and being reborn as Malfoy's brother, Skyler, our protagonist, shall unravel the perilous path before him to prevent the resurrection of the Dark Lord and to raise Slytherin's honor. Using his knowledge before traversing, Skyler, who's known as a famous archaeologist from our world, will use all his knowledge to aid him in learning the magical spells. Born from the same mother, how can Skyler deal with the perk of being born as Draco's brother? Will he grow up to be as kind and loving as Narcissa, or will he grow into the proud Pure-Blooded figure of Lucius? This is a translated work with over 400+ Chapters The chapter will be updated every day on 23:00 GMT+7 You can read future 40 chapters ahead at [p][a][t][r][e][o][n].com/Scaramousse !

Scaramousse · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
284 Chs

Chapter 120 "Three Champions"

The following day was a Saturday, typically a time when students would enjoy a leisurely breakfast at a later hour. However, Skyler found himself rising much earlier than usual for the weekend.

Accompanied by Daphne and Astoria, he left the Slytherin common room, and as they approached the hall, they noticed a gathering of more than 20 people.

Some were still munching on bread while everyone focused their attention on the Goblet of Fire. Harry's trio was also present, and a nod of acknowledgment passed between Skyler and Hermione.

In the center of the hall, the Goblet of Fire occupied the stool where the Sorting Hat usually sat, enclosed by a thin gold line with a radius of ten feet.

"Anyone put their name in yet?" Ron eagerly inquired about a third-year girl.

"The Durmstrang group did," she replied, "but I haven't seen anyone from Hogwarts sign up."

Laughter suddenly erupted, and without turning around, Skyler knew the responsible person's identity.

Fred, George, and Lee Jordan descended the stairs in high spirits. The trio of pranksters appeared extremely excited. In a low voice, Fred shared with Harry that they had taken the aging potion.

Extracting a parchment note from his pocket, Fred approached the age line confidently. He stood at its edge, poised like a diver preparing for a plunge from a significant height.

Taking a deep breath, he boldly crossed the line, followed by George.

A hissing sound filled the air, and the twins were expelled from the golden coil as if an invisible shot putter had forcefully thrown them. They landed painfully on the cold stone floor, and their embarrassment surpassed the physical discomfort.

With a resounding pop, identical long white beards appeared on the jaws of the two brothers.

Laughter echoed through the hall as even Fred and George, upon seeing each other's white beards, couldn't contain their amusement after being thrown into the air.

In that moment, a sharp gleam flickered in Skyler's eyes. Just before the twins were propelled into flight, he discerned the magical fluctuations on the golden coil. It was undoubtedly an enchantment!

Understanding that enchantments are definitive and can only screen out qualified individuals, the question remained: What criterion determined this screening? Since the aging agent had proven ineffective, it suggested that physiological age was not the sole basis. Could it be a judgment based on magical prowess?

A low, amused voice broke through the laughter, and all heads turned to see Professor Dumbledore emerging from the auditorium. His eyes gleamed as he looked at Fred and George.

"I suggest both of you pay a visit to Ms. Pomfrey. She's already tending to Miss Fawcett in Ravenclaw and Mr. Moss in Hufflepuff. They, too, decided to experiment with their age a bit. However, I must say, your beards are much more splendid than theirs."

With those words, Dumbledore left, and the twins followed suit, heading to the school hospital wing.

Draco, Pansy, Goyle, and Crabbe arrived at this juncture. Having heard about the incident, Draco wore a contemptuous expression, sneering, "Trash is trash... They probably can only come up with this way."

Ron, feeling the need to defend his elder brother, retorted, "As if you're any better. If you've got the guts, why don't you sign up and give it a try?"

Draco's expression soured further. After scanning everyone present, he lingered on Skyler for a few seconds before shifting his gaze back to the Goblet of Fire.

"Weasley, spare our pure-blood family from your disgrace," Draco retorted coldly. "It's just an enchantment, not difficult to crack—"

"Oh, really?" Ron challenged with a skeptical expression. "Well then, Malfoy, demonstrate it for all of us. Let's witness the famed Malfoy family magical power that they are so proud of, shall we?"

Draco closed his eyes, and Skyler's brow furrowed. Once again, Skyler observed the surge of black magic enveloping Draco, more intense than ever before.

As Draco opened his eyes, an emotionless gaze met the onlookers. Stepping confidently toward the golden coil, Draco crossed it in a single stride. A subtle buzzing vibration resonated through the air, catching the attention of nearly everyone present.

What Skyler's magical eyes witnessed left him stunned—space itself distorted. He recognized the magical trajectory reminiscent of the time-turner he used, a form of time magic!

It dawned on Skyler that Dumbledore possessed knowledge of time magic, indicating that the old wizard's true capabilities might surpass what was initially thought.

Skyler had presumed that the magical strength of the individual determined the age restriction. His confidence stemmed from his magic, surpassing even that of adult wizards. In terms of magical quantity, no student from any of the three schools could compare to him.

Yet, it seemed the barrier judged intruders based on the visible signs of aging. Skyler's occasional use of the Time Turner, not exceeding four hours at a time and sporadically employed, might not accumulate enough time and years to leave a significant trace.

The spotlight returned to Draco. Just as everyone anticipated Draco's imminent expulsion, the golden coil emitted a faint golden glow before dimming once again.

Draco shot Ron a taunting look, and Skyler had a peculiar feeling that Draco's gaze wasn't directed at Ron, but at him. Ron flushed, unable to respond.

Draco advanced a few more steps towards the Goblet of Fire, acknowledging its considerable distance from the gold coil, making it impossible to toss the parchment from afar.

Upon reaching the Goblet, Draco extracted a parchment from his robes, placed it within the flame, and watched as the once blue-and-white flames transformed into a fiery red, sparks dancing around.

A quick glance at Skyler and Ron conveyed Draco's triumph before he confidently strolled away, leaving behind a gathering of young wizards with expressions ranging from shock to awe.

The attention of the remaining wizards naturally shifted to Skyler. If Draco, without notable achievements in the esteemed Malfoy family, could exhibit such power, then the reputation of Skyler, an illustrious figure, was bound to be even more formidable.

Skyler, however, maintained a serene smile. Though unsure of Draco's method for resisting the enchantment and forcefully entering, he had his own solution.

Producing a piece of parchment, Skyler ignited it with a wave of his wand. The parchment swiftly transformed into a paper sparrow, wings fluttering rapidly. The paper sparrow soared effortlessly over the age line, darting into the Goblet of Fire.

With a resounding bang, the flames within the Goblet surged, but they refrained from adopting the anticipated red hue.

It seemed Dumbledore had considered a countermeasure to prevent aspiring participants from launching their registration papers over the age line from a distance.

Skyler's eyes subtly revealed the ancient Guruni rune of Kaunaz.

"If the flames don't convert willingly, then I'll make them!" Skyler fixed his gaze on the Goblet of Fire. The flames, reaching towards the sky, seemed to be restrained by an unseen force, gradually receding back into the cup.

Suddenly, as if the Goblet of Fire was under a spiritual assault, the flames erupted again with a loud blast, scattering sparks.

However, not long after the commotion, the flames weakened and fell once more, finally turning red and emitting a subtle spark.

Not only were the students left speechless by Skyler's way of admitting his name to the Goblet of Fire, but the Professors themselves, along with the judges, had their mouths agape as they witnessed how Skyler neutralized Professor Dumbledore's way of negating entrance from long distance.

Draco tried his best not to pay attention to Skyler's expression right now, but he found his heart felt burdened...

Wearing a bright smile, knowing he had just pulled everyone's attention, Skyler turned away and walked to Daphne and Astoria's side, whispering, "Let's go!"

During breakfast, the most talked-about subject among the young wizards revolved around who would be chosen as Hogwarts' champion.

Many speculated that Cedric Diggory from Hufflepuff had the best odds, while others favored Slytherin's Cassius Warrington.

Gryffindor rallied behind Angelina Johnson from their house.

These three were all sixth-year students, with seventh-year students seemingly more focused on the upcoming NEWT exams and reluctant to be distracted by extracurricular activities.

The Halloween dinner seemed to stretch longer than usual, perhaps due to the consecutive banquets. Many students appeared less enthusiastic about the meticulously prepared and hearty dishes, in contrast to their usual appetite.

The occupants of the auditorium continued to gaze upwards, each face reflecting an anxious expression. Restlessness permeated the room, with individuals intermittently standing and turning their attention towards the podium.

Finally, as the banquet concluded, a collective murmur rose within the auditorium. Dumbledore rose, and an immediate hush fell over the audience.

On either side of Dumbledore, Karkaroff and Madame Maxime appeared as nervous and expectant as the rest of the gathering. Ludo grinned and winked at students from different schools, while Barty maintained a stoic and unresponsive demeanor.

"I am pleased to announce that the Goblet of Fire is on the verge of making its decision!" Dumbledore declared with a smile. "I estimate it will only take another minute. Once the names of the champions are revealed, I request them to proceed to the top of the auditorium, walk along the staff desk, and enter the adjoining room—"

He gestured towards the door behind the instructor's desk. "There, they will receive preliminary guidance."

With a wave of his hand, most of the lights in the auditorium dimmed, casting the room into a state of partial brightness and partial darkness.

The Goblet of Fire, now positioned on the rostrum, erupted in a brilliant display, outshining everything in its vicinity. The blue and white flames, adorned with sparking embers, captivated the onlookers.

Suddenly, the Goblet flames turned red again, emitting crackling sparks. A flame leaped into the air, propelling a nearly charred piece of parchment. Dumbledore caught the parchment, and the flames reverted to blue and white.

"Champion of Durmstrang," Dumbledore's voice resonated throughout the auditorium, "Eleanor von Hohenheim!"

A subtle expression of "I knew it" flickered across Skyler's face before he extended his congratulations to Eleanor.

However, Eleanor's countenance remained impassive as she rose from the Slytherin table, exhibiting a calm demeanor as she made her way towards Dumbledore.

Following Professor McGonagall's guidance, she turned right, traversed the rostrum, and entered the adjacent room.

Silence once again enveloped the auditorium as the anticipation for the second parchment intensified.

Dumbledore, usually composed, displayed an uncharacteristic falter as he studied the sign-up paper. His typically bright azure eyes, visible behind the half-moon glasses, seemed momentarily dimmed.

The young wizards in the vicinity, oblivious to the cause of the principal's disquiet, sensed the heavy atmosphere permeating the hall. A palpable tension stifled any inclination to speak, leaving only the crackling of the Goblet of Fire audible.

Dumbledore, grappling with the situation, spoke with a strained voice, his words carrying a hoarse edge, "The champion from Beauxbatons—it is Catalina Grindelwald-Moreau!"

Catalina gracefully rose, elegantly flicked her vibrant red hair, and moved lightly between the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables toward the podium. She offered a graceful bow to Dumbledore before entering the same room Eleanor had just entered.

Hearing the name Grindelwald made Skyler's heart sink… Is this the same Grindelwald that took the wizarding world by terror years ago? He had a descendant?

Observing Skyler's unusual expression, Daphne inquired softly, "Skyler, what's bothering you?"

Skyler shook his head, expressing a sense of helplessness. "Daphne, I can't quite put my finger on it, but it just feels like—this world is somehow different..."

Daphne chuckled, dismissing his concerns. "You're overthinking it. Although Krum and the Veela girl may not be weak, competing with the magical legacies of Germany and France is a different league. I believe the selection of Hohenheim and Moreau is justified."

Skyler sighed inwardly, thinking, "You're not a traverser; of course, you can't comprehend my feelings."

Astoria suddenly leaned over, tightly grabbing Skyler's arm. "The Goblet of Fire is moving, and it's about to announce the name of the Hogwarts champion. My God, I'm so nervous—could it be Brother Skyler?"

The entire auditorium fell into silence, with almost all Hogwarts students holding their breath, anticipating the revelation of the Hogwarts champion. The third parchment arrived as scheduled.

"The Hogwarts champion—" Dumbledore began, grabbing the parchment. However, he froze, staring strangely at the note in his hand. Clearing his throat, he announced, "It's Skyler Malfoy!"

A series of "wow wow" exclamations erupted from the students in the other three houses, except for the Slytherins.

"How is that possible? He's only in the 4th grade!"

"Could the Goblet of Fire have made a mistake? Despite many witnessing him putting his name in, it chose him over Diggory?"

Some rational students retorted, "You're just envious and jealous—he is the youngest Sir Merlin, capable of facing hundreds of Dementors alone and defeating a thousand-year-old Basilisk. What's weird about the Goblet of Fire choosing him?"

A commotion also arose at the Slytherin table. Draco stood up abruptly, trembling all over, wearing an expression of disbelief. "How is it possible, how is it possible... The Goblet of Fire actually chose him, not me... It's impossible... impossible..."

Observing Draco's reaction, Skyler wore a thoughtful expression. It seemed Draco was genuinely confident, firmly believing that he was superior to Skyler. Skyler felt he understood something.

Patting Astoria, he released her hand, stood up, and, guided by Professor McGonagall, walked into the previous room with his head held high.

Chapters will be updated daily at 23:00 GMT+7!

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