
Reincarnated as Chelsea in the world of "Akame Ga Kill"

So, this guy kicks the bucket on his way home, and what do you know? He wakes up in the freakin' world of "Akame Ga Kill" as Chelsea! Talk about a major plot twist, right? Anyway, Chelsea's got the inside scoop because she knows the anime. She's fully aware of her crappy fate—getting brutally killed by Kurome, Akame's sister. But guess what? She's not going down without a fight! Chelsea's on a mission to change her destiny and stay alive. She's tiptoeing around the main story, trying not to get too caught up in all the craziness. Hang on tight as Chelsea battles to rewrite her own tragic ending in the messed-up world of "Akame Ga Kill." Support me at : https://www.subscribestar.com/christopher_novels You will get exclusive acess to chapters in advance and can make requests for new fan-fics on your favorite popular anime series.

Christopher_Frost7 · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

The guard put a hand on his beating heart to calm down for a moment, but the bandit leader wasn't going to give him time to calm down.

Like a mad bull, the bandit leader was swinging the ace with him aiming for the guard's head.

'Fuck' The guard cursed before retreating into the forest, hoping to take cover in trees.

"WHERE ARE YOU RUNNING OFF TO, YOU LITTLE RAT!?" The bandit leader roared in madness, he was still carrying the axe, he flexed his muscles and used to axe to cut the wood in his path to make way for him.

His hand tightly clutched the axe as he, with brutal force uprooted the weaker trees from his path and chased after the guard/

He had been away in his camp and was bathing in the lake nearby when one of his men came rushing to him informing him someone was slaughtering the camp.

He came back as soon as he could only to witness the dead bodies of his men, no matter what, he will kill the guard even if he had to chase him back to the empire.

The guard was now exhausted running away for minutes, his adrenaline was now cooling off and his muscles were aching, his ribs were broken and blood was oozing out of his mouth.

'What have I gotten myself into? I am dead on both ends, if I go back to the empire to my lord, he will definitely kill me if I return empty-handed and here this mad bandit who seemed hell-bent on killing me.'

'What is he so mad about? I just did some favors upon the unfortunate souls who were born as bandits. their blood is filthy so he should be grateful to me instead.'

The guard was not in his right mind as of now and was blabbering things.

For now, he had managed to shake off the bandit by hiding in a good spot so he was currently taking some deep breaths to heal his stamina.

He suddenly heard rustling of leaves, but there was no wind?

It was at that moment that his world turned upside down suddenly, his mind still could not comprehend what was happening before he blacked out.

He was beheaded!

There was a figure in dark bodysuit right behind him, it was none other than Chelsea who had watched everything that had unfolded so far.

She had been hiding and observing them all. It was ruthless of her to watch innocent women and children die but she didn't do anything foolish.

It was outside of her power to interfere and would have obstructed her plans to ambush this man and kill him.

And she detested bandits who robbed and killed innocents for their belongings, most of the women in the camp were broken from inside, they have all been captive to r*pe, and torture.

What remained was just an outer shell that was just breathing.

As a woman herself, she could tell from their eyes, that they felt nothing now, they were merely waiting for death to embrace them and free them of their cursed lives.

Chelsea knew that she had talent to be an assassin and she had already started honing her talent to become stronger.

Assassins that were part of the infamous Night Raid in this world, as Chelsea remembered from the anime were not only skilled in stealth but had monstrous capabilities that wouldn't pale in comparison to veteran knights in a head-on fight.

She had to become stronger so she don't end up dead in the future at the hands of Kurome, one of the members of the Jaegers.

It was her goal to become stronger, there monsters like Esdeath and Akame in the anime, and she at least had to have the ability to at least run away safely if a fight broke out between her and them in the future.

After decapitating the head of the man who seemed to be following her for long, she checked his dead body for any valuables and found some gold coins, it was not much now that Chelsea had looted the merchant himself, but more money is welcome.

She also took his sharp steel sword,

'This will come handy in the future,' She thought polishing the sword and removing the blood stains from it.

After looting the corpse, she looked ahead into the forest, she could hear the bandit leader's footsteps.

He was searching for the man now, and she had a great idea in her mind.

She still had not changed her face yet.

'This power is so good. It's potential wasn't even drawn out in the anime.' She smirked and headed towards the bandit leader.

She was carrying the head of the man with her.

She saw the bandit leader was looking around fanatically, his axe still in hand which he used to cut wines in his way.

She stealthily waited around for a moment before taking a deep breath,


Chelsea suddenly said immediately drawing the attention of the mad bandit leader who looked at her with narrowed eyes before he said in a hoarse voice and widened eyes.

"Rena? You are still alive? What? Where were you, no, what are you doing here?" He asked utterly confused,

'So her name was Rena huh.' Chelsea looked at him,

"It was a long story. But before that, look here."

She threw the head of the guard towards the bandit leader who easily caught it in his one hand and looked stunned.

"What!? Isn't he that bastard who intruded into our camp? I was looking for him. Where did you find him and how did you get his head?' The stunned bandit asked her.

"I was on my way back to the camp to provide support when I noticed this man being heavily wounded, it is certain that leader's strong attack had wounded this weakling deeply. He was hiding in the bushes when I sneaked up on him and took his head."

Chelsea flattered the bandit leader to satisfy his ego and pride.