
Reincarnated as Ash: A Pokémon Tale

Noir found himself reincarnated as Ash Ketchum, the iconic Pokémon Trainer. Overwhelmed yet intrigued, he gradually began to accept his new identity. With a mysterious system presenting him with quests, Ash felt a thrill of excitement surge within him as he envisioned the adventures that lay ahead, ready to forge his own path in this vibrant world of Pokémon.

sssachin098 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
30 Chs

A Fishy Rescue

After their encounter with the legendary Ho-Oh, Ash and Pikachu continued toward Viridian City. They had battled four trainers along the way, defeating each one easily. Now, they faced their fifth challenger, a determined trainer named Ethan.

"Pigeotto, use Quick Attack!" Ethan commanded, and the bird dove toward Pikachu.

"Dodge it! Thunder Shock!" Ash instructed. Pikachu quickly sidestepped and unleashed a powerful bolt of electricity, striking Pigeotto directly.

Pigeotto faltered mid-flight, crashing to the ground, unable to battle.

"Pigeotto is unable to battle!" with that Ash and Pikachu continued their journey through the forest, the sunlight filtering through the trees as they followed a narrow path along the riverbank

As they approached a bend in the river, Ash heard a distant cry for help. He froze, Pikachu's ears perking up as well.

"Did you hear that, Pikachu?" Ash asked, narrowing his eyes as he scanned the area. The cry came again, louder this time—a girl's voice, filled with panic.

"Pika!" Pikachu nodded, and they both rushed toward the sound.

Breaking through the bushes, Ash saw the source of the distress: a young girl with red hair struggling to stay afloat in the fast-moving river.

Her bike was caught on a rock nearby, half-submerged in the water. Ash recognized her immediately—Misty, one of the future Gym Leaders from Cerulean City.

Without wasting a second, Ash sprang into action. "Pikachu, use Quick Attack to get to that rock!" he commanded, pointing to a boulder that jutted out near the girl.

"Pika!" Pikachu dashed forward with lightning speed, landing on the rock and extending its tail toward the girl, trying to help her grab hold.

Meanwhile, Ash searched for a way to help. He noticed a sturdy-looking tree branch hanging over the river. "Hold on!" he called out to Misty, as he leaped toward the tree, grabbing the branch and swinging out over the water.

With careful precision, Ash extended his hand to Misty. "Take my hand!"

Misty, gasping for air, reached up, her fingers brushing his. But the current was too strong, pulling her further away. Just as Ash was about to jump in after her, his Arc Pokédex activated with a soft beep.


Arc Pokédex:

New Quest Initiated!

Quest: Rescue Misty

Objective: Save the Cerulean City Gym Leader from danger.


TM Water Pulse and Location of Shiny Magikarp


Ash's heart raced, but he stayed calm. He knew he had to act fast. Closing his eyes for a moment, he focused on his Aura ability, sensing the movements of the water and Misty's position in the river.

With his heightened senses, he could feel the flow of the current and predict the perfect moment to strike.

"Now!" Ash shouted, as Pikachu let out a sharp cry of encouragement. Ash jumped into the water with precision, cutting through the current and grabbing Misty firmly by the arm.

With a strong pull, he dragged her toward the riverbank, using his Aura to help him swim against the force of the water.

As they reached the edge, Pikachu hopped back to solid ground, pulling with all its might as Ash lifted Misty out of the water. They collapsed on the grass, soaked and exhausted but safe.

Misty coughed, catching her breath as she looked at Ash, her eyes wide with a mix of relief and disbelief. "Y-you... you saved me!" she stammered, sitting up and wiping her wet hair out of her face.

Ash smiled warmly, shaking water from his hair. "I'm just glad you're okay. That current was no joke."

Misty stared at him for a moment, then blushed slightly. "I thought I was done for... but you just jumped in like it was nothing. Who are you?"

Before Ash could answer, the Arc Pokédex beeped again, displaying the quest completion message.


Quest Complete!

Reward: TM Water Pulse added to bag,

Shiny Magikarp Location: Nearby pond in Viridian Forest


Ash ignored the notification for the moment and extended a hand to Misty. "I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town, and this is Pikachu," he said, gesturing to his partner, who was shaking off water like a drenched sponge.

Misty smiled gratefully as she took his hand. "I'm Misty, from Cerulean City. I was just passing through... until my bike got caught, and I fell in the river."

Ash's eyes widened slightly, realizing the trouble. "Your bike..." He glanced toward the river and saw the remains of her bike caught between some rocks, barely afloat and completely wrecked.

Misty followed his gaze, her expression falling as she stood up and peered over the riverbank. "Oh no... my bike!" She sighed heavily, staring at the twisted frame and submerged wheels.

Ash rubbed the back of his head, wincing. "Sorry about that. I didn't even notice it at first..."

Misty sighed again but then smiled weakly. "Well, at least I'm okay, thanks to you. I guess the bike's just bad luck."

She turned to face Ash, her eyes softening with gratitude. "But you... you're something else. That was amazing!

Ash felt a bit embarrassed but kept his composure. "I've just had some practice, that's all."

"Still, I owe you," Misty said sincerely. "Maybe one day, I'll find a way to repay you."

Ash flashed her a confident grin. "You don't owe me anything. I'm sure we'll cross paths again. Until then, take care."

Misty smiled, her expression brightening. "I'll hold you to that, Ash. See you around!"

With a final wave, she turned and walked down the path, leaving Ash and Pikachu.

As Misty disappeared down the path, Ash turned his attention back to his Arc Pokédex. The notification from earlier blinked on the screen, reminding him of the reward he had yet to claim. With a quick tap, the device displayed the message.

Quest Complete!

Reward: TM Water Pulse added to bag,

Shiny Magikarp Location: Nearby pond in Viridian Forest

Ash's eyes lit up with excitement. "A shiny Magikarp? That's awesome!" he said, glancing at Pikachu, who responded with an enthusiastic "Pika!"

With renewed energy, Ash headed toward the nearby pond marked on his Pokédex, eager to see if the rare Pokémon would really appear. The path wasn't far, and within minutes, he arrived at the shimmering pond surrounded by trees.

He crouched by the water's edge, scanning the surface for any signs of movement. Suddenly, the water rippled, and a gleaming, golden figure emerged—a shiny Magikarp!

Ash's heart raced as the majestic fish leaped into the air, its scales sparkling in the sunlight. "That's it!" he exclaimed. He pulled out a Poké Ball, ready for the encounter.

The Arc Pokédex beeped, providing crucial information about the Magikarp


Pokémon Status: Magikarp (Shiny)

Level: 10

Type: Water

Nature: Adamant

Ability: Swift Swim (Boosts Speed in rain)

Hidden Ability: Adaptability (Increases the effectiveness of same-type moves)

Held Item: Mystic Water (Boosts Water-type moves)







Ash grinned. "Not only is it shiny, but it's got an amazing ability and a strong nature! This Magikarp is perfect."

Without wasting a second, Ash called out, "Pikachu, let's go! Use Quick Attack, but be gentle. We don't want to knock it out."

Pikachu darted forward, landing a precise hit that weakened the Magikarp just enough without causing serious harm. The golden fish flailed in the water, its resilience shining through.

Ash took the opportunity and threw a Poké Ball. It flew through the air, hit Magikarp, and the ball shook three times before clicking shut.

"Yes!" Ash pumped his fist in victory. "I caught a shiny Magikarp!"

The Poké Ball glowed for a moment, and the Arc Pokédex flashed another notification, confirming the successful capture. Ash walked over to pick up the ball, a proud smile on his face. He now had a powerful new companion in his team.

"This Magikarp is going to be incredible once it evolves," Ash said to Pikachu, who nodded in agreement. "With its abilities and Mystic Water, we're on our way to becoming even stronger."

Satisfied with his catch, Ash tucked the Poké Ball into his belt and looked toward the path ahead. As Viridian City was just around the corner,

“If you're wondering why Ash didn’t ask Misty to travel with him, I have other plans for her joining later.”

Feel free to let me know if you need any more adjustments or context!

sssachin098creators' thoughts