
Working With Xernan & Ena [Part 3]

The A3 Military Base was designed to be near-futuristic, thanks to the advancements in technology that Amera made. It seemed that we were teleported to the center of the base, as we were enclosed within the fortified walls. Upon arriving at the base, Rubin eagerly sought to speak with the commander of A3. The commanders of each Military Base were experienced, Major-rank individuals with a strong sense of strategic warfare. Since they know the terrain and are more familiar with the invading army, listening to the commander's recommendations is important. In this case, Commander Wilhelm was the person in charge of A3.

"Rubin! Ena! Xernan! I didn't expect King Rilo to send you to the hotspot! I'm guessing this is a special occasion?", Commander Willhelm said.

Commander Willhelm looked to be around the same age as Rubin but more muscular. He was also bald and wearing an eyepatch. However, he had a masculine beard to make himself look more like a strong leader.

"Yes! We currently have the Legendary Hero that was summoned a few days ago".

Rubin walked towards me and placed his hand on my shoulder. He gradually panned over my entire party while speaking to the Commander.

"This is the Paladin God Of Yggdrasil, Paladin Brice! As you know, we also have the Goddess Of The Hunt and the Dragon Queen Of Yggdrasil! This guy's name is Shobe and he's also apart of Paladin Brice's group! Rilo felt that Ena and Xernan would be safer with them so he also appointed me to this operation as well", Rubin said.

"It's not like we are gonna sit and do nothing! I'm lvl 230 and I'm going to kill as many hostiles as possible! Even Xernan can agree with me on that!", Ena said.

"Indeed. However, it was clear that I was going to fight since I'm lvl 550. This demonic blade needs more blood anyway. It's starting to hunger for it", Xernan said.

When Xernan briefly brought out his sword, a number of events seem to occur. His markings started to glow purple, his right eye quickly turned red, and the mask he was wearing showcased bright, purple markings. As soon as he sheathed the weapon, everything on his person returned back to normal. It seemed that the Royal Demon sword and Xernan were connected in some way.

"Just listen to what Paladin Brice says! I need to talk with Willhelm about our strategy in regards to the 6,000 units".

Rubin turned to me, his face becoming more serious. His demeanor changed to what I would expect from a Colonel.

"This begins your Operation, Paladin Brice. Your mission is to intercept the hostiles and reduce the numbers as much as possible. Amera's units will be providing support for any stragglers that you miss. Xernan and Ena will also accompany you on the front lines so make sure that they come back alive! Xernan has already given the Dragonbane approval for your payment so just focus on defending!", Rubin said.

After Rubin spoke, he began to walk with Willhelm to check on the units that we had in the barracks. This meant that the operation fell to my full discretion.

"Guess that means that we are going to head out soon. Do you guys have any suggestions?", I asked.

"Yeah. Arcana and I were discussing this in the deployment area earlier. This shouldn't really be that hard for us. I mean, we are both lvl 3000 and 4000. Titan is lvl 1000 so he shouldn't really have much trouble either. Since the army was made to attack Amera, the average lvl should only be lvl 150 per troop. It may reach a max of lvl 300 but nothing more than that. This isn't Ringdrex's assault teams so we shouldn't really see his armored troops either. Since they won't have their best troops, the bigger issue we have to worry about is the number of troops we have to kill", Daera said.

"I agree. I don't even think we need the 6,000 units that Amera gave us. We could probably just head out right now and get it over with. That way, we can have Rubin send those troops to A1 and A5. I mean, this should only take an hour at most", Arcana said.

"This should only take an hour"? What the hell? What kind of Overpowered bull is this? Why did she say it in such a nonchalant tone? Wait a minute. Let's think this out, Brice. If they said it's going to take an hour then they must believe that they can kill...333 enemies per minute? Holy shit, that's a lot of enemies. Then again, they did kill Belvath's 1,000 Subjugation troops in 10 minutes. These enemies are a lower-tier than those but obviously in a higher amount.

If the number of enemies they can kill is true then...

"The most important thing that we have to worry about is defense, right?", I asked.

"Yes. Despite Arcana and I being a high level, we can still be overwhelmed by 20,000 troops attacking us at once. Good thing it's not just us! We have my wonderful Paladin Brice to protect us!", Daera beamed.

"So the plan is to divert attention away from Daera and Arcana while we kill whoever they miss? Sounds like I'll get my wish for blood", Xernan said.

"If that's the plan, I guess I'll fight with Xernan. The last thing we need is Xernan to turn Sadistic again", Ena said.

"Ok! We have 15 minutes before they reach the base so we can intercept them before then. Is everyone ready?", I asked.

As everyone mutually agreed, we each started our preparations to intercept the army.

Xernan was using a grindstone to sharpen the Royal Demonic Blade, which had the matte-black version of the Dragonbane crest.

Ena was practicing with her Dual Swords, making sure that her movements were as sharp as possible.

Daera and Arcana were discussing how to work together effectively, hoping to expand on what worked when they faced the Juggernauts.

As for me, since I was going to primarily be on defensive duty, I decided to create something with the 'Create' skill. I was out of OP points but I still had a trick up my sleeve. Holding Titan, I went through the process of creating my next creation. It took 40% of my mana but I felt that it was worth it.

I mean, how hard is it to make an Armored Personnel Carrier?

Hope You Enjoyed!

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