
Reincarnated as an Extra

In life, countless things might happen to someone at some point in their lives. Some people may call it fate, destiny, opportunity, or a turning point but for me, it wasn’t one of those. Fate? Nah, everything about my life was already trash to begin so to hell with fate right? Destiny? Who’s name was that? If destiny was real then how come nothing changed? Opportunity? What the hell was that? If there was an opportunity presented in front of me then I’ve grabbed it a long time ago. Turning point? To hell with turning points, everything about me had always been in twists and turns like I’m always riding a roller coaster of life. So, what’s the point of these things for me?

NoxLuna_0398 · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Chapter 19

"Haaa… huff… huff… that's better…", I said while looking at the basilisk's condition as if it was a masterpiece made by a skillful artisan.

"Hahahahahaha…", then my laughter revibrated inside the tunnel. I was happy seeing the condition that damned snake was in but before I could continue my jovial mood, a twist of event happened in an instant.

Instead of it falling to the ground since it could no longer see, the basilisk used its ears to locate me and the dumb me who laughed out loud could no longer laugh, instead, I began to panic and ran away instantly.

"Shit!!! No one told me that this snake was a smart ass!!!", and again another marathon unfolded for me.


'Ahhhhh… damn it!! It's here, it's finally here… sword, yes… huh? Where's my sword?', remembering that the sword I used was still in that damned snake's left eye, I felt my knees weaken. Oh… shit!!!!

My eyes grew big as anxiety and fear overwhelmed me, then in the heat of the moment, I activated incinerate at a very close range.

In an instant, the fire produced from the skill engulf the basilisk and little by little its body shed a tiny amount of flesh while writhing in immense pain due to the heat.


Then, a heart-rending scream echoed inside the tunnel as I saw the giant basilisk's body getting grilled in live action.

'This… this… isn't it too much?', how could a level one skill be so powerful? How could it make this much damage to that damned snake's hardened body?

"Isn't this too much of an overkill?", I let out my honest thoughts while watching it writhing in pain.

After thirty minutes of it getting grilled in that fire, the giant basilisk's body began to fall to the ground with a heavy sound.


Looking at its body made me remember the first ever charcoal grilled fish I made in the past since the basilisk's body turned black from getting grilled in the fire.

"It totally got burned…", I said while looking at its giant body that fell over the ground.


[Congratulations, User for the completion of the quest.]

[Quest Completion Condition]

[Kill the Giant Basilisk]


[Upon completing the mission, the User will receive the following as Rewards]

[1. 2000 gold coins]

[2. +10 to all stats]

[3. 2 bottles of healing potion]

[Calculating total experience gained…]

[Calculation complete.]

[The User's level will increase by 5 Levels]


[User Information]

Name: Krayonne Reid (Unknown)

Level: Lv.10

Age: 15 years old

Affiliation: Enrolled at Pentagon

Occupation: Swordsman

HP: 3800/3800

MP: 1900/1900


Agility – 115

Strength – 215

Stamina – 115

Intelligence – 115

Vitality – 190

Mana – 190

Unassigned Points: 5

Gold Coins: 552,000 golds


Basic Swordsmanship Lv.4 (Active)

Haste Lv.3 (Active)

Wind Slash Lv.3 (Active)

Berserker Lv.2 (Active)

Insight Lv.4 (Passive)

Zero Lv. Max (Locked) – enables the wielder to stop time for five seconds. By using this skill the wielder's vitality stat will be permanently reduced by 10. This skill can only be used once a month.

Requiem Lv. Max (Locked) – enables the wielder to slaughter his enemies for 30 seconds. By using this skill the wielder's strength and mana will be temporarily reduced to half for 36 hours. This skill can only be used once every three days.

Aether Lv. Max (Locked) – enables the wielder to control spatial dimensions. He can either increase or decrease the size of the space. By using this skill the wielder's intelligence stat will be temporarily reduced to half for 24 hours. This skill can only be used once every three days.

Quietus Lv. Max (Locked) – enables the wielder to release an aura of death. By using this skill the wielder gives off an illusion of a death-bringer.

Hypnos Lv. Max (Locked) – enables the wielder to cast a sleeping spell that could cover an entire city. By using this skill the wielder will fall into a deep slumber for 12 hours. This skill can only be used once every three days.

[Special Authority]

Void Lv. Max (Locked) – this is an authority given to the User. This skill enables the User to use a dimensional portal that would suck everything into nothingness. Using this skill requires a lot of mana and the more mana the User had, the more bigger and destructive the skill is. This can only be used once a month.

"Wow… it increases by five levels…", I said while looking at the stats I currently have then instantly, my surroundings change back to the back street that I was in before.

"Oohhh… I came back already but… why is it almost dark… huh? How long did I stay there?", then as if on reflex, I immediately look at the smartwatch on my right wrist. My eyes grew big upon seeing the time.

"Holy shit!!!!!! Six… six hours?!", I said out loud.

That's why it was almost dark when I got back… hahahaha, isn't this too annoying? It actually took me that long to finish the quest but I too know that it was really fortunate to have that almost impossible quest cleared within the time limit. And if ever I didn't finish the quest on time, then another penalty will be implemented and I don't think I could take another blow due to my stats and levels getting decreased.

"Haaa… I think I'm super lucky this time though...", I said in a low voice while feeling pity for my current situation. My victory this time was pretty much of a fluke since the giant basilisk's body was already worn out before it chase after me.

'Hmmm… those wounds were fatal yet… why didn't I notice it?', the basilisk's body was already wounded even before everything happened so, in other words, that damned snake was already extremely weak in the first place that was the reason why level one incinerate did too much damaged when I activated it.

"But… I wonder, who wounded that snake? I was pretty sure that I was the only person in that illusionary place… or was I really the only person there?", then I looked at my left hand which was still holding on to the wooden box with strange carvings.

"According to the system… this was a clue leading to "Chronos", but… who is "Chronos"?", why do my guts tell me to open this box? Just what kind of secrets does this hold?

"Should I open this now? Hmmm… nah, I think I better open this at the academy's dorms. 'Inventory'.", I called out, then, a holographic screen was in front of me, and then I put the wooden box to store it in my dimensional storage.

"No matter how many times I see it… dimensional storage is really cool!"


At the center part of the Town Plaza…

"Hey! Stop right there you piece of shit!!", called out the young lad leading a group of youngsters to someone.

Not heeding someone's call, the young boy with black hair and red-blood eyes that look like little rubies shining through the cloaking darkness never stop to look back at who was calling for him behind a sea of people.

"Heh! You weakling… you're only hiding under the name of your family!", said again by the young lad leading the group.

This young lad also had an outstanding feature that was never outshined by the young boy he just dissed. From top to bottom and from the way he executes himself speaks off of his impeccable pedigree that had been passed down from generation to generation.

The young lad had beautiful platinum blonde hair that glistens white when the light was shone upon it. His sapphire blue eyes were like the ocean with hidden depth and mysteries despite the person being wet behind the years. His tall figure gave off the pressure that even though he was young, he had the ability to back up his arrogance.

"Cat got your tongue?", he asked with a sarcastic tone.

The young boy with black hair finally stop walking away and turned back to face the annoying individual that had been dissing him since earlier.

"What do you want?", he asked with a cold tone while wearing a stoic face. Just looking at this young boy's face would make anyone wonder where his innocence had gone since the current look on his face was something that someone of his age wouldn't show.

The people around the plaza that were watching the scene thought that the lad with platinum blonde hair had a natural and more humanly way of expressing his intentions and expressions while on the other hand, the boy with black hair looked weird for some reason in the peering eyes of the people around.

"Tell your grandfather not to spread some rumors just to prove your worth… you and I both knew that this was all false, right?"

Not minding the other party's words, the boy with black hair turned back again and started to walk away but before he could take his fourth step, he suddenly halted and look back.

"You should tell that to him… your Highness", he then walked away leaving those people behind.


"Eehhhh… what's going on?", I asked one of the people circling around the area.

Was there some road accident here? Why were the people gathered like this?

"Well… nothing, it was just a petty argument made by kids.", she replied.

"Petty arguments? Would a petty argument look like this?", I asked again the woman.

"That's because the kids in question were kids from influential families… ahhh, I spoke too much. Please excuse me.", then the woman scurried over and left the area as if she was afraid someone might hear our conversation.

'What was she afraid of?', then I looked over and saw the very scene of two young boys around the same age as me talking while exuding some pressure.

Looking closely at those two boys I felt a familiarity creep on me.

"Wait… those two look really familiar as if I have seen them be…fore, huh? Aren't those two…", as if lightning has hit me, I realize that those two who were at the center of the plaza were the male lead and the second male lead of the novel, "Age of Heroes: The Rise of a King".

"Hahahaha… the ducal heir and the crown prince of the empire, no wonder the people were circling over as if they were watching a fierce battle in the middle of the plaza.", I mumbled in a barely audible voice.