
The Rift Between Sides

"what the heck" As I wonder where I am, a spider comes up to me and asks, "Who are you?" I say, "I'm Webbs. How about you?" He responds, "I'm Drax. I'm guessing you're new around here because you went through the rebirth portal. When you die, you turn into a bug, and there is a portal for every bug. You came out as a spider. Let me show you around."

As Webbs and Drax went through the forest of grass, they came upon a ladybug. Drax says, "Ooh, a ladybug. Let's bring this to the nest to feast. I will hunt, and you capture with your webs." Webbs said, "Okay, I will try."

As Drax attacks, Webbs balloons the ladybug, suffocating it to death. Drax says, "Good job for a beginner. Let's head to town to sell and cook this beautiful meal!" Webbs and Drax head out to town to deliver the ladybug.