
Reincarnated as a Shadow Dragon

An 18 year old shut-in finally leaves his house for the first time in, what seemed to be, years. He was kicked out of his home by his parents and was left to wander the streets alone until he can find a job and a stable life. But unbeknownst to him, that would be the last day of his life. Not everyone's story ends with a happy ending. But that isn't the end just yet. As he is reincarnated as a shadow dragon, the last shadow dragon of its kind. But this particular shadow dragon is different. More intelligent from the rest.

Live_Oliver · แฟนตาซี
35 Chs


Why am I still hesitating to kill these guys? They attacked me first, so why am I giving them a second chance?

There's no point, I'll just end up getting myself killed. It's obvious these guys wont listen to what I have to say, it's just how humans treat creatures like me.

Shooting the flames that had built up in my throat, all of the nearby humans are burnt to a crisp. Then, I use my darkness magic to pull myself into the humans' shadows.

After a few seconds of anticipation, I reach my claws out and pull one of the humans into the ground. But, since he doesn't possess darkness magic he explodes starting from the legs until it reaches the head under the extreme pressure.

The rest of the humans scream when this happened. Smirking a little, I crawl out of the shadows and summon several shadow tendrils around my body. Which further freaks the humans out.

The tendrils stab some of the humans before retreating back into the shadows. At this point, there are only around 5 left out of the 25 that had come after me.

I'm saving the knight for last. I want him to see the consequences of his actions before everything turns dark for him, not that it'll matter anyway. I just want to satisfy a burning feeling inside of me.

Running towards the remaining humans, the knight attempts to block my attack with his shield but I jump over him and slash my claws in the shape of an X killing all of the humans behind him. I felt like a sushi chef with how their bodies were cut.

Then, I turned around and faced the knight. Who was practically shaking in his metal boots. If he could run, I bet he would. He's probably just realized how bad armour is for mobility purposes.

<So, are you proud of yourself?> I ask, coldly, with telepathy. <It's your fault they died in the first place. I would've spared you all if you didn't provoke me.>

"Just... just what are you?!" The knight screams out with a crackly voice.

A small smile grows on my reptilian face as I reply, <You're worst nightmare.>

Before stabbing my claws into the holes in his mask, and then pulling his head off of his neck. But, I didn't do it fast. I slowly ripped his head off, and heard his screams as the flesh slowly ripped off.

At this point, I don't think I'll ever forgive humans. But, as I look at the corpses around me, a familiar feeling began to grow within me. It was the same hunger that I felt when I was first born here.

At the speed of light, I ravage into the corpses and rip the warm flesh off of the bones and chew as fast as possible. Sometimes I don't even chew, I just swallow which can block up my throat and cause some issues. But, I don't care. I'm too hungry to care.

These humans are the descendants of those who killed my mother, of course they wouldn't have been willing to listen to me. I was stupid to think that they'd believe anything I'd say.

So, I'm going to find somewhere else to live. I was planning on staying here, but after today I don't want to stay. This place is full of rotten humans, and the longer I stay here the more danger I put on myself.

Stretching my wings out to their max span, I ready myself to fly. Looking in the sky, I notice that it is turning night. Which is perfect timing for me as It'll be easier to fly.

I shoot into the sky, and I immediately notice that I'm flying faster than I used to. Way faster, I don't think it'll take long at all to reach my destination. Wherever that may be. I wonder if I'll even meet any other dragons. Last time I said that, there was actually a dragon but it wasn't the type I was expecting.

As the moon rises in the distance, I summon shadow wings under my real ones to keep support and to make me fly even faster.

With how fast I'm flying, it only takes me around 30 minutes to reach my location. It was another continent, but from where I was approaching from, there wasn't a beach. It was just a drop-off into the water.

I wonder if this place will be different then the last one.