So, let me get this straight, I die not knowing how, get reborn as a mythical bird, my parents are dragons and this levelling system is crap. If that isn't bad enough, I'm also terrified of flying. I'm never going to get used to this, am I? (Strong language) ---Slight summary of each volume--- Volume 1: Developing & growing up Volume 2: Romance & vengeance Volume 3: Home life & invasions Volume 4: Aftermath & exploration Volume 5: Soulmates & hunting Volume 6: Heavenly & ...
"Oh come on Petra! Do I really have to wear something like this?"
"Have you ever been to a royal party before Ikarus?"
"That's what I thought"
We've ended up back in a fancy clothes store and wouldn't you know it, I've been stuck trying on fancy looking dresses and gowns for a while now. Petra is surprisingly picky when it comes to this type of thing, I guess I do understand her reasoning for such a thing, it is supposed to be a special occasion. My main issue is just being able to move about, most of the clothing in here would be terrible to fight in, I'd probably have to cut off any skirt just in case. I really ain't into cutesy things and I doubt I'll ever be even if Petra likes doing this type of thing.
This boutique... is that what it's called? I don't care but this place is pretty full right now, I'm guessing some of these might be attending the party or it's just shopping season in the capital or something like that. The prices in here are disgusting though, it's a good thing Petra's already stated she's paying for all this otherwise I'd have second thoughts about the whole 'kill the royals plan'. I joke but seriously though, they do want to put me off it, this dress in particular basically costs an arm and a leg.
"This might be the one, give me a little spin"
"Not happening... are we done yet?"
Of course, Petra's preference is something that looks kinda cute rather than revealing and hot, I don't really care about revealing clothing that much but it's at least easy to get around in. I guess this thing is a lot easier to get around in then most but it does looks more like something that Penelope might wear, think extremely feminine, maybe Victorian fancy clothing except it's not pink, it's like a pale yellow. Yeah, she would definitely wear something like this.
"Heh, yellow does go with your hair pretty well"
She's just ignoring me now. Even if I'm moaning, it's still better she sorts all this crap out since this type of thing isn't my speciality, got to keep reminding myself I was a guy at some point even if that seems like ancient history now.
Luckily enough, Petra seems to be liking this one so it looks like we're done here now, only took around six hours of trying on different outfits, no chance I'd have been able to put up with this back when my patience was terrible. Oh well, at least we're finished.
As I'm taking off the dress and other crap that goes with the outfit in a dressing room, I'm also speaking with Petra through the curtain door thing.
"Why has this taken so long to find an outfit? Seriously though, we could've been done hours ago, it's not exactly like we need to impress anybody"
I might be a little cranky, we did miss lunch because of how long we've been looking for clothes, I'm actually the one who suggested to get this done before going to eat, unfortunately I didn't know how long it would be. This isn't impatience, this is hunger!
"Just trying to be careful and practical Ikarus, I'm not just trying to doll you up here believe it or not. Preparation for this is key after all, expecting there might be a problem with getting weapons in so trying to decide what the best thing to wear would be, also helps for moving about purposes as well"
Wait, is this why she's picking something kinda over the top, so we can smuggle weapons in under the skirt? We're obviously making sure to speak quietly in this store.
"Why would that be a problem? I can just use storage"
"Think though, what if they take the ring off you before entering Ikarus? What if they have something that can stop my storage as well as magic? Just trying to be extra cautious since anything can happen"
Oh, she really does think everything through, I still feel like this is just her having fun with me but I guess she does have a slight point, should be easily able to smuggle something in and it be ignored if we get a shakedown or something by the guards.
It's risky, sure but doesn't hurt to have a backup just in case, it still seems unlikely seeing the number of times I've visited the prince and never been disarmed though.
"You sure you're not being a little paranoid? It's not like they've ever taken anything before"
"True, might be but it's just more a cautious feeling more than anything else, thinking my presence there could spook the mage if she thinks something is going on. Don't forget, wasn't assigned to you like priestess or the knight, get the feeling they might be a little more cautious than usual on that night, it will obviously be meaningless if their arrogance plays its part"
I guess it's more of a gut feeling she has but I might feel a little naked if they confiscate my ring, at least the bastard would return it afterwards. I guess we've still got the option of going weapon less if it happens though, magic is useful and all but the mage herself is supposed to be a master in that so bringing a blade or two isn't the worst idea.
Also, all aspect of gigantomachy needs is just one hit, a single punch would do the job. Huh, all I need to do is go bald and then I've just completely ripped of an anime. Jokes aside, we've still got a little more to discuss and then it'll be showtime.
"Well... I'm all done now, normal clothed, uncomfortable Ikarus returns! Hang on, you haven't got anything to wear yet, you're not going to the party like that, are you?"
I mean, Petra looks good in anything but that wasn't my point since she is a one outfit person like me... I wonder if I can get her into another set of lingerie or something as well if she's buying something, maybe white this time seeing that she only ever seems to wear white after all.
"Heh, already have something perfectly suited from a while back"
Well crap, that plan failed, now I'm depressed. Okay, I am slowly turning into a perve over her but I'm trying to fight it, alright? At least she's smiling even if she hasn't got a clue what's going on inside my head.
"Let's just get something to eat..."
"Next in line!"
After the shopping trip was finished, me and Petra spent the last of the week doing various other things, some involved day to day stuff like stocking up on supplies, others being discussing various plans for what could potentially happen inside if something goes wrong or just hanging out together.
I guess we've been discussing what's about to happen every day now, makes sense seeing this could be the ending of our journey if it goes wrong. I am being hopeful though, Petra's just been making contingency plans so if something off plan happens, then we both know how to react accordingly. Been a little boring but this isn't something to be careless about, hopefully it goes smoothly but blind faith is something I only reserve for Petra, it isn't needed right now though since I've got an idea what to do if everything goes to shit.
I'll just sum up what's been said since it's been a lot, basically there's ideas if the targets aren't all together or we end up ambushed, remaining secretive goes out the window if that's the case but the counter to that is we both knee and swear fake allegiance to the bastard after he shows up. Keep in mind, that's just the tip of the iceberg for what's been discussed, it's boring to recap so I'm just going to let it go for now.
Anyways, would this last week be considered dating? I mean, we spend all the time together and eat together also, official dating is kinda pointless for us since we've been doing that nonstop already. We did see a play so that might count but it's just a pointless thought, no point in the dating stage since we've basically been an item for a while now. Did also make sure to share a few drinks as well, could be our last after all but no more being pessimistic, we're going to get through this.
Oh, another thing, Petra also tried to teach me how to dance a little at the party, did anyone really think that would go well? Seriously though, all that happened is that I fell on my arse and may have gotten a bruised bottom under this dress now, there was no chance she could ever achieve success doing such a task even if she's leading or whatever it is called when you do ballroom style dancing. And besides, a same sex couple dancing at a royal princess's birthday? Even if the rumour is the princess hates that type of thing, that definitely wouldn't get looks, maybe one day we can dance together in a different situation but it would take me getting seriously wasted to consider that, I basically dance with two left feet after all.
Now onto the actual situation at hand, both of us have just arrived at the palace and are obviously dressed for the occasion, took hours of getting ready since Petra be doing makeup for both of us. Also sucks that I've had to get used to wearing heels again, did get used to them back in the elven war dungeon so walking has never been a serious issue but they will never be comfortable. No more complaining, we do look good as hell though.
Petra is honestly beautiful right now, the outfit she's got is a long, stunning white dress, hers is more similar to something that looks like a modern ballgown. There is a slight amount of black on it as well like the bow and sash around her waist but it's obviously mostly white, that does seem to be her preference clothing wise after all.
Before we set off, did give her a compliment about how good she looks but backfired instantly as she just went straight to teasing without giving it a second thought, words don't work on her after all, only actions do if I want to see her flustered. With how she looks tonight though, there might be an action incoming, will have to wait till we're alone without prying eyes but I'd rather just focus on our task then stare at Petra's beauty.
Sigh, now properly onto the actual situation at hand with no more distractions like how beautiful my GF is right now, we're at a completely different entrance and courtyard as well as this line being extremely long with noble looking people up and down in it. I guess we've been waiting a good half an hour to enter now, thankfully we arrived really early so there's no worries about showing up late. It is starting to get a little dark out as well now, we still have more than enough time before things get spicy.
We both walk up the one of the guards controlling and checking the line and wait for him to speak.
"Invitation please..."
I give him the invitation I received from the prince and he seems a little surprised after reading the damn thing.
"... Oh, most women prefer to bring a date rather than a friend to this sort of occasion, fair enough if not. Everything checks out so please enjoy yourselves, head on in"
I mean, Petra is a date to this place so his pointless comment was technically true, even if it's pissed me off a little. It also turns out Petra's worries were wrong; my storage ring wasn't taken or anything like that so getting out any weapons would be piss easy right now. I wonder if Jekyll had anything to do with that or the prince just couldn't care enough for me to be armed, he is pretty arrogant after all.
'Are we seriously not getting checked as well?'
I expected at least a weapon shakedown by one of the guards, clearly that worry was unneeded. Some other people have been forcibly checked though, mostly men but there has been a few women ahead of us, I'm guessing my name gives me a right not to? Actually, thinking about it, pissing off the two dragons daughter confiscating her enchanted ring isn't the best of plays, Petra also seems like a mage in their eyes so no point even bothering with her.
Anyways, we walk past the guard and through a small corridor into a huge royal ballroom, the bottom part of the room is filled to the brim with people, one side has a gigantic glass door that seems to go to a separate small garden people are also in and at the back on the room is a large stairway that seems to lead to the upper floors of the palace, people are up there as well. Unsure where the royals are right now, feel like they should be in here but maybe they want to make a late entrance or something.
No point discussing how posh this place looks though, should be pretty obvious by now that a palace would look extremely fancy and expensive, been here enough already to know all that. There does seem to be a lot a red here though, I guess that colour is the theme? The tablecloths, entrance carpet, heck, even the plates and cutlery are red. It's a little odd looking really.
Ah, also can't forget, there's also a buffet that no one seems to be near, I'm pretty sure some nobles think the idea of being seen eating at an event is bad or something like that but there's no chance I'm turning down free food especially crap that looks that good, Petra's been making sure both of us haven't been stuffing our face full this last week since the clothing might not fit, this thing is tighter than what I normally wear after all. It also might be she just likes me looking cute, it's probably a mix of both since I do look pretty damn good right now. Petra always looks more beautiful though but forget that again, I'm hungry.
"Petra, wanna get some food?"
When in Rome... if you've ever heard that expression, I'm too hungry to finish it. The food looks sad and depressing not being eaten right now, can't be leaving it in that sorry state. It's not like we've eaten much today, I'd say it's mostly down to anxiety then just trying to fit in the clothes, been stressing out a lot today and I don't really stress eat unless it's ice cream, there is no ice cream in this part of the world unfortunately.
"Sure, we've got time"
We both walk over and it's not exactly like we've got anyone to talk to within this place. Other than the royals, no one would even have a clue who we are, actually that might not be true. I think Petra might be getting the odd confused look but unsure if it's down to her beauty or Petra's past, she has spent time in the capital despite spending a lot more time elsewhere. They're not approaching us so screw them if they don't want to speak to us 'commoners'.
Anyways, just as I'm about to grab a plate and start loading up on the selection of meats, cheeses and stuff like that, two very familiar faces distract me and my stomach's attention, I can't believe those two are here!
"Charlotte and Nathan! How the hell did you two get in here?"
Hearing my voice within a small group near us, they quickly make up some excuse leaving and come to the buffet, both look really happy at seeing us both, I'm a little confused why I'm surprised about the whole thing, the prince did say those two might be here but still.
"Petra-sama and Ikarus-sama!"
"I'm honestly surprised you'd want to be at a place like this Petra"
They are both dressed up fancy like everyone else here, priestess actually has her hair free from that nun's habit thing she wears and also has a nice-looking black dress on, it's not extremely fancy and barely shows any skin since that's how she's always been but it definitely suits her and is suitable for this place.
The knight has on a royal looking military uniform that several other invited soldier guests have on in this place, it actually reminds me of the King's soldiers back on that island I came from, just the only exception being the bearskin hats that look like a black toilet brush.
"It's a big day knight, Ikarus had a plus one so it made sense to protect her"
Urgh, I like Petra protecting me but when she says it so causally like that, it annoys me a little, maybe because I want to protect her someday. It's a shame she's basically semi-immortal.
"Fair enough Petra, it's nice to see you two again though"
"Yes! How's everything been? Did the last dungeons go well?"
Priestess definitely seems the more excited out of the two to see us once again, she's probably high on cake right now seeing that there definitely was some that had been sliced into at the buffet.
I'm honestly a little exited seeing those two here as well, been trying to keep an eye out for them in the capital and haven't seen a single trace all week, they've probably been helping out preparations for this party as well thinking about it.
(Ikarus) "Yeah, they went fine priestess, I'll give a quick sum up but basically the next one went like..."
So we had a little chat with them about what me and Petra had gone through since they left, obviously excluding the confidential parts and as I was finishing, someone else called them over to have a discussion. I guess priestess is still considered a celebrity even in this room full of nobles so it makes sense why she would she would need to move on and chat with everyone. And besides, my hunger has now skyrocketed from that kinda long conversation, just please let me eat in peace now! Even if I started the conversation, stupid brain.
Now that I've finally grabbed a plate of food, I can finally start to eat. I'd ask Petra why she isn't eating as well but maybe her nerves are playing up too, she isn't an emotionless drone after all, even she is going to be a little on edge. Hopefully, Jekyll comes through for us and sends the targets away to the place he described.
A little time passes with me eating and Petra by my side and thankfully enough as I'm finishing off my food, it seems it's time for the royals to make an entrance.
"Everyone please leave the stairway and make room for her highness, the princess Media"
The nobles on the stairs do as asked from the guard that has moved onto the middle part of it and quickly after, the princess makes this party her stage, everyone quietens down and watches her come into view.
Coming down from one of the stairways that connect into the middle, think it's called a half landing, a woman sharing a very similar appearance to the bastard makes her way walking down onto it. She's wearing a red, long dress that looks really revealing basically showing off her two bosoms and seems to have an odd smile on her face, kinda similar to her brothers Blake and Alistair thinking about it.
"Thank you everyone for coming to my birthday party! All of you lovely people have made me feel so special in coming here today and I'd like to thank everyone for doing such a thing! You really have made this princess feel like the centre of the world!"
I honestly can't get over how similar she looks to the bastard Desmond; you can tell she's a little younger and obviously female but they really do look nearly identical. She's even got the blue eyes he has as well, I guess their father clearly has a type even if his first child was apparently illegitimate, all of them are blonde with pretty similar looks.
(Guard) "Long live the princess!"
"She really is most beautiful"
"The prince is really lucky to have such a lovely sister behind him"
I can't help but also give another thought as the crowd and guards are lapping her bullshit up, there is something else I noticed about her.
'Don't like her, she seems fake as fuck'
After she's had her little greeting and the crowd have lapped it up, the prince makes his entrance coming down the other stairway being joined by the mage, Leone might be the only person in this place not dressed up fancy like just wearing her normal clothing, she's in her usual white outfit with the prince in a military looking uniform like a lot of the other men, his is clearly more prestigious though.
At least Leone is in comfortable clothing for what happens later...
The prince continues walking down the stairs and starts to talk before he joins his sister.
"Thank you all for coming to see my sweet and adorable younger sister's birthday. It's been a tough year with everything that those scandalous rebels have been doing but thankfully enough, we can take this day to appreciate everything we have and can celebrate this empire's continued devotion to caring about its citizens"
"Long live his highness!"
"The prince is definitely getting more handsome as he gets older"
"Agreed, any woman would love to share his bed, me included"
Same thing again, people lap up this empire's bullshit, I can why Petra never liked them in the first place.
'He's so full of lies, he despises his sister from that reaction... Wait, why do I know that? Is my lie detector working?'
[<*Sigh*... Is -user- seriously still stuck on ability -eye of wisdom-? It's not hard to understand>]
'It is Aesa! It feels no different yet something like that felt natural as fuck, it's irritating cause I can't tell if it's me or the ability doing it!'
This probably isn't the time to bring this up but Aesa decided to speak to me first this time, fucking distractions.
[<-Eye of wisdom- ability lacks knowledge even for Aesa but it seems able to detect when -user- wants to know when targets intent is true or false. It is not that hard to understand>]
Urgh, forget it, that still isn't a perfect explanation since I could tell he despises his sister, not that what he says was a lie. I'm just being pedantic with Aesa so let's move on.
'At least, three of the targets are now in sight, no idea about the emperor but Desmond said he'd have that sorted without us worrying. All we need to do now is wait...'
To be continued...