So, let me get this straight, I die not knowing how, get reborn as a mythical bird, my parents are dragons and this levelling system is crap. If that isn't bad enough, I'm also terrified of flying. I'm never going to get used to this, am I? (Strong language) ---Slight summary of each volume--- Volume 1: Developing & growing up Volume 2: Romance & vengeance Volume 3: Home life & invasions Volume 4: Aftermath & exploration Volume 5: Soulmates & hunting Volume 6: Heavenly & ...
'Where the hell am I?'
I swear I've been wondering this place for what feels like days now, might only be hours but time does feel a little skewed in here, maybe because there's nothing to base it off after all.
There's just nothing but pure darkness and it seems endless, no walls in sight nor I can't even see the floor thinking about it, it doesn't feel like I'm floating but it doesn't feel like I'm walking either. Pretty sure I still have a body, at least from touch but can't see it, I bet this is how Petra used to see before she gained her 'eyesight', I'll go to the ends of the earth to find her a cure if this ever becomes a permanent thing for her once again.
'I'm not in a coma or something, right?'
I've got no memory problems or anything like that inside here, literally remember everything up to the moment I collapsed back in the last dungeon, clearly this has to be something related to breaking the curse but why am I in a place like this and for so long? All alone in a dark, desolate void with nothing else but my thoughts to keep me company, I can't even speak for some reason and Aesa isn't here either, I'd go mad if it wasn't kinda relaxing.
It's strange, feel a sense of calm and peace inside here, I'm unsure if it's down to this place being inside my head or somewhere else, I'm assuming it's inside my head because I have no idea how I'd be somewhere else, that dungeon was completed after all and all the other phoenixes were around me, it's either that or I've been teleported somewhere else but this place in some ways feels like a dream so I've scrapped that idea.
If I see a bright light though, I'm running the other direction, I'm not stupid enough to walk into a bright light and kill myself off doing something stupid like that. That's how death always works though, right? You see a bright light and to stay alive, you avoid it like the plague, at least that's what you'd think from all those near-death experiences people have told throughout the years, most are probably bullshit and made-up thinking about it.
It is a little boring though, only so much sleeping you can do around here and stuff like meditation bores me even further, I'd probably be able to do it if it made me slowly get stronger like with Petra. Actually, that's not how regulating ki works, I think. I've got to stop asking her about it since even now, I still can't understand anything she tells me when it comes to cultivation. I really should've read more novels but there are only so many hours in a day and they are sooo long and confusing.
Without giving me a warning though, a voice suddenly rings through my skull.
'Jesus fucking Christ! How loud was that!?'
I've actually grabbed my ears, it wouldn't help in the slightest since the sound isn't even entering my ears but it was instinctive of me, that was really loud after all.
<Ah, sorry little phoenix, didn't realize how loud this damn thing comes across, that should be better now>
Like when I speak to my parents or that mad God Lyssa I came across, telepathy is being used right now, this guy's voice does sound a little odd though, it's pretty relaxed and almost sounds like a dude or a bro, like a drinking buddy perhaps? I've got to stop using that comparison, my excessive drinking days are kinda over, I might get pissed when my birthday comes back around though.
I'd give him a response but it's not exactly like I can speak in here, unsure if it's God or dungeon related but the same type of silent voice effect is taking place here like in that madness dungeon. Using my thoughts to communicate back doesn't seem to work either.
<Sorry for the long wait, first time trying to use this stupid thing, can see why the other Gods frown on it, stupid piece of modern magic. Can you respond to me by any chance?>
'He honestly sounds like an old person using technology right about now'
He pauses for a second waiting for a response, then realizes that was pointless, I would like to see him if possible but no chance of that happening in here if I can't even see my own hands.
<Ah, this is only a one-way thing, telekinesis also seems to be a one-way thing inside here as well, whoopsie. I should still be able to share some info with you...>
'I really hope this guy isn't insufferable'
<... I've been watching you for quite a while now little phoenix and honestly, you don't disappoint, it really has been quite entertaining...>
'This guy's been watching me? I'm guessing he's a God but who could he be? Wait, I have an idea'
<...Of course, I haven't always been able to keep eyes on you, Charlotte only has two eyes after all and now that you've sent her away right when things were getting interesting, I've had to resort to other measures to cheer you on...>
'At least that answers that, he's priestess's God, he's the one who even mentioned about the ten-dungeon cure so he'll definitely know why I'm in this state, I'd be worried about him watching over me but he's a God, can't most of them do that already? It's not really a concern as long as they leave when anything gets steamy for example'
<... Look at me waffling on though, you've been stuck in there for long enough now and should be returning to the mortal lands very soon, also can't forget the time I have to speak here and remain confidential is lacking as well, can't be having family find out about this, otherwise things will get very heated...>
'He's still waffling on, I remember hearing that God Lyssa would apparently die for speaking with me, this guy must've have found a way around it, no idea on who his family is though, it'll probably be Greek or Norse seeing that they're the main two mythologies in this world'
<... I'll get to my point now though; you'll always have a friendly face up here if one day you do decide to purge the heavens of the scum that reside here, you're not alone in the world little phoenix, be it in the immortal or mortal worlds...>
'So is this guy basically saying I'll always have an ally up there where the Gods are? Good to know I guess; not like I can do anything with that right now like with everything else'
<... Despite what they'll have you believe, not every God believes in purging the last of your kind, make sure you remember that otherwise you'll have an unwinnable battle fall upon your shoulders one day...>
This time however, he pauses after finishing almost as if he realized he's forgotten something, that should be pretty obvious thinking about it.
<... Oh, can't forget about that silly little dragon curse that floats around, dungeons are basically Gods temples or gardens after all, the cure for most curses have normally been blessings, you should have received ten of them by now so that should mean you're cured...>
'Wait, that's important information! Don't change the subject, follow it up some more info about the dungeons! I've gained ten Gods blessings as well? I didn't realize every dungeon reward is technically a Gods blessing'
<... Got to go, time is now up, hopefully we'll speak face to face again someday, bring your partner along and we'll all share a drink of ambrosia and some laughs together!>
Then, complete and utter silence falls in this place once again, was kinda hoping that would be the cue to wake me up from this place I'm in but clearly, that's not happening just yet.
'What a surprise, more questions with barely any answers, I thought priestess's God can't drink anywa-...'
With that last thought, another strong rush of blood crashes into my mind causing me to collapse once again.
'Urgh, my legs feel heavy'
I wake up to see a very unfamiliar looking ceiling, actually I'm slightly lying, it looks familiar but I've definitely not seen this before, is it déjà vu? No, I know where I am and I know the reason my legs feel heavy.
Where my legs are laying on this comfortable bed is a very familiar face, Petra looks to be sleeping with her arms and head resting against the lower part of my body, clearly she must've been waiting for me to wake up.
'Damn, how long must she have been up? And how did I even get back here?'
I never catch her sleeping and yet here she is literally using my legs as a pillow, surprised she can even sleep like that on her knees but I must've been out for a while if she's this exhausted, obviously they must've flown me back but I swear we're at least two weeks away from that mesa dungeon.
'Ah, I've got to check in with Aesa... you alive? We'll speak properly in a bit'
It's a good thing she's there but in all honesty, I need to move my legs otherwise they might fall off, they obviously won't but Petra is crushing them a little.
I slowly try to move my legs as to avoid waking Petra and find that's completely pointless as Mr obnoxious can't help but enter the room.
"Orangey! You're awake!"
Immediately, Petra awakens from her slumber from his loudness and a look of relief appears on her face once she realizes I'm awake, she clearly must've been extremely worried.
Without warning, I find she gets up and attacks me with a hug, I know she would've been worried but damn, there was something else I noticed as well while she's violently assaulting me with this body contact. I'm just messing about though; her hugs are always nice.
'Wait a second, was that a slight tear on her face? I don't know, I can't see it anymore'
I've never seen Petra cry so it might just be a bit of sweat, it is pretty warm in here bu-, no, I'm not being purposely dense here, that was definitely a slight tear.
While hugging me, I can't help but feel for her, I honestly never realized she could worry that much over me, heck, even care for me for this long, no idea how long I've been bedridden but she definitely would've been the main person looking after me. I feel like I need to repay her slightly-, no, that's the wrong way of looking at it, a reward? Maybe...
'Fuck it, I'm doing it'
I've decided this is a perfect time to do what I've wanted to do for a little while now, there's no better time than the present and she deserves it, Petra is always brilliant after all.
"Petra, can you just move back a bit?"
As she's slowly pulling away from the hug, I make sure to catch her off her guard while still on the bed. I quickly push myself up and do something I've been wishing to do for weeks, there won't be any higher powers stopping me from what I want to achieve right now... a kiss.
My aim is precise and deadly making immediate contact with her beautiful lips, I've got to describe it like this why otherwise I'll become too flustered and regret my decision for such a thing. Petra is very quickly taken back from what just happened but doesn't pull away or anything like that, we've both closed our eyes doing such a thing as well since that's what you do when kissing, right? I've always done it that way anyways. Of freaking cause I've made this awkward, how else would I do such a thing?
It doesn't last too long though, longer than a quick peck but obviously not a long kiss, it was our first time towards each other after all. We've both done this before so it shouldn't be that big of a deal but for me, this was. And judging by her reaction, she shares the same opinion it seems.
'Her face... heh'
And that... was the first time I've ever seen the strong, confident and perfect Petra properly blush, so much so she might be even redder than me! Is that an effective way of teasing her? By kissing? I'd prefer an easier method but damn it, there is a way!
I'll give her a rundown on what I just experienced in that void later, right now I'm way too happy seeing my girlfriend's red face, I couldn't even care that I just made the first move and pushed myself there, this is brilliant! I've finally found a way to effectively tease her! Who cares if it causes me extreme redness also?
"Hehe, you forget I'm here or something orangey?"
Of course, Zeki has a sly grin after watching us kiss for the first time, expected him to have a slightly different reaction saying something like 'You're not taking older sis away from us!' or other stupid things like that, at least he's approving of it, even if his face is a little too sly for my liking. At least he's happy to see his older sis happy even if I'm apparently stealing her away.
"Zeki, leave me and Ikarus alone for a bit"
"Sure sure, just leave the door wide open otherwise I'll force it open, byeee!"
'He's such a dickhead, at least he's gone now'
Now left in Petra's bedroom is just us two, how should I follow up what just happened between us?
No seriously, how? You know what, let the teasing commence!
"Oi Petra, your face went awfully red there for a second... I wonder what could've caused that?"
"Heh, well obviously your cheeky mouth caused it of course, swear you become cuter every day"
Damn it, I forgot once again I can never win with verbal teasing, I'll just have to stick with the kissing thing for now, it seemed to work so physical actions clearly work better than verbal, good to know I guess. It's just a shame it's taken this long to hit this point, probably take another eight plus months for another serious thing like admitting to love. Actually, there's no chance we're that far away from that...
"Just outta curiosity, how long was I out anyways?"
"Let's see... six days to fly back... hmm... three weeks in total I believe"
Three weeks!? She's been caring for me for that long? Fucking curses man, I'm going to cure her one day even if she says it can't.
"That long!?! Hang on, at least that explains why I'm wearing this"
"Thought it would be more comfortable for you"
I'm currently wearing what looks like a nightgown, clearly this must've come from Petra's wardrobe, it fits perfectly so that makes sense. I can smell something though, is that me or Petra?
"Petra, don't take this the wrong way but is that smell... you?"
"Heh, you don't smell the greatest either, didn't know if you'd be okay with me bathing you so didn't bother"
Well that seems a bit dumb, she's happy to put me in something more comfortable to wear and has helped me clean myself back at that bathhouse in the elven city but this is too much? Maybe she felt like this is a consent thing? Screw that, smelling sucks!
Well, to be honest, it's barely noticeable, you can easily go weeks without bathing while travelling if there's no water around like in the desert so this really isn't that much of an issue. She also probably remembers how flustered I got last time in the bathhouse so that might explain it, I really wouldn't have cared though.
Wait, does this mean I'd also be okay with bathing her? Ah forget it, mind wondering again, I'm moving too fast now, I'll overwhelm myself if I keep this up, the kiss was enough for today. Maybe we'll do again tomorrow if we have time... who am I kidding, just that alone took a lot out of me.
"Anyways... where's Ariza at? She would've come to say hello if she was in, right?"
Before I get a response from Petra, I hear shouting come from the living room, clearly Zeki was eavesdropping on our conversation, I'd be annoyed if I even cared all that much, privacy around him was always going to be too difficult to achieve.
"Brother is out getting two people who were supposed to wake you up, seems fucking pointless now"
He actually seems a little annoyed while responding, I'm guessing he's missing Ariza then, Petra seems a little guilty looking as well now, why though?
"Sorry Ikarus, had to inform them what's going on, was way too worried after all"
As soon as Petra apologies for something I have no idea on, a bang on the front door is heard, I swear these types of coincidences are getting boring now but screw it, at least I'll now know who Petra brought back to help me out. I've got a bad suspicion on who it might be.
"----, open --- door!"
I can hear Ariza's muffled voice through the heavy door and I'm unfortunately about to know who's she's brought, I guess it'll be good to meet them once again if it is them, it has been a while.
"Fine, one sec"
Zeki presumably opens the door to the people and two more voices are added onto the four phoenixes that are already here.
"Ikarus! Where are you Ikarus!?"
"Little one!"
Off in the living room, I can hear two very familiar voices, normally they'd make noise inside my head but this time clearly not, probably because they wouldn't be able to fit inside this cave. Looks like I was right, I bet mother had to duck to get under the doorway as well., damn giant of a woman.
'Damn it, Isn't that great? My parents are here and I still haven't figured out what's going down with my system'
[<Aesa isn't going anywhere, -user- has unlocked 2 new abilities but Aesa won't share until current situation is resolved. You can thank Aesa later>]
'Sighhh, let's just get this over with'
Overbearing parents inbound, bet mother has been worried nonstop, this might take a while to calm her down...