So, let me get this straight, I die not knowing how, get reborn as a mythical bird, my parents are dragons and this levelling system is crap. If that isn't bad enough, I'm also terrified of flying. I'm never going to get used to this, am I? (Strong language) ---Slight summary of each volume--- Volume 1: Developing & growing up Volume 2: Romance & vengeance Volume 3: Home life & invasions Volume 4: Aftermath & exploration Volume 5: Soulmates & hunting Volume 6: Heavenly & ...
(Zeki) "I swear this whole trip feels fucking pointless after all that. Those Gods were boring as hell and I'm not even allowed to avenge brother for what that demon did, life really stinks"
'At least it's not me stating the obvious for a change, when I'm agreeing with Zeki you know things aren't quite right'
(Ariza) "Uh, it's not that bad Zeki. We're all still alive and well, right?"
(Nathan) "Actually agree with him for a change, this does feel a little off putting"
(Charlotte) "I'm honestly just happy we've rescued my Lord more than anything else"
(Petra) "..."
After meeting with the Underworld leaders and now back in Tartarus in the middle of nowhere, we've rejoined both Asmodeus and Dionysus wherever this place is we've been teleported.
I think both Hades and Persephone realize I can teleport as well? I sure hope it works down here cause we're royally fucked if this doesn't work out. It was always said that getting out is way harder than getting in but how many people have what basically is admin privileges?
(Ikarus) "At least we completed our task kid, we did come down here to save Dio and have succeeded. I can agree with you being annoyed about us now being stuck with that dickhead though"
I aim my insult towards the demon yet all he does is smile and treats it like it's nothing. I don't care if he knows I'm going to hate him, there's got to be some way I can hurt him a little...
"Heh, you two really don't like me it seems. Is it my scent or something?"
"Can you really blame them Asmodeus? By the sounds of it, you've screwed over more people than you can even remember at this point"
"Maybe young God, but it was always is pursuit of the greater good. Something those angels in particular will never understand"
To be honest, it's obvious me and Zeki hate this guy for someone else's sake especially considering how calm Petra and Ariza are around him now. Can you really blame us though? He is basically responsible for that other demon lord crushing her and Petra's pain, it would be weird if we could adapt to this whole thing as easy as everyone else.
"Oi Asmodeus, there's still a few questions left that remain unanswered. Like what happens next with us and Dio? Oh, and what was that whole demon invasion thing about anyways? You must've known it would've led to the volcano?"
'That gets Zeki grinding his teeth now, guess he's picked up something from Hades since it's normally a scoff'
"Getting the young God out of here is easier than you think orange one, he can just leave with us. The Underworld is technically part of the main world despite it not seeming so..."
'He seriously doesn't help himself with that grin of his, always makes him look like he's about to commit a war crime or something'
"...Heh, the invasion thing, that was a gift to Zeus. Something that incompetent would make even his most trusted followers think twice when they found out he was involved. Of course, I knew he'd probably use that as a last resort, I also knew that there wasn't a future in which Hephaestus-, or Denver would allow it to erupt again"
So, Zeus takes all the blame for this guy's meddling and we're now having to work with him otherwise the God who rules all can't be defeated? It doesn't matter how many times I say it, the bitter taste will just not leave.
"Couldn't you have gone some other way about doing things though? Whether you know the future is set or not, invading a literal world and setting off a world ending volcano only makes me think your intention is for everyone to suffer"
Petra finally joins in abandoning that silence of hers, I guess she has always been the most logical out of us so this sort of question makes sense.
"Of course dark one, this funnily enough is the most peaceful option if you still plan to live through it all. That invasion on the human continent also allowed some of my minions to start planting things in places around hell as well, this actually presents a good chance to talk about the upcoming plan..."
By this point, we've all taken a seat on the brimstone and are listening to Asmodeus intensely. Except Zeki, he's gone off either sulking or taking a whiz, could also be both.
"...In order to start dethroning Zeus, we first need to get you two the conditions to enter the heavenly realms"
Asmodeus points to us lovebirds making us both seem a little unsure. Aren't we basically a minimum party of six now? At least until Charlotte and Nathan get called back to the empire.
(Petra) "Just the two of us?"
"The conditions on entering the heavens are a little tricky, mostly because mortals aren't allowed to enter. Gods, demons and angels can. However, making you all Gods would take years too long"
"Ah, so you're saying me and Petra need to become Gods to get up there? Wait, what even is the thing with Gods leaving and entering the heavenly realms? By the sounds of it, we could end up stuck up there, right?"
I mean, I don't remember who said it but God have problems getting down here, right? Just look at Zeus for example, he clearly has the power to just come down into the world and destroy me outright but for some reason hasn't. Maybe it's more down to the civil war happening more than anything else.
"You see my friend Dionysus in the flesh this moment, right? There are ways you can bypass the watchers heading up and down, but that's something not worth discussing until it's needed. For now, let's just get you two turned first"
It's clear Dionysus resents the fact Asmodeus called him a friend again but was fine enough to ignore it now, we are in a pretty important conversation.
"How do we do that then?"
"It's simple really. For you orange phoenix, all you'll have to do is a lot of killing. Helping me with my plot to destroy the rest of the majin lords should do the trick. It will require becoming a majin lord in the process though"
Is he seriously suggesting I become a demon lord? Ah, I knew my story would take this cliché turn! I'm not sure whether to be happy or annoyed simply because becoming a demon lord normally turns out to be really cool, just we all know how my life turns out with anything cool. Except Petra, she's the only consistent badass thing around with an exceptional arse believe it or not.
"We're wiping out some demon lords then? What's the catch here because we all know there is one? I'm not going off alone if Petra ain't there"
That gets a slight smile out of Petra, as if we're going to split up while I go off demon hunting or something.
"I never said the rest of you can't help getting into the heavens, just the final blow must fall upon your shoulders when taking care of the lords otherwise, things will become even further complicated"
The funny thing is the rest of the party seem relieved at that turns of events as well, I guess they're definitely joining us on this journey then? Well, unsure on Zeki because he's not returned yet but can't see him stopping that following of his 'brother'.
"What about Petra then? Has does she obtain Godhood?"
"All she needs to do is go visit Athena once again, she's already given her everything to take the mantle except the final boom. For all intents and purposes, she already is a God"
"Wait, are you being serious? Petra's already an actual God!?"
"Heh, why are you so surprised orange one? Wasn't it obvious? That last meeting you had with Athena should've clocked you on"
You know, it really sucks how my perception or intelligence haven't seemed to increase all but if even Petra seems a little shocked, it couldn't have been that obvious, right?
Sure, other than the fact her level counter is broken, the sword art gets used loads now and that she can kinda sense things that aren't there, was it that obvious? Eh, maybe those are the starting signs, Petra's always been full of wisdom so she wouldn't be that different from the literal God of wisdom.
I've just realized something dumb as well, our story is turning into a forbidden lovers tale. The Goddess Petra and the demon lord Ikarus, it sounds like it could be the start to one of those stories that ends with both lovers committing suicide with a bottle of poison when they realize they can't be together because of social or family reasons. I can already guarantee nothing like that will be happening even if my parents were to decide they hated Petra all of a sudden, I chose love over blood months and months ago.
(Petra) "What's your plan for destroying the demonic world then? If Ikarus needs to deal the final blow, we can deal with that but need more on the specific details on how we go about fighting everything else"
'Petra has always been the brains to my brawn. Once you get power stronger than nukes and dragons, you tend to see less reason to plan in detail'
"Heh, I've already done most the work there, all we'll have to do is walk in over the gigantic piles of corpses and find my brethren trembling in the knees. I over simplify it but they will still prove a decent fight that can end you if you don't focus enough"
"What have you done this time around Asmodeus? Have you already started the purge?"
"Heh, of course young God. That world right now is so toxic, we'd all end dead in seconds. You see, this was the second thing to the human invasion, a distraction that was needed to plant my devices..."
Grinning even more than usual, it really makes my stomach churn that we now have to work with such a psychopath.
"...At this current moment in time, the majin world is relishing in a beautiful cloud of poison that burns and consumes everything it touches. No amount of technology or breathing equipment can stop its effect as it is far too superior for such a cheap counteraction"
Bloody hell, this guy is freaking insane! He actually has doomed his entire race if that's true. I'd like to ask him why but feel like I'm only going to get a stupid answer if I ask for his motivations or something. At the end of the day, he wants to destroy Zeus as much as us so we need to somehow deal with it. It's just he clearly is a huge antagonist if he's dooming an entire world like that, I'd be jealous if I wasn't for the poison usage...
(Ikarus) "That was the overall goal of your plan Asmodeus? To gas out your entire species? Damn, that shit is intense even for me"
"Heh, I did tell say things are going on, this has been something intricately planned out for decades orange one. Even you and your family young God, you lot in Olympus have been so predictable and it's honestly disappointing"
'This dickhead actually wants it to be less predictable? Bit contradictory considering he knows the freaking future! Just ignore it Ikarus, he really has old spy movie villain vibes and it's infuriating'
(Ikarus) "This still doesn't answer how I'm able to help you kill them though. You don't exactly need help if you've done all this behind the scenes, right?"
Show, don't tell, right!? All this information we're getting from Asmodeus we're unable to confirm simply because we haven't seen what's been going on. It just makes us feel like we've been stumbling around in the dark without a clue.
"Ah, your help is desperately needed orange phoenix, especially when the gas dissipates in exactly three months' time. As if a little poison that consumes the insides will kill all the lords, doubt I'll even get two of them. It will wipe out the other ninety-nine percent of my race though"
"Then couldn't you have told us bef-... wait, three months!? It'll take three months for it to go?"
Fuck's sake, this damn demon lord is running his own story or something! I always thought it was protagonist Petra but this guy comes in and says fuck you to everyone!
"Defeating Zeus isn't a process that can be obtained overnight orange one, I've been involved in this one way of another for over six hundred years. You will be happy to know this won't take nearly that long for everything to come to a close though"
'Well great, maybe we can defeat him in ten years or so. Fucking vagueness man, destroys the heart and soul'
Considering Petra has always been the type to hate evil and try to destroy it at every corner, she's surprisingly quiet throughout this. Even Charlotte as well with her heathen hatred, this must be conflicting her simply because genocide is way worse compared to a little banditry. The greater good and all that I guess, even if it feels like this guy will try destroying this world at some point as well...
"I've got to ask Asmodeus, not for my own sanity but everyone else's sake. Why are you even doing this? Destroying Zeus is one thing but wiping out your entire species so I can become a demon lord? What's the reason?"
For the first time in forever, that smile on his face drops into a depressive frown from my questioning. I thought he wouldn't want to share his reasoning but I only asked for my lover and friend's sake really, I can see Petra and Charlotte not liking this, think Ariza doesn't care since she is still buzzing from all the Cerberus head pats.
"Just call it vengeance taken amongst my own kind and leave it at that, we all have our own reasons and mine will remain personal. The more of my kind that die in the process, the better for everyone..."
By the sounds of it, Asmodeus really has a grudge he's not going to share. I mean, it should be obvious considering he's using chemical warfare against them but still.
"...We really should get out of here at some point and ideally back to your islands. I believe you can help with that process, orange one?"
'Of course this motherfucker knows I can teleport as well, I can see why Petra hates her mother so much if this is what speaking to someone who knows everything is like'
"Ah, beforehand though, put this on Petra. You'll understand in a bit..."
"Heh, was this really necessary Ikarus? The cloaks I mean, I'm always happy so spend some alone time"
"It's more for my sanity really, wanted a little bit of privacy from our group... and the entire settlement"
After TPing back and splitting off from the rest of our group, we both walk through the settlement without a care in the world since the idiots haven't noticed our return just yet. I'm actually surprised how easy going incognito is just by wearing a hooded robe, put them in storage in case we ever needed a little time out of the spotlight. Should be understandable considering these idiots of ours inevitably start worshipping us again if we don't do this.
I've just realized all they need to do is find the other phoenixes and realize we're also back at home. Let's just see how long we can ride this out before the crowds start to pile up.
Anyways, finding a nice picnic area inside a park and quickly sitting on the grass, I start the serious conversation that's been needed for a while. This place would make for a nice date setting if you just look at the leaves blowing in the wind, the light from the streetlamps and spotless buildings in the background but need to cut this needless distraction out right now. Petra looks beautiful as always but must ignore urge to kiss her.
"Hey Petra... there's something I've got to say but I'm unaware if you picked up on it or not from that big reveal conversation from earlier. The time before we met with Hades and Persephone is what I'm referring to"
"What was it Ikarus?"
"Asmodeus... fuck it, I'll just be blunt. Do you think he could be your father? At least whoever he was before becoming a demon"
It's a difficult subject to bring up but might as well rip it off like a band aid and see how Petra reacts. I was expecting a little surprise but for some reason, I just get the usual heh I love so much.
"Heh, picked that up as well Ikarus? Didn't realize you did, wasn't really sure how to bring it up as well"
We both noticed that then? I guess Petra has always been more perceptive, just it didn't get said hence why I thought this was something that was a throwaway comment.
"You think he could've been your ol'lizard then? I'm not sure if this changes too much, just if you feel conflicted when we no longer have to put up with the demon, I'll easily do it for your sake"
Despite now working with Asmodeus, this still changes nothing if this is the only way we can free her from the pain. Despite it appearing to be the truth, trusting that guy when he's basically said he'll allow us to kill him after Zeus is gone is an impossibility. As if any of us are that naïve.
Petra does take a second to respond, obviously talking about killing your own father has that sort of effect. I love the fact I couldn't careless about such a serious topic.
"It changes nothing Ikarus, even if we're related or not. When the day comes and all of this is over, his throat will be cut. No amount of shared blood will change that..."
'Damn, the way she just said that sent a shiver down my spine. My fiancé is so freaking cool'
"...I'm more worried about the demon lord thing, are you not worried about the change Ikarus? By the sounds of it, Asmodeus remembers barely anything from beforehand, he didn't even mention what species he was or what happens when you go through with it. If it ends up being similar to how Melinda nearly turned me, I will kill him where and while he stands"
Ah, I didn't even think on that. I guess changing species could be painful but would it even work though? I guess he does know the future and seemed pretty adamant that's what we need to do, just what would my system say? Demon lord slash phoenix? Eh, I focusing on something stupid.
"Honestly Petra, not really. The main reason is you if I'm being honest, as if any part of me could ever forget you, my soul would tear apart if it did. Ah, Aesa as well, I could imagine she'd install that suicide package as payback for forgetting or not being able to withstand any change"
[<Ikarus is damn right>]
You know that feeling when you accidentally say something so weirdly romantic both parties have no idea how to act? No? I don't either... Being serious though, when Petra blushes from something and it's not about being kissing or getting physical, I know I've said something right. Or wrong.
"Anyways... how about we go onto something a little less serious then? We've got like three months before all this crap, we've got to do something other than being slaves to these islands. It's funny how we still haven't named them yet"
I've got to change the subject from potential parent killing and passionate romance. Sunshine and roses and all that, we're part of a happy story after all!
"Heh, pretty sure I heard Eve call them the Lesbos islands once Ikarus? It's a little on the nose but could work. Three months is quite the long-time though, we could do practically anything in that time. Go sightseeing exploring more of the continents, build this place up more, finally get married, we could even go back to Earth"
"I like how causally you just throw getting married in there. Hey, you are in fact still wanting to do that, right?"
"Heh, of course Ikarus, you the same?"
Tall about a change in mood I'm all for, parent killing to wedding bells!
"Then hell yeah, let's get it over with! We can even combine with teleporting to Earth to go for a full-on shotgun wedding at the gambling city!"
[<Aesa would like to advise Ikarus if she isn't seen wearing a wedding dress, it will annoy and piss load of people off>]
'Sighhh, that was obviously a joke and I already know it's my fate Aesa. As if I'm that tacky'
"Heh, I'm not sure I understand that Ikarus but already promised Ariza she could plan it, she said she really wants to help when we decide to go through with it"
So, Ariza is going to be the planner to the wedding then? My preferences are no crowds, casual wear and lots and lots of cake! Might as well skip all the boring bits in between, I really need to make sure I'm not involved in this at all or this will end up enjoyable for no one except me.
"Eh, this isn't really something I can moan about since we've put it off long enough already. Just give me a time, date and what to wear, and I'll do the guy thing of absolutely nothing at all! Well, except turning up on time"
"Heh, you really don't want to help pick out what flowers to use, the seating arrangement or at least pick the menu? Believe me Ikarus, I'm happy Ariza likes this sort of thing because it bores me as well"
"Well, I take back anything regarding planning food, but my obvious choice is fried chicken, pretty sure that's not a weddingey type food though"
While we're still chilling along at the park, the sound of voices and footsteps . It's almost as if a large gathering is nearby...
"You hear that Petra? Please tell me that isn't what I think it is"
"Heh, of course Ikarus. It's definitely coming this way"
The sound of voices and footsteps get progressively louder and finally, the crowd comes into sight while I try to hide into my hood. Please don't notice us, I'm begging you whoever I should pray to! The riots have already formed but maybe, just maybe we'll get away with it...
"Where are the queens!? They've got to be here somewhere"
"I'm going to check the park, maybe they're having tea or something?"
"I'll come with you; I've got a sixth sense when it comes to finding them!"
Amongst the crowd, I see our freaking maid Eve leading the rabble! Such betrayal, she needs sacking but Petra wouldn't let me. She's a pretty damn good maid as well if it wasn't for her entire personality...
"Oh great, and of course the riots have already spotted us. We couldn't even have ten minutes..."
---And so, volume 4 is finished! I feel like this is the best time for the break, no idea where else to put it so right before the potential wedding might work? (That was a difficult thing to write lol)
---Should be some cool slice of life and action focused things next volume, also reckon they'll be 6/7 volumes of this story in total so we are fast approaching the end! It would be quicker if my eyes/brain weren't fried and I could write more but I've mentioned that enough by now.
---Need to mention the AI is going to be changing on new images now except from a few I've got spare, the site I was using changed its pricing model making it unrealistic to continue using for now. The new style still looks good though.
---Hopefully, the break will be a few days to a week again (Need Patreon to catch back up more than anything else) with the interval releasing in a day or two. See you soon or in the comments below!