
Chapter 172 - Rescue

All of the party slowly walk into the cave carefully unaware of what we might expect so making sure to be ready. Except, what presents us almost immediately is the ending of the cave when all of us realize this place is much smaller than expected. And friendlier as well from first glance.

The interior of the place is similar to the reddish stone that adorns this Underworld regions, except there's clearly several barred off areas making it looking like some old prison cells. The interior of the cells actually look similar to a noble's bedroom in some places, mostly down to the furniture inside the place. I guess even imprisoned Gods need some luxury, I suppose? 

The other strange thing about this prison is that there's only two people of interest around this place. Inside the cell is a black curly haired male hunched up on the makeshift bed and outside the cell, is a blonde-haired creature clearly from the depths of hell.


---These are repeat images from the AI chapter but good for a quick reminder.




'Why the hell is there a demon visiting Dionysus anyways? Wait...'

"Master! Is that really you!? You didn't say you'd be coming down here youself!"

Geld rushes off to the visitor outside of the cell basically giving him the biggest hug imaginable all while wagging this tail in the process, it would be a cute experience if the guy clearly wasn't a demon.

(Demon) "Just call it a lucky coincidence I suppose, it's good you all arrived on time though"

Before we all go over to question why the hell there's a visitor being Geld's master down here, I've noticed Petra's aura turning darker and darker by the second. She looks like she's about to erupt.

"That's him Ikarus, no doubt about it"

Before giving her an answer, I think for a little bit on what she might be referring to, then an answer presents itself making me as pissed as her. Still able to whisper despite immense rage building up.

"Wait... you mean the demon who cursed you Petra? You sure it's him?"

"The aura, it's identical to the devil who made the power exchange long ago. I'm unsure if his appearance remains the same, but it's him"

So, we come across the bastard who's caused Petra so much pain right as we meet Dio in the flesh? Should've expected something like this considering the amount of coincidences that plague this world but still.

(Dionysus) "Guess I won't doubt you any further Asmodeus, you did say this would happen"

(Asmodeus) "Heh, I've always been a demon of my word young God. Delivering on a promise isn't difficult when you know what I know"

'This motherfucker is Asmodeus too!?! We're definitely killing him right this second...'

Remember way back when Ariza got herself killed by the other demon lord, Belphegor or something like that I believe? Asmodeus was supposedly responsible for the invasion...

Anyways, still whispering to Petra while the rest of our party go over to the others not realizing who currently faces them, we definitely need to decide how we're going to do this if we're about to fight a demon lord. Petra thankfully can still use aspect if needed, I cannot as the cooldown timers are still flawed inside this dungeon.

"How do you want to handle this then Petra?"

"Straight for his neck, that's how I want to do this. You with me Ikarus, or should I try to calm down?"

Her eyes are slowly fading to the darkest of blacks and she clearly is trying her hardest to contain herself. As if I'm going to stop her in this situation, this fucker was the cause of Ariza dying!

"I'm with you always Petra, we can always ask for more details from Dionysus later"

Now both aimed with a goal in mind, we both slowly make our ways over to the group conversing trying to keep our auras under wraps. It's a little hard considering this guy is literally the source of all of Petra's pain.

"It's about time you birds arrived, I've been keeping our godly friend company for quite a while... oh, you really don't seem happy to see me"

Me and Petra charge together weapons ready to send this demon into a world of pain, only pure bloodlust clouds our minds right now.

Just before both our blades are about to make contact with the demon lord's neck, he pulls out his arm armed with nothing but his fist and a smirk forcing a strong gust of wind pushing us both back. Of course, this fucking demon lord knows magic, things are never that easy.

"Why are you attacking my master!?"

Geld instantly charges in the space between us grabbing his gigantic blade and remains undecided on who to defend or attack. His master did apparently put a curse on him saying we need to be protected, he's kinda fucked regardless of what happens here though.

"Get out the way Geld, this bastard is the one who's responsible for Ariza's death and Petra's curse!"

(Zeki) "Wait, that demon fucker is the one responsible for both things orangey!? Don't kill him yet, we've got to torture him first"

(Ariza) "Asmodeus, that's where the name is from. Shouldn't we try talking first?"

Thankfully, Zeki's instantly onboard with our destroying demon scum cause. I'm pretty sure Ariza is in the unsure what to do camp like with the other couple though, I'm not sure why she wouldn't want revenge on the guy who orchestrated the demon army and even killed her. Maybe she's just a little confused or too forgiving.

"I don't care, I can't allow you to attack my master like this! Can't we just talk?"

(Asmodeus) "I inflicted pain on her? Hmm... the aura does seem familiar, but I don't remember torturing or cursing the dark phoenix, never encountered the blue one either. You can step aside Geld, that's an order"

Geld reluctantly steps aside from his owner giving us another prime chance to strike him down. This bastard is the reason for Petra's pain so killing him would obviously break that, right?

The rest of our party without knowing the full situation finally decide to back us up, now ready to destroy the bastard ahead of us. Keep in mind, all of this is being witnessed by a puzzled looking emo dude who I presume is Dionysus still stuck within the confounds of the cage. I mean, it's definitely him but still.

Before we go in again, Petra now has something she wants to say.

(Petra) "It wasn't torture per say, but the agony has at times come close. You really don't remember the power you 'gifted' me?"

By the way Petra's emphasizes power, she clearly regrets the deal she made way back when. I remember discussing it once before and she was a little unsure about the idea but I guess her opinion has changed on the whole matter? Did Athena easing some of her symptoms change her thoughts a little? Could be that I suppose.

"Oh, is this one of those exchanges I did way back setting up preparations? Sorry about that, they are known for being pretty agonizing, it is basically selling part of your soul after all"

The fact this demon reacts like it's nothing continuously smiling with that devilish grin of his only pisses both of us off even further, anyone who causes Petra pain deserves the harshest of punishments regardless of if she agreed to it or not.

(Ikarus) "How the fuck do we break it then!? Maybe share that advice and we'll spare you"

'We won't but he doesn't know that...'

"Well... if you really want to break the agreement and keep the power you've obtained as well, you could just kill me. That would be the simplest solution..."

'This fucker better stop toying with us because we will fucking kill him!'

"...But, that would be extremely ill advised and would end your world"

(Petra) "And why's that?"

"Because, I'm the only one who knows how to truly defeat Zeus. All the power in the world and you still would fall short in the final battle and die within your lovers' arms. It would be pretty romantic and make for an epic tale, but, you both need to be a little more rational if you wish to survive for your ending"

Fuck! Why is that apparently the truth? I guess he could personally believe that and it turn out to be false, it's just these sorts of situations require actual thoughts. Petra doesn't believe a word he speaks though.

"You're lying"

"Now now dark one, you should probably share words with your lover about this because she knows my words stand true. She does have Athena's eye of wisdom that can help detect lies after all... or did you not know that? Have I just shared an intimate secret that shouldn't have been told?"

'Fucking Asmodeus just ratted me out! How the hell does he know that!?'

"Wait Ikarus, is that true?"

Well great. At least Petra's seems to be calming a little now, but she now looks like she's now been betrayed or something. Did I need to tell her I can mostly detect lies? Why didn't I think of this earlier? I'm so stupid at times...

"Well yeah... it just never came up really. Why are we even focusing on this!? Asmodeus is the bad guy here!"

Great, Petra's actually pouting at me! I know I probably should've told her sooner, but it was for her own sake really! She lies about being jealous and all that stuff, I wanted her to believe

"Should've told me that Ikarus. Now, you do understand I have to be extra honest with you? Heh, feel like you may regret this..."

'At least she can turn it into a joke, even if that didn't seem like a joke...'

"... Erm, anyways demon. We have to leave you alive otherwise we can't defeat Zeus? So, Petra is forced to remain in pain forever?"

That's fucking bullshit and I'm not having it! She's always been forced to avoid her bird form and even if I'm happy with her riding me, this type of twist is not standing!

"I didn't say you have to leave me alive; my death is already foretold and is inevitable, just the timing of it will screw up everything. Things have already been set in motion whether you want it or not. You wish for my death and you will have it, just Zeus has to be your sole focus otherwise you will fail"

"The way you speak... you've know glimpses of the future?"

A strange glint appears in Petra's eye once the darkness fully fades, must be the times she spoke to her mother about prophecy related things. This has to be the same sort of thing.

"Hmm... I thought that aura was similar, it's comparable to the oracle dark one. You are in fact the prophet's daughter, correct? This really has gone full circle, I never realized we had such history before"

By now, Petra's lowered her blade and so I follow. It's almost as if she's speaking to someone she shares a much bigger past with regardless of power exchanges.

"My mother shared her prophecies with you?"

"Of course, we did spend a great deal of time with each other before you and that other dragon came into existence. She did always have a way that could be considered a little vile and sinister, but her predictions always came to fruition, even if sometimes she could purposely withhold information as well"

This sounds like the same exact description Petra given of her mother before but by the sounds of it, those two were really close or something. Did he know Petra's mother before or after she hatched?

"Just how much do you know of my mother demon lord?"

"Hmm... these are some strange memories I don't feel really are mine. I remember holding love for her once upon a time but that memory shouldn't really exist. That would've been before death, maybe six hundred and... sixty, or seventy years ago?"

'No fucking way, I think I know what this is...'

"You held love for her?"

"I'm... not too sure, I definitely wouldn't have been in the same body though, that much is a given. It wasn't till after death the oracle spoke with me once again and gave me glimpses into the potential futures. Believe me dark one, there's no future where you can be successful if I die in this current moment or the immediate future. Those strangely enough were her last words as well"

Wow... this information has just blown my mind, it's like Petra's horrid backstory all summed up in one terrible package.

There is a huge problem with the time span, he says he was in a different form and loved Petra's mother before she hatched. If I recall, Petra knows she's in the six hundreds, except the specific number. It's a huge timespan but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to maybe figure out what the connection might be...

'Could Asmodeus have been a dragon at some point? If so, there could be the chance we've found Petra's father'

Just before I have the chance to ask about it, the emo guy in the cage can't help but break the strange mood around the place.

"Hey, I know spoiling a family reunion is bad and all, but could we perhaps move this along? I'm still unaware what Hades may do if he finds out you've all broken into his realm"

Good ol'Dio can't help but want to get out of the prison he's inside, can't exactly blame him but he could've maybe waited a tad longer. I'll just continue this conversation another time.

"I assume the black-haired crossdresser in the cage is Dionysus then? You really look exactly how I pictured you"

'That came across way ruder than I intended but he doesn't seem to care in the slightest'

"It's a pleasure to meet you in person as well Ikarus. I really do appreciate all you lot looking after my incarnate making sure she keeps sane, but you think we continue this later on? Asmodeus has already told me way too much about what's going to happen"

"Of course, of course. How do we do this though?"

Before any of us have the chance to start trying to break the God free from the place he's trapped, priestess just can't help herself. She's definitely been trying to hold this in...

"Is that really you my lord!? I can't believe we're actually speaking face to face!"

"That's the Dionysus you pray to everyday Lotte? He's... not what I was expecting"

"It has to be him Nat! Can't you tell just by basking in his brilliance!?"

Almost as if Charlotte is meeting a celebrity the first time, her face shows an immense amount of excitement and is only comparable to when the cake comes out. She's really fangirling over him right now, not in a romantic way though as I'm pretty sure her heart still lies with the knight. It's a good thing none of us feel unnecessary jealously and trust our partners completely around here... except for that stupid plushie but that's justified! And Petra's occasional teasing sorting of thing.

"Well, this wasn't the introduction I wanted to give you my child, but it's better than nothing I suppose. I'd love to talk for a while but this really isn't the time"

'She's so freaking giddy right now but the God does have a point'

"Of course my Lord! How do we release you though?"

"You'll have to speak to Asmodeus about that, this door is enchanted and he knows how to unlock it. Using brute force won't work for something this tedious I'm afraid"

'That's my plan out of the window then'

Grinning like a know-it-all madman, Asmodeus now has the floor while we wait for him to give an answer. The more and more I look at him, he really is a bastard, that smile makes me want to hit him.

"In order to release my good friend Di-"

"We're not friends Asmodeus"

"Really? Even after I went to all this trouble visiting you every few days and even smuggling ambrosia down here for you? Ah, I'm getting distracted now, this situation actually requires Geld"

The young God just scoffs at Asmodeus, I'm still unsure what this ambrosia stuff even is but hopefully we can share a bottle someday. I mean, going out for a drink with the God of booze sounds way too appealing.

"How can I help master?"

"Since Zeus is surprisingly thorough when it comes to imprisoning people, that cell cannot remain unoccupied. Opening it is easier than expected, just he will be informed if no one remains inside this prison"

'To be fair if you exclude the metal bars, I wouldn't mind sleeping in there. It's quite cosy despite the fact we're literally in Tartarus'

"Are you ordering me to take his place master?"

"Not ordering Geld, I'm asking. I'm long past the days of ordering you to do something"

"Of course I'll do it master, it's just that it could get awful lonely like this"

"I'll visit on occasion, if I can rememb-"

Something that the demon lord just said has pissed me off a little, mainly because it seems like a partial lie.

"Hang on hang on, you don't order him to do anything? He literally said you'd blow up his head if any harm comes to me or Petra, right!? It wasn't exactly an order but, it doesn't sound like he has any say at all"

I feel like I need to step for the beastkin now, this was something that got said way back in our settlement when first describing his demon master about the head exploding curse or something. I actually could remove it if it is considered an actual curse but Geld seemed against that and it wouldn't let me even if I tried.

"What in hell did you tell them Geld?"

"You told me a while ago master, that the conditions regarding you now apply to the two phoenixes. It was obvious I'd assume I'm still cursed like"

Asmodeus pauses for a minute looking confused, then finally comes up with something.

"Hmm... you know I removed the betrayal curse centuries ago Geld, you still thought your head could explode? Heh, that's pretty funny considering"

"Wait, there was never any concern!? I've been worrying every night for your safety and yet, I didn't have to!?"

"Heh, must've have forgotten to tell you. At least that's an unnecessary worry gone then, right? Is that the only reason you worry for me?"

"Of course not master, I would still worry about you, it's just that... forget it, doesn't matter than much"

It's funny really, Geld's now pouting at the demon lord while I'm just trying to come up with anything to prove he and Petra aren't related. The random memory loss, the occasional heh, him loving her mother potentially before she was hatched, it's really making it hard to ignore. I'll ask Petra what she thinks when we get some alone time next, this really isn't the time.

'At least this demon lord isn't pure evil towards his follower I guess, despite it seeming like slavery. Eh, pretty sure Geld's happy with the situation? Sometimes it's better to just not question things'

(Ikarus) "Can we move things along now then?"

"Just give me a couple of minutes to say our goodbyes, then he can switch places. The cell is already unlocked so the ritual isn't needed"

"When in Olympus did you do that Asmodeus?"

"Heh, never you mind young God, never you mind..."


"We're really going to leave him down here like this? I'd probably go mad if I were in his position"

After the goodbyes were said mostly between demon lord and servant, also we made sure to bid our farewells, we're now off to wherever we need to go next. Having someone who literally knows the future should make what happens next easier, if we can really trust him though...

Of course, losing Geld isn't going to be as impactful as parting with an actual party member since we've barely been travelling with him, but it definitely feels a little shitty. Eh, at least the beastkin seems happy enough waving us off, I think he's just lovestruck by this demon bastard though.

To be honest, most of our group is a little unsure what the events that have transpired and we could all probably do with a good rest right now. Except Zeki, he keeps eyeing up the demon lord, pretty sure he's trying to hold in his potential vengeance against the guy who temporally killed his 'brother'. Can't say I blame him because I want the exact same fate for this demon lord.

"The souls will tend to him and keep him fed treating him like the young God himself, there's no worries on that sort of thing. He'll probably get bored but he's spent decades in pure nothingness before and came out alright... well, mostly alright"

'That helps a load, not'

Just before we're about to exit the cave and leave Geld for God knows how long, I can't help but get a little pissy about everything that's gone on. Even if Petra can stomach up her dislike of someone, I've always been a little more temperamental with this sort of thing.

"So, I assume you're taking command of the group now or something like that since you know the complete future? This makes me feel like our actions have no meaning anymore"

"It's nothing like that orange one, there's still an infinite amount of possibilities that could occur but a lot of them can be guided on certain paths. Just act how you normally would and you'll end up on a favourable path, with my guidance on occasion"

"If I wanted to act normal... you'd already be dead"

"Heh, fair point. Maybe just exclude that one action... Any second now, they're slightly late"

(Petra) "Who are?"

All of us wonder what he's on about and out of nowhere, the fabled three fury sisters appear right in front of us outside the cave. I was hoping we'd be free of them by now but I guess these lot are better than nothing I suppose.

(Alecto) "Greetings once again travellers, we cordially invite you to the house of Hades"

(Tisiphone) "Sister says it's an invite but the God and Goddess will lock up Tartarus if you refuse. Still can't believe you killed my poor Lenard"

(Megaera) "I'm so taking a nap after this"

All three sisters bow towards us but clearly two really don't want to be here.

'At least this eliminates any semblance of choice then. Let's go see what Hades and Persephone are really like...'