
Chapter 171 - Guardians

(Ikarus) "What the hell are they!? Seriously, those things are freaky as hell, like they belong in some eldritchian horror or something"

(Petra) "Heh, not sure what you mean by that Ikarus, but they do look like a summoning gone wrong"

(Geld) "My master did say there might be creatures of the damned, presume these are the things then?"

(Ariza) "Poor souls, do you think they hurt like that?"

(Nathan) "Maybe Ariza, but they don't look friendly"

(Charlotte) "Nat is right Ariza-sama, they look really angry"

(Zeki) "Whatever they are, they look like prime material for stabbing"

Having just travelled for a good hour or so across this new Tartarus island we've come across, ahead of us lies several blackened humanoid ape looking creatures, with outstretched limbs making them look like creatures from nightmare.

Joining alongside them are those black hellhounds we've come across before but all of us are clearly focusing on the creatures with no name. Presumably, they're undead but what undead has the colouring of pure obsidian, are partially ape, partially human and stands but has arms longer than legs? I think the term abominations works the best.

"You lot are right. Whatever these abominations are, think they're about to attack us"

One of the few from the group notices us trespassers while priestess is strangely the one to step up first, not particularly sure why but maybe she's come across these hell spawn before? Or they appeal to her inner heathen hatred then?


She's raises her sword and the rest of us ready our weapons towards the foes as well.

Splitting slightly up, the group of enemies wildly charges towards us screaming and hissing madly in the process rapidly closing the distance.

The abomination closest to me runs on all fours and then opens its mouth to try and go in for a bite. It's takes me back a little, mainly because the bite missed by so far. These creatures might be partially blind or was trying something else...

'Eh? The fuck even are these things? That's disgusting!'

You ever seen that black alien creatures named zeno somethings? Yeah, it's mouth opens up a different mouth presenting a set of human teeth almost like a set of dentures. And that tries to snap at me.

I quickly go to slash towards it but it awkwardly runs back tactically retreating, this place really is pretty weird with creatures like this lurking around.

The hellhounds who went for the arguably weaker members of our party have already been dealt with but the three monsters still remain standing, quick as a whip dodging and screaming at any chance to be slashed upon.

Except, there was four of those abominations but that one just so happens to have lost its head from a flying sword, as if any speed can outrun Petra's wrath.

'Huh, Petra really likes that sword art of hers. I kinda miss watching her majestically fight up close now'

Despite sending the undead to the Underwor- my pun doesn't really work here; Petra doesn't bat an eyelid completely engrossed with the other enemies ahead of us trying to cut down another. Should probably take these creatures as seriously as the rest of my party but can't exactly say I don't like an increased risk.

Anyways, while they're being distracted by the hovering blade desperately trying to avoid it, the rest of us seize this opportunity. The excessive screaming coming from the monsters is pretty unsettling though.

"To the right Lotte!"

"Gotcha Nat!"

Nat x Lotte run together and the knight slashes into one of the beasts while the priestess's sword flies the other direction nearly cutting the creature in two.

"Haha, die hell spawn, die!"

Zeki charges forward wanting to give his new spear a proper run out and the tip of it finds its way into the undersection of the monster, impaling it upwards with Mr obnoxious relishing every moment of the killing.

'Not today'

The last of the three realizes it now is in a really sticky situation and tries to flee, only to be met by me plunging both my two weapons into its back, presumably piercing its lungs and heart if it has those organs. I'm not even sure if these things are undead but it's a fair assumption.

A strange thing then happens which I failed to notice being from the other dying creatures, almost like a white fog seems to be excreting from the corpse I just produced. It reminds me a little of the souls around this place, albeit faceless and more of a condensed husk.

It matters little how things were done or what's happening now though, all the opposition ceases to exist anymore. I am a little curious on something while cleaning the blood off my blades.

"Hey Charlotte, have you fought against those beings before?"

"No Ikarus-sama, it's just that I could feel life being consumed within them. That mist might be the residue from the souls they've consumed"

(Petra) "Huh, sensed that as well Charlotte, pretty sure that was the consumed souls themselves though"

'Oh, these two both picked that up as well? I'm oddly proud of myself'

"I presume they feed off them like how vampires might do with blood Petra-sama?"

"Unsure Charlotte, their bellies were filled with conscious souls though. Not a pleasant way to go if those screams were from the victims they consumed"

At least I can see why those two took that fight pretty seriously then, these soul eaters must consume the dead and we've just freed the victims from their burden? Eh, everybody wants a peaceful death but I really couldn't care about this sort of thing if I'm being honest. At the end of the day, maybe the souls should've done better hiding from these creatures. I'm probably being a little uncompassionate to the dead though.

"So, those creatures eat souls then? Bit unoriginal but at least we have a name for them now. We going to move on?"

Other than that small group of soul eaters and hellhounds, there doesn't appear to be anything else around here, even those passing souls we came across in the other Underworld regions don't seem to be loitering around. Considering Tartarus is supposed to be extremely dangerous, it's pretty empty all things considered. I guess those guys and the hydra weren't exactly easy foes though.

Regardless of the finished combat, Petra has started to crouch down next to one of the bodies and seems to be staring at it intensely. It's a little weird but she must have her reasons, we are the couple of weirdness after all.

"Heh, just give me a second Ikarus and we can continue on, these things are surprisingly fascinating to observe"

'Fascinating? Is Petra turning into a scientist or something now? Ah, I've got to get her in a lab coat someday, imagine if she was naked under it as well...'

"Saying it's fascinating is a little worrying Petra-sama, but I get what you mean, it's interesting despite how these souls may have suffered. Hopefully, they can rest in peace now"

Just the two knowledgeable members of our party sharing conversation once again, at least it's not something like magic theory this time around. Ah, the joys of not caring in the slightest, intelligence is overrated anyways.

'It's pretty understandable why this Underworld is mostly dead if these sorts of guys are feasting on souls, that's such a obvious pun...'


Travelling even further through Tartarus, the journey is pretty uninspiring if you're looking for vast landscapes of beauty and tranquillity. At least we've arrived at somewhere different for a change, the lack of lava around here does make things a little uglier though.

Arriving at an area a little different to the usual brimstone and fire, there appears to be actual hills of the stone around here and for a change, we won't have to worry about accidently steeping in magma or coming across something else undead. This area seems pretty peaceful considering where we are, almost too peaceful...

"You lot think we're on the right trac-"

"Shh Ikarus, there are voices up ahead"

Petra's cuts me off whispering so I hear what she can, there's clearly two voices coming from the other side of one of these hills. Best go investigate and hopefully, they'll be friend and not foe. It feels like we've been down here for quite some time now.

We all slowly creep up to where the voices are coming from and find two women discussing something in front of a cave entrance.

"...Telling you Meg, all you're doing is angering the God and Goddess even further with your transgressions. Did you really have to abandon your post like that?"

"Sir Hades has already lectured me enough about that sister so you're boring me already. Besides, it's not my fault no one ever checks the ledger, I've been due some vacation time for centuries"

Scolding Megaera, a new fury sister seems to be lecturing the other on duties or something like that? Regardless, either don't look to be enjoying the other furies company.

Describing the other woman's appearance, this fury is a slight bit greener compared to the usual blue still rocking the crimson red eyes all sisters seem to share. Ah, she's also barely dressed like the first fury and her hair is green and curly with a somewhat cuter vibe to the mythical woman.

The other is just Megaera with that sterner look still wielding the whip she favours.




"That's because we're guardians of the Underworld Megaera! As if we get vacations, it's our duty to serve the God and Goddess forever!"

"You really need to find a hobby sister, being this straightforward really doesn't do you any favours"

"*Sigh*, you could've snuck out to see anybody in Tartarus Meg, yet it has to be the bosses s-. We should continue this conversation another day, feel like we're being watched"

"Not that perceptive, are we dear sister? I noticed them a while ago, just come out so we can get this over with already"

Completely being found out, we all get up from our little hiding spot and go towards the two fury sisters. That leaves any potential sneak attack out of the question but if we can avoid fighting again, might as well give it a try. It's not like I've turned pacifist or anything but the excitement from being in the Underworld has already died down a lot.

"You still wanting to fight Megaera? I thought you were going to leave us alone?"

"Heh, it did seem like that was the case back in Asphodel"

"Never claimed we wouldn't lock weapons at some point you two. Unfortunately, I've been roped into this much earlier than I thought might happen"

"Yeah, Megaera has to do her duty like the rest of us! She can't be skipping work just so she can go off on a date!"

The fury Megaera clearly can't stand her upstanding sister and gives her a killing glare, guess I was right about that date thing. The fact she's still holding the same whip means it went well? This isn't something I want to think about if that's what she's into so let's see if I can win over the other sister, it's a good thing I'm such an Underworld nerd.

"Presumably, you're the fury Tisiphone then? You think we can get a free pass? We can pay for it if it helps"

"You've heard of me!?! Ahem, to think you know about me as well! And hell no! As if one of Hades's most trusted servants would accept a bribe"

"If she wasn't here, I'd happily accept your coins"

"Seriously Meg!? *Sigh*"

Despite now knowing we've got to fight, it's actually Zeki who seems the most pissed off about having to do such a thing. Maybe it's because he knows the furies will most likely not die or we won't be able to kill them or something.

"Can we just get this over with? This is the only cool place down here and it's been ruined by having not enough things to kill, let's just get this finished. It's not like you'd be able to beat orangey or sis even without the rest of us"

"Of course, of course! Let's just set some ground rules first though. No going for the face, crotch and breasts! Oh, absolutely no killing as well! I'd have to file a form and I'll end up in some trouble with the rulers"


Is Tisiphone being serious? We're in the Underworld and she's not allowed to kill us? Then what's the freaking point of these combat duels!? To prove we're worthy or something?

"Just excuse her, she's always been a little strange in the head. Let's just begin"

Megaera starts off the combat by wildly swinging her whip towards us and all of us have to jump back otherwise end up receiving the harsh sting of leather, this could be quite the decent fight having such a unique weapons to fight against. None of us are going to take this like a sparring session though.

Before the other sister has the chance to join in and help, all of us with ranged capabilities responsd swiftly and precisely towards the attacking fury sister.

Me using Excalibur, Charlotte using her sword beam, Petra using sword art and Ariza using a bow, we all fire off differing attacks mostly aimed towards the whip user. All end up hitting Megaera and are exceptionally effective, except, they really aren't. All that damage she just received seems to be instantly healed. But for some reason, she's now completely collapsed on the floor.

"Ah, that hurt way too much! I'm spent..."

"Damn it Megaera, get up already! We all know you're faking it!"

"They defeated me fair and squarely, so it's my loss, your turn Tisiphone. You wanted a fair fight sister, now it's your time to lose so we can leave already"

"*Sigh*, I hate you at times Meg, why can't you just do your job!?"

"Don't care, I fought and lost"


You know, I'm struggling to decide whether to look confused or amused right now, the rest of the party shares my opinion with only Petra showing a happy smile from Megaera's antics. To think one of the fabled fury sisters wanted to shirk her responsibility this badly and not fight us, at least that means one is down.

Anyways, while the fury is complaining to her 'dead' sister: Geld, Zeki and Nathan all charge towards Tisiphone armed with their melee weapons looking to strike blood. This fury wanted a fight so she's going to get it.

Geld using his gigantic sword goes to slash towards her legs, Nathan towards her arms with his broadsword and Zeki's spear pierces the fury's... boob? Was that even intentional?

"Heya, that's no fair! I just literally said the rules!"

"We're in combat idiot, you really can't expect me to aim elsewhere. Next time around, cover up and wear armour!"

"Eww, I'm fighting a pervert!"

Zeki just shakes his head and scoffs to the talkative fury, this fight really does feel like bullying, she did want a battle though, if you can even call it that. Like her other sister, the damage received heals basically instantly though.

Eventually, she finally gets around to actually doing something by first, wiping the blood of one of said boobs and then pulls out... a tentacle? Where the hell was she hiding that? Okay, I really don't want to know.

I mean, it's a literal tentacle with a sword handle that she's using to hold it, I'm unsure what to do in this situation, Ikarus dot executable has stopped working when looking at a potential hentai plot.

Anyways, the thing seems to have a mind of its own and instantly goes for Zeki, sticking onto his arm without giving him a chance to respond. When he does respond, he drops his spear and desperately tries to free himself from the suction cups with his free arm. It's sticking pretty damn well though.

"What the fuck is that slimy thing? Get the fuck off me!"

"Hehehe, feel the slight discomfort of the painful... sucking! It's a shame it only works as quick as leeches though. Give it half an hour, then you'll be completely defeated!"

'Why am I getting the vibe this fury is similar to the pervy dryad we all know and love?'

In all honestly watching the legendary fury sister attacking Zeki with what looks to be something not safe for work, all I want to do is destroy this dungeon now. Why is it everywhere we go, no one is freaking normal!? Literally all six of us are witnessing this scene and really have no idea what to do.

In the end, we do decide to try and help defeat the woman with me leading the counter offensive, I am slightly worried for Zeki's safety if that tentacle turns out to have a perverted mind of its own, he's not exactly in the best of forms equipped to deal with it right now, but maybe it can sense he's truly better suited to being female or something? Females and tentacles, tis a love story as old as time...

Eww, why am I even going there? Even Zeki doesn't deserve to be assaulted like that, I've seen way too much disturbed stuff back on Earth. I could see him and Ria trying something this deranged though, I'm not thinking about this anymore.

Easily cutting the tentacle off Zeki's arm, I get a really stern look from the fury who clearly didn't like the fact I just destroyed her favourite toy... I just went there again, for fuck's sake Ikarus! It's a tentacle sword with no pervy connotations at all, get over it already! I still don't know where she was hiding it though...

"Ow! That hurt, why are you lot so mean!? I'm going to try for real now!"

All of a sudden, eight tentacles grow from the back of said fury making her look like some sort of cute human outer God hybrid. This really is getting worse and worse, how am I supposed to take this seriously!?

'Oh, for the love of God. I swear I've seen this same exact scene before, and it definitely wasn't from family friendly anime'

Just as we're about to all start delimbing the tentacle turned woman, a voice scream's from behind us causing all of our eardrums to ring.

"Pathetic! Just what in Hades is going on here!?"

The owner of said voice is the first fury we came across previously, that being the mostly silent Alecto. She really doesn't look best pleased with this situation, I guess one of her sisters is playing dead and the other looks like a hentai from hell. I'm going to have nightmares about those tentacles being penises knowing my luck now...

"Sister Alecto! Please scold Megaera for not helping me! These thugs are trying to break into the prison!"

'Thugs? She's like a crying child ratting on her older sister to her mother, wonder how this is going to go down'

The first fury sister we encountered Alecto walks over to the whining Tisiphone, completely ignoring us about to do something unexpected... or expected?

"Ouch! What was that for? Stop it!"

The fury Alecto flicks her sister's nose like she's a misbehaving dog and keeps doing it. I'm slightly afraid Petra will pick up some ideas now but best not say anything otherwise she definitely will.

"Have you forgotten one of Sir Hades's teachings, idiot? What could possibly be the reason Meg isn't fighting?"

"Ouch, stop flicking my nose already! I don't know why, she's just being lazy again!"

"When faced with an opponent who greatly outmatches your strength, don't waste your energy! I found that out firsthand and even sent you both a message about the approaching intruders, at least one of you actually acknowledged it"

"But that's not fair! I bet she didn't even get your message and went straight on the date"


Megaera doesn't even respond nor denies the sister currently getting a painful nose, pretty certain she's guilty as sin here but has massively gotten away with it.

Turning around to face us after turning her sister into that red nosed reindeer, Alecto seems surprisingly apologetic despite attacking us with those snakes previously.

"Apologies for wasting your time and the experience you had killing the hydra; it should be pretty obvious who's been looking after him these days with that aggressiveness of his. Hunger is a terrible thing for a creature of the Underworld"

"Huh!?! They killed Lenard? How dare the-, Ouch! Stop it with the nose flicks already!"

While Alecto is flicking Tisiphone's nose again, I see Megaera sneakily walking off in the distance trying to avoid this situation. Clearly, she knew nothing of Hades's teachings and just wanted to avoid wasting her time, can't say I blame her too much. Shirking responsibilities and not working is basically my thing! We're supposed to be queens ruling a settlement believe it or not.

Anyways, Alecto returns to us with Tisiphone now looking like she wants to cry.

"If you wish to enter the prison Dionysus is held, we will not stop you nor will the rest of the denizens of the Underworld will. Give them the completion for the battler sister and let's go"

"Huh!? I've got to give them my boon as well!? This is so freaking unfair; I hate you all!"

The childish sister runs off almost looking like she has tears in her eyes while her sister Alecto just shakes her head slowly following suit leaving us outside of the cave alone.

Anyways, now that's over, it's pretty easy to predict what our reactions are going to be like, it's honestly surprising we don't expect experiences like this considering how frequently this happens.

"Well... that might be the weirdest encounter we've come across, anyone else have any other suggestions that might topple this?"

"Heh, maybe meeting Ria in Yggdrasil Ikarus? Or something to do with Penelope? There's probably a load more if we think about it"

"Nah, you lot meeting the cow was weirder despite me not being there. Didn't she try sleeping with you all?"

"Unfortunately, yes Zeki, she really could've used religion back then and even now"

"Yeah, Lotte's right. There's no way that dryad would ever be into something normal though"

"Hey, not cool empire's lackey. I'm the only one allowed to insult the cow, and maybe orangey and sis every now and then"

(Nathan) "That wasn't meant as an insult kid, as if any of us are normal"

"That's what happened when you met the dryad Ria? That story sounds similar to how I first met my master"

"What happened back then Geld?"

"Probably shouldn't say Ariza, he might kill me if I spill that little secret"

Anyways, moving on from whatever conversation that was, Aesa seems to have something to say.

[<Just 10 to confirm, another levels have been obtained presumably from the fury sister Tisiphone. Aesa will show Ikarus now>]

[Name: Ikarus | Species: Phoenix | Level: 608]

[Health 166,666*/166,666*]

[Stamina 65,518*/80,000*]

[Magicka 101,226*/166,666*]

[You currently have 17334 unassigned points]

'Thanks Aesa'

And just like that, another ten levels gained. I've finally decided once I hit twenty thousand, I'm going to buy the remaining four abilities to complete sacrificial lamb. Hopefully, there will be something else after that and when stamina hits the limit as well, you never know how these sorts of things work though. I'm going to be really annoyed if that's it though.

'Is it actually time to meet Dio in the flesh? This cave better be the place we need to go....'