So, let me get this straight, I die not knowing how, get reborn as a mythical bird, my parents are dragons and this levelling system is crap. If that isn't bad enough, I'm also terrified of flying. I'm never going to get used to this, am I? (Strong language) ---Slight summary of each volume--- Volume 1: Developing & growing up Volume 2: Romance & vengeance Volume 3: Home life & invasions Volume 4: Aftermath & exploration Volume 5: Soulmates & hunting Volume 6: Heavenly & ...
(Temporary Perspective Change)
"*Sighhh*... I still can't believe you gave her that sister. It was bad enough you're stuck down here and now defenceless? You didn't have to give her everything"
"You're wrong Hephaestus, this was something that had to be done and I have no regrets giving that phoenix my boon. Those children will need it someday, all of us have already failed so now it's left to mortals to help"
All that remains with me still within the cave is Athena after we both finished off with the visitors giving some maps of the dungeon locations to them. I'm clearly looking distraught over her decision but she was always going to make that sacrifice I suppose, doesn't make it any better though.
"Yeah, you're right. It just now means that you cannot be left alone without protection from the dwarfs. We're not negotiating on that Athena"
There's a huge difference between sharing and gifting power, unfortunately Athena has just made a sacrifice of basically what is her godhood. I wish I were exaggerating and that things were simpler but alas, that's the fate she's now resigned to. I've just now got to focus and make sure no harm ever comes to her.
It wouldn't surprise if she still lives considerably longer than any mortal should but having the power of what is essentially a clone, she's not going anywhere without constant protection. I'll make it dwarven law that she becomes an idol or something like that, I'll even build her a throne as well. The dwarfs will be more than happy with it, it's not like she's got pointy ears or anything like that despite me trying to break that pointless hatred.
"I guess that's understandable, although I'd rather have complete freedom preferably. Back on topic though, all I'm doing is treating them how you would Hephaestus"
"No sister, it's not even comparable, you know I'm guilty as sin when it comes to that. It doesn't matter what I can do, it'll never be enough to make up for the betrayal I've inflicted on the birds"
Maybe sensing my extremely guilty conscience, Athena places a hand on my shoulder but it makes no inch of difference though.
"You don't need to feel guilty about this brother, it had to be done as well. If you hadn't made that deal, they never would've come to this world in the first place..."
"Erm... Ikarus, have you got a second?"
"For you Petra, always. What's up?"
Chilling out alongside Petra inside a dwarven bar, both of us share a strong drink with her having a slightly concerned look.
In the end, we ended up discussing things a little further with both Hephaestus and Athena giving us some maps and little things like that to help. One of the dungeons we're actually heading to is owned by Athena apparently. However, she couldn't give us any advice on how to complete it because that would be against the point? Ah, I don't know, I'm really a little unsure on that Goddess, she comes across a little cold personally. I guess she's trustworthy but we'll have to wait and see on that.
To summarize everything again, we need to find a way into the underworld to rescue Dionysus and to do that, tokens from completing dungeons need to be obtained. We're going back to the days of exploring the continents and I'm all for it... once the cooldown timer resets for admin privileges of course.
Thankfully, we know the locations of where we need to go. The problem lies in the location and the given maps being the fourth continent, I can teleport to that casino town easily enough in a day's time but we'll still have to search around for dungeons. Can't be fast travelling somewhere you haven't been before, my system at times does feel like it was created by a game developer or something I suppose. More like a alpha test to it rather than the completed version.
"My level won't stop increasing Ikarus and it's starting to get a little odd"
"Really? When did this start happening?"
"Ever since that Athena blessed me, it won't stop going up. At the moment, it's currently seven hundred and thre-, no, four now"
What the fuck!? Last time I spoke to her about this, Petra was in the four hundreds... and twenties I believe?
"That's great then, isn't it? What about your pain though Petra?"
I mean, it's not like it's a competition that she's now higher level than me again. I've already protected her more than enough so the dynamic shifting means nothing to me anymore. Both of us are OP as hell and long may it continue, she just gets to be even more overpowered than usual. That's if it actually makes her more powerful though, levels granted by God's seem to be a little weird.
"Heh, I guess it is but it feels a little different than usual levelling. With the pain, can already feel a slight difference with that as well despite not using the sword art yet. That definitely seems to be better"
Petra's pain is actually fading? Maybe I was a little too harsh on Athena then, anyone who helps Petra out is a friend in my books after all. My mind can't help but go into the gutter now though...
"Wait, does that finally mean I can grope you as much as possible!?"
"Heh, really Ikarus? You could've asked if flying was now okay or anything else, yet your first thought is about fondling?"
At least she's chuckling about it, I'm not going to deny her point though.
"It's as if you don't know me at all, my dear women. When have I ever complained about being ridden? Besides, you massively underestimate the importance of a good breast massage, it does wonders for the mind, body and soul. Don't look at me like that! You always knew I was a boob guy, or boob woman? At times I don't even know anymore... you're just as bad as me, you know?"
See? Pure, unfiltered honesty, it's not like anything I say is going to scare Petra away anymore. Being fiancés has made me a little bolder it seems, could be the dwarven alcohol as well. This counter we're both sitting at is a reminder of how much we've both been drinking with the amount of glasses we've already consumed from.
"Heh, can't argue with your reasoning Ikarus. To answer your question, that obviously is of the most importance out of anything you could've asked... no. It's just more of a numbing pain rather than full blown agony right now. You can still do it if you want but it'll be disappointing"
Once again, she needs to be a hell of a lot more selfish. I'm not going to grope her if it hurts, what good is that? I really need to get breasts out of my mind now, this is starting to become an addiction or something...
"That's no good then. Looks like we'll still have to kill the demon who did you dirty. And for the record, fondling means nothing when my concern for you beats any perfect boob fetish. Any pain you feel is unacceptable and any person who causes it will tempt my full, nuclear wraith"
We're getting looks from other people now, as if I give a rat's arse about dwarven opinions on our conversation! Actually, ths seems to be more of awe looking at the hero Petra than anything else, dwarfs don't care about any of this pervert talk. The kingdom is more like our islands than I seem to realize...
"Heh, I think you've drunk a little too much now Ikarus"
"Just the same amount as you. Alcohol is always good for complete honesty, I suppose..."
(Zeki) "Erk, this TP bullshit really makes me want to puke"
(Ikarus) "Are you going to be the party moaner this trip kid? I thought that role is reserved for me"
(Petra) "Heh, there's nothing wrong with your moaning Ikarus. Zeki's is just irritating"
(Ariza) "Uh huh, it is getting a little boring Zeki"
(Zeki) "Everyone should bask in my moaning brilliance... Just give me a second... *bleurgh...*"
Having just arrived at that fourth continent, we're at the Asian looking town we got ran out of so freaking long ago, of course Zeki can't help but moan... is he actually being sick right now!? Eh, maybe I should be a little softer on him if he really can't handle teleporting that much, it definitely is a feeling similar to motion sickness if you've had that before. I guess it may be worse considering we just travelled across an entire continent in a single second.
Not much else to add about the dwarven kingdom other than we all booked out some hotel rooms together, had breakfast and lunch the day after and me and Petra did something not safe for work again. I guess this is the burden we must now bear since there's going to be loads of fast travelling around the world from now on. We seriously need to find a different hobby other than splitting off and screwing, it's starting to get a little sus... or a load...
"Is that a casino Ikarus-sama?"
That's conveniently the area we've arrived at, right outside the casino where me and Petra robbed them blind. Actually, she did that, I was playing legitimately and then the little cheat came along clearing the house. My lovely little cheat though, it sucks we can't play card games together because of that ability of hers.
"Don't you be getting any ideas of gambling Charlotte. We've already seen you on the booze so seeing you gamble as well would send Dionysus into despair"
I'm happy priestess chuckled at that, the joke was a little bit hit or miss considering what the true succubus-sama is really like.
"I'll be fine Ikarus-sama, I promise. Are we going to stay here for a little while or are we heading straight off?"
(Ikarus) "That depends on everyone else Charlotte. Does anyone want to do anything here or should we leave straight away?"
No response, that's great everyone also wants to get on with it. Stuff like food supplies were prepped before we left and this continent seems to be mostly unaffected by the literal ice age we just had. I can imagine the elven forests are pretty much lifeless due to what happened but the plains of Maladonia are thriving as always. It's not just plains though, this continent also has forests, jungles and the gigantic swamp that splits this land to the elven. Pretty certain there's even savanna places in parts as well, I wonder if there's stuff like lions in this world.
It actually makes me a little pissed that the ash clouds didn't spread this far but what can you do about it? Cause another ice age to destroy the entire world? I prefer the sweet smell of everything burning after all so if I'm going down that road, that's how it'll be done. If it's ever needed of course.
"Then, let's just wait for Zeki to finish and we'll get on our way. It's pretty strange how you're fine flying but not teleporting"
I mean, he is still hunched over struggling to keep the flowing rainbow in. This bird can also filter things out as well, it's for the best cause that looks disgusting. What the hell has he eaten?
"Erk... it reminds me of being on a boat orangey. Just give me another minute... when did I eat sweetcorn..."
"Why the fuck did I agree to come with you lot?"
(Ariza) "Zeki... I've already flown for a bit so it's your turn now"
(Nathan) "Feel like you may need wyvern training Zeki, whip you into shape. It can't be that difficult to fly straight, right?"
High above the skies flying alongside each other, Zeki's now complaining about helping out on carry duty, sighhh. This has to be done because two phoenix bodies are needed for this job after all, it would be too much of an uncomfortable squeeze if everyone were to pile up on only one phoenix.
As for the actual allocation, I've currently got both Charlotte and Petra on my back while Zeki's carrying Ariza and Nathan. There's only so many partnerships we can carry as I've obviously got to carry Petra as one of my two passengers, that was unnegotiable and I will remain as stubborn as a mule on that.
"I dare you to whip me empire's lackey, and your nun will be having a closed casket funeral"
(Charlotte) "Will you two just please just stop!? You can't be arguing for this entire trip!"
Heh, when the priestess grows tired of something, you know things are bad. The only few things she's really against is bandits, drugs and alcohol after all. She normally can deal with people fighting but this is starting to get annoying.
"Sorry Lotte, I probably shouldn't be making jokes right now"
"Looks like she has you by the balls knigh-... ouch! Did you just fucking kick me!?"
(Ariza) "You deserved it Zeki, stop moaning and deal with it!"
"Oh, it was just you brother. I'll reserve killing the knight for another time then"
You want to know why me and Petra aren't getting involved? This sort of thing has been going on for hours now... This is a vivid reminder on why we don't do this more often. It's always Mr obnoxious who ends up doing this, it's making me more and more want to seriously kick him now but I haven't turned that evil just yet. With Zeki though, he is pushing me though maybe he's due another 'accidental' gender change...
I'll leave that thought for another time though, this quick commute is now close to finishing.
"You can stop moaning now kid, the dungeon looks to be in sight"
"Really orangey? You're not fooling around?"
"Ask Petra, she's got the map after all. Pretty certain we're in the right place though"
"Yeah Ikarus, this is definitely the right spot"
Sitting below a ruined watchtower is a fancy looking house that seems pretty unoccupied considering the home looks perfectly fine. Still fitting with the red Asian style temple buildings in the fourth continent, it really is quite beautiful, just out of place with the destruction behind it.
We're not actually that far away from the desert continent right now, the river the splits the land up in particular is only a day or two away. No reason to go over there though, at least yet.
Anyways, enough gawking. Both me and Zeki land while everyone departs from our backs pretty quickly.
All of us head to the front door led by me giving a quick knock onto it. Like it was purposely left open, the door opens from said knock so I guess it's okay to go inside the house? Whoever lives here couldn't give a shit about privacy... and judging from what's inside, maybe they really should.
"Erm... is anyone else getting playboy or porn shoot vibes from this place? Everyone be at your wits because this doesn't seem right"
It's a little crude but we've literally walked in to a house designed for sex, maybe even something like a pimp's home?
A big love heart bed sits right in the centre of the room with the décor very heavily favoured to be red or love heart shaped as well looking. Combine that with coloured lights that seem to set the mood, only one reason why anyone would set up a place like this and it clearly isn't for anything safe for work...There's also a freaking bear carved rug staring at us! Sighhh...
Can't forget the few chains hanging from the ceiling but they look more decoration themed rather than for actual use. There's no way they'd be used for... just forget it Ikarus. Is this the dungeon or is this a den of sin something else? We're in the right location so maybe we need to look behind a cabinet of something? I guess you could say it's like a different sort of dungeon I suppose...
"Haha, even orangey thinks it looks like that! I used to have a pad like this back on Earth and all the bitches loved it!"
'It's funny how no one believes Zeki and yet my lie detector says he's telling the truth...'
"We really shouldn't be in here; just look at that"
Looking to where Ariza is pointing, I'm quickly taken aback as well when I realize what those shelves are holding. For the sake of younger eyes, all I'll say is that they are toys for grown ups and that's there's hundreds of them all around the place...
'Some of those look similar to the things me and Petra use... let's just stop looking now. What sort of pervert does this?'
It's kinda funny how the only people who are flustered witnessing someone's toy collection is Ariza and the boring couple, the rest of us really aren't going to be that concerned witnessing something like this. I'm also finding it a little odd Petra isn't making a joke like, 'heh, we should take some home with us Ikarus' but I guess even she isn't that perverted. At least keep those things hidden away and not displayed like a fucking art gallery!
"Is anyone feeling a little funny as wel-..."
Ariza suddenly collapses onto the bed with no culprit or reasoning why. From previous experiences, it's safe to assume this might be the way into the dungeon but this seems way more forced than usual.
Then Zeki does the same but collapsing onto the floor knocking over a chair in the process. Oh shit, we really shouldn't have walked in here, this might be a dungeon we may regret if this is entrance doesn't even require drinking from a fountain or something like that. Just look at what's around us for example, things are about to get perverted...
Both me and Petra try to grab the collapsed phoenixes but very quickly start feeling light headed too. It doesn't help both the other couple have just collapsed behind us as well, the door is wide open and we haven't taken anything so why is his dungeon doing this!? Can't smell anything bad as well.
"Ah shit, this can't be gas-..."