
Reincarnated as a Pay To Win Villain

A man from modern earth got reincarnated to the body of a baby in a world where magical power exists. With the help of a pay to win system, follow his journey to become the absolute villain. Ps: this is my first novel, and the beginning of this story will be similar to other novels. However, as the story progress it will be entirely different. The cover picture is not mine, if the author wants to take it down please pm me:)

MyWhiteSpace · แฟนตาซี
49 Chs

The Mission (4)

Observing the situation of the assassins, Gu Chen just nodded and kept how Gamma finished her task in his mind

Gu Chen then turned towards Ye Ling and the Peak Soul Formation Beast, it could be seen now that even if Ye Ling was very powerful, he didn't have any advantage in fighting the beast

Ye Ling was currently using all his power to dodge the continuous attack of the beast as the beast's every attack was very fatal and if Ye Ling got hit once, he would suffer tremendous damage

5 minutes passed by and the situation have not change much, the lion beast repeatedly struck Ye Ling, while the later dodged continuously

The lion beast was furious as all of it's attack was dodged by Ye Ling, thus It used a large portion of his spirt as he roared loudly, immobilizing Ye Ling on the spot, petrified.

It didn't let this chance slipped by as the lion beast dashed towards Ye Ling and launched its claw at him, leaving a deep wound on Ye Ling's arms

Ye Ling cried out in pain as blood splattered all over the place as he grabbed his arm, the pain brought him back to his senses and he immediately ran away once again

Satisfied with the damage he inflicted, the beast let Ye Ling escaped, considering that it also had used up most of it's spiritual power

Realizing that the beast was not following him, Ye Ling let out a relieved sigh as he looked inside of his space ring and noticed that he no longer had any healing pills left

"THOSE DAMN ASSASSINS RAN AS SOON AS THEY SAW THE BEAST!!" Ye Ling roared furiously as he felt that he didn't deserve to be injured like this and the assassins were the ones supposed to be injured instead of him

"Who the hell are those guys anyway?" Ye Ling mumbled as he didn't think that anyone could hire assassins to kill him

"Is it that bastard Li Chen from the third peak?" Ye Ling thought as Gu Chen was the only one who knew that he was in Fenghua city

"On second thought, I think that Li Chen kid is innocent in this matter. From what I know, he didn't came from a huge background and the only thing that he is known for is his otherworldly talent and looks, so he won't have the resources to hire those assassins to target me. So, who could it be?" Ye Ling thought deeply, remembering anyone that he came across and interacted previously in the sect

"Could it be that Chu Xuan kid? No, he didn't even know that I took this mission. Then, who is it..." As Ye Ling was talking with himself, guessing who might be the one to hire the assassins, he heard a voice behind him, a voice that he was familiar with, a voice that he wished to hear everyday and every moment

"You survived....."

Ye Ling immediately turned to the source of the voice. However, contrary to his expectations, he didn't see anyone even after looking everywhere

"Did I misheard, no, it was definitely her voice.." Ye Ling smiled, even if he was unable to see the person who spoke, just hearing her words made Ye Ling forgot all of the miserable things Ye Ling went through and a bright smile emerged from Ye Ling's face

However, Ye Ling's happy moment did not last long as a figure emerged from behind him


Looking at all of the events that had just happened, Gu Chen had a sinister smile on his face, seeing that his new toy was really fun to be played with

"HAHAHAHAHHA, he really believed that the voice was real?" Gu Chen laughed out loud as his prank was a huge success

YES, the sound that Ye Ling heard, the sound of someone very dear to him, the sound of his previous wife was all but an illusion casted by Gu Chen's primordial immortal eyes

Looking at the ecstatic Ye Ling, drowned in his own delusions, Gu Chen wanted to get rid of the smile on his face and decide to pull off another prank

"Gamma" Gu Chen called out to Gamma who was also observing Ye Ling

"Yes young master."

"Gamma, what do you think of that boy?"

"Although he is very strong for his age, He is but an ant compared to young master."

"No, I mean what do you think of him as a person?"

"His personality is trash, he thinks that he is the best and the world is under his feet, although he is just an ant."

"So are you saying that you don't like him?"

"Yes, exactly that Young master"

'Hmm, why does Gamma hate him though, Ye Ling had never even offended Gamma.' Gu Chen thought to himself as this was the first time that he actually conversed with a member of the angel squad

'Guess I need to ask the system and the other angel squad members if they also hate the protagonists.' Gu Chen reminded himself as he made eye contact with Gamma, looking at Gamma once again, Gu Chen felt that Gamma is really a perfect beauty that rivals no, exceed even the heroines

Gu Chen then opened his mouth, "Perfect! Now I have the perfect plan for you! So you wil- " Gu Chen said excitedly as he could not wait how the scenario he created will progress


Time passed by and Ye Ling was strolling in the forest

Oddly, no assassins came for him and he also could not find any trace of the assassins as well, as if the assassins were never there at the first place

Ye Ling decided to put the matters of the assassins to the side and continue with his mission "I hope that Li Chen have not finished it by now", Ye Ling decided to first go back to Fenghua city and get himself a healing pill before continuing on his mission

However, as he rushed back towards Fenghua city, he heard a yell of a man "PROTECT THE YOUNG MISS"

Like any other protagonist, Ye Ling turned towards the voice and rushed towards it's direction, wanting to be the hero who saves the beauty

Arriving at the source of the voice, Ye Ling saw an expensive looking carriage, made out of gold with many decorations and scriptures on it, surrounded by people fighting

From their costumes, Ye Ling could tell that the ones who were dressed in black are attacking the carriage, while the ones wearing silver armor are protecting it

It could be seen that all of the people here are quite weak, as the strongest among them is a silver armored man who is in the peak of the Golden Core realm

However, the silver armored people are heavily outnumbered, to be precise there are only 4 of them, while there are more than 20 people dressed in black

Noticing the presence of Ye Ling, one of the people dressed in black rushed to him, as he thought that Ye Ling was a helper of their target

Seeing the incoming attack, Ye Ling just pulled out his sword and slashed the attacker's head, and at this point, the rest of the people dressed in black were scared shitless, because the one Ye Ling had killed was the strongest among them, a 8th stage Golden Core expert

The rest of the people dressed in black tried to make a run for their life. However, Ye Ling killed all of them, and they died without being able to resist Ye Ling

Seeing that all of their enemies had been killed, The silver armored man immediately walked to Ye Ling and respectfully said "Thank you for saving our lives Young man."

"No worries old man, I am just doing what I am supposed to do."

As the rest silver armored men thanked Ye Ling, suddenly the carriage door opened, and a majestic beauty came out of it

"YOUNG LADY!" All 4 silver armored man saluted as they saw a beautiful lady who looked like she was in her twenties, with long dazzling white hair and an alluring platinum colored eyes

The lady wore a long purple robe that covered all of her body, alongside a thin veil that covered most of her face. Despite her clothing, anyone could tell that she was definitely a beauty

Ye Ling was also shocked to see such a beautiful lady, even Xiao Mingxia paled in comparison

"Thank you Young master for saving this Feng Jia" The Young lady said as she bowed to Ye Ling

"No no no, any person would have done the same in this kind of situation."

"How can that be? Only a person as kind as the young master would help us in that kind of situation" Feng Jia replied to Ye Ling as she spoke with a smile on her face as her eyes turned into a crescent moon shape, to which Ye Ling blushed and both of his ears turned red

Hearing the conversation between the two, Gu Chen who was sitting inside of the carriage was trying his hardest to not let his laugh out