Elizabeth Einzfield. A girl born with a silver spoon but wanted nothing to do with wealth. Her curves and ample chest made men fall for her. But she was just a teenager that just wanted to be normal and hang out with others in the 21st century. After being killed by an unknown fire, Elizabeth is transported to a new world. One that uses Elements and Powers to determine the ranks. Only the strongest will survive, they do not care for your appearance. However, Elizabeth was not just some girl you could mess around.
And facing a foe who only uses defensive tactics is a painful thing to do. After a while, the battle gets boring, so I was surprised that Bryan enjoyed the duel with the Sand Mage. I would much rather kill myself than go through a fight like that.
After absorbing most of the information on Vastra, I was kicking Vania into high gear as my vision was clouded with extra notes on how to deal with this foe. For starters, her defense was off the charts! It was double my defense bar, so making a dent in it would not be easy.
However, unlike the Mages that I've seen, Vastra's stats weren't balanced. Though her defense may be high, her attacks were the lowest out of all Five Children. As a result, she couldn't make a dent in my defense even if she were at full power.
But, of course, that would mean targeting her would be easy. No, wait... That's a trap. If the opponent isn't good at raw power alone, she might use her defensive spells to attack.
Like what Z said about the Temple Of Anubis, this shield was the only stage of Vastra's Original Spell to have hints of offensive ability.
I read carefully about the stage. Once Vastra calls upon the final step, a massive sandstorm converges onto the battlefield in favor of her hand movements. After shouting out the name, a vast, mirage-like building would appear on the Mage's front.
It was like summoning an entire Temple into the battlefield to negate whatever attacks were flung toward Vastra. After consuming many spells, the spell then enters its rebound stage. An excellent term for saying karma comes back to bite you.
Moreover, even if she doesn't unleash this attack, I have no way of confirming that Vastra might have a sidekick to help her attack. This thought makes it even more dangerous to confront her as a first enemy option. And not to mention her powerful defense bar.
In this realm, it follows a stringent system of Defense, Offense, and Mana Bars. These were the bars highlighted in my vision, but I'm unsure about the other Mages. These terms are the ones I've seen in games, but they are labeled differently but with the same idea in this realm.
For Defense. they called it 'Elemental Auras.' You can choose to use it all one go or conserve it for your opponent's attack. For Offense, they dubbed it as 'Elemental Power.' But, of course, it goes without saying; Elemental Power measures the Mage's attacks' raw power.
Finally, 'Elemental Energy' is the realm's way of saying Mana Bars. Without this Bar, the Mage cannot deal any damage and has to rely on their Elemental Aura to help negate whatever attack is coming their way. However, it differs between human Mages and Mages like Mavislim.
If a Mage like Mavislin or most of the Founders runs out of their Elemental Energy supply, they can't function anymore, causing them to drop dead. This was because they needed Elemental Energy to power their Elemental Core, an area of the Mage's body similar to the human brain.
Contrary to popular belief, the human heart isn't the most vulnerable organ in the body. It isn't a kill switch once the heart stops. You could use things like electricity to jump-start the heart. But if your brain gets damaged, then you become brain-dead. So there's no way to jump-start that.
From the time I had died, medical history had advanced to the point that a device was created to help those with weak hearts continue living. Thus, I likened the Elemental Core's importance to the human brain. That was also why I usually strike the head instead of the heart.
It's the fastest to knock out someone without going through a conversation with them. If you strike the heart, the chances are high that you'll miss. Not doing the job to completion gives the victim time to retaliate against you. And that got me thinking...
"Z, for the Mages involved in this case, do you have any records of their Elemental Core?" I questioned, figuring something out.
"Of course, there should be since these archives are based on our member's memories. There's bound to be some information on that, but why do you ask such a question?" asked Z, seemingly scared that I would inquire about such a thing.
I leaned towards the desk and began shifting the profiles around to see if the Mages we were dealing with had records of their Elemental Core. I could find Raijin and Astria, but the rest remained redacted. For Rajin, his Elemental Core was at his liver.
He must be some drunkard in his past life. Although, locating the boy's liver might be more difficult than usual unless I blow him up.