
Sinking Ship!


As Scaly was contemplating on what to do after realizing that she might be in a dangerous situation, two humans rushed through the door at the end of the monster filled space, one of them being the familiar axe wielding human, while the other was a scholarly looking young man.

[Human, Great Axe Warrior, lvl 23]

[Human, Fire Mage, lvl 27]

Looking at the information that popped up regarding the two people, Scaly was shocked to discover that the scholarly human that seemed rather harmless on the surface was the more dangerous one among the two.

"Wha-What is this!? When did such a large hole appear in the ship!? Did a monster destroy part of the ship!?" Not giving Scaly the chance to figure out more about the scholarly human, the axe wielding human screamed out loudly as he rushed into the knee-high water and began to secure some of the cages with monster that couldn't survive under water for an extended period of time like sun crabs could.