
Reincarnated as a golem captain

legion_928 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Assault on the bandit camp part 2

Adam returned to explain what we all gather around a rock theater acting like a table and I introduced Kaidanto the others. Adam starts to explains as i use telepathy to talk to Kaidan so at least he know what is going on.

Adam: the bandit camp is similar build to the goblin village. The south side of the camp is where the bandits seem to train and there is a area that has a lot of people and monsters from different races in cages. The north side is where the bandit rest but there's a large building that the most of the bandits go in but leave almost immediately except two. A woman in red and a bald man. I think they are the leaders. There is a cliff that oversees the north side. To get in the camp you have to enter the south, east and west.

Kevin: how many bandits did you see?

A: around forty-two or so.

Louie: is there a good vantage point for me?

A: there are two. The first is a large tree that is a good in the southwest. The second is the cliff on the north side of the camp but it looks unstable.

Dan: what do the defenses look like?

A: they have three watchtowers in all directions except north. Patrols on the wall that surrounds the camp and I did see them send a small group of three or four enter and leaving so there is a chance that there is more bandits.

Jorge: any weaknesses in the defenses?

A: three. The first is the cliff it has no guards watching it. Two there is a blind spot in the west with a large bolder if we time it right we can use it to jump the wall. The south gate appears more weaker then the others.

Rex: any strong individuals.

A: only the two I mention.

Kevin: I have two ideas the first is we do the same thing as the goblin village but we don't know how strong the two individuals you mentioned are and separating is risky. The second is we all storm in the south gate and cause some havoc but we will be grouped up. So let's vote on which plan. So who wants to go with stealth choice.

The ones how raise there hands are Louie and Adam.

Kevin: so that means everyone else wants to charge in.

Dan: i voted for the second choice because they are probably wondering what happened to the team that chased after Kaidan since they aren't coming back.

Rex: I just want to fight. That and I'm to big to sneak around.

Kaidan: what's going on?

Translating what was said to Kaidan

Kaidan: ummm why not do both plans have Adam sneaks in and frees the others in prisoned while everyone else create a distraction and deals with the bandits.

Kevin: thats not a bad plan. you should also go with Adam because they probably won't trust him either and bring them some weapons from the pile we have. Some of slaves that can fight can join in while the others escape.

Louie: we get reinforcements and get the civilians out but where do they go when they get out.

Kevin: that's obvious here. Its the only place we know that can be easily defended and we can place something in front of the entrance to hide it and it's a little over an hour or so away.

Dan: but won't they try to steal the legendary weapon.

Kevin: they can get it if they beat me.

Kaidan: what's going on!?

Kevin: (I keep forgetting to transmit my thoughts)

I translated what was just said except for the legendary weapon part after that we continued to come up with formations and more ideas to add onto the plan. After that we start to head out since we decided to attack at night. They know we are coming so let's go as soon as possible to at least try yo throw them off. Louie, Adam and Kaidan went out. We start walking to the south gate. Arriving at the gate Rex is going to lead and use his strength to charge as he is running to the gate he uses his champion and berserker skills and Dan is using rally

[Berserker- increases Attack and speed but applies confusion status effects.

Rally- slightly increase all stats to allies and remove all negative debuffs and status effects.]

But we are immune to status effects so we are just increasing Rex's strength. Rex gets into position and starts running while we chase after him. The men on the gate starts to panic by seeing a giant with devil horn coming out of the shadows of the forest. Rex uses his shoulder to bust down the gate. The gate fragmented and was sent flying. When we enter the destroyed the gate we see at least four dead bodies with wood sticking out of them. They died from the destroyed gate. Based on our surroundings they were trying to set up defenses but they didn't know what they were up against. We all started to activate our skill. We don't know how strong these people are. The fight begins with one of the bandits yelling to the others.

Bandit 1: Get those damn adventurers you lazy pieces of shit!

Kevin: (They think we are adventurers.They have ones that are Rex's size. Well they can't see are faces so they don't know we are golems.) Leave no bandits left standing.

Others: Right!

[Adam's pov]

Me and Kaidan went to the west side we heard a loud noise that sounded like wood breaking we saw the guards on the wall reacting to the noise and a lot of them went to the noise. (I guess they did made a large distraction) I wait for a good opportunity to cross the gate. I grab Kaidan and made sure the weapons on my back were firmly strapped on and I jumped on the wall and starting trying to keep out of sight. I made my way to the store house were Kaidan told me where the other slave were. As I slipped in the opened window I see a lone man in front of me looking through the desk I don't know what he's doing but here is a obstacle so I put Kaidan down and slowly walk behind him. I put my hand on his mouth and use my dagger and slit his throat as he dies i put him down on the ground gently. I examined the papers the man was trying to gather together it talks about sales of slave and where and they were being sent to a place called the Luminous empire. I put it in my bag. I look at Kaidan and put my finger where my mouth would be and start moving. I exit the room and again I hear loud noises from outside (all the bandits should be over there if they are having this much trouble.) I sense another person coming my direction i grab Kaidan and pulled him into a nearby closet i keep a crack on to see a person walking i time my attack. I knock him down Kaidan uses ice magic to pin him to the floor and I stab my dagger into his throat so he doesn't yell for help. I continue to walk through the building Kaidan grabbed on my clothes I turn around.

Kaidan: that's the room were i escape from.

I nod my head and I sense another person in that room and I here a woman scream. I opened the door slowly and see a man grab a woman with long ears out of a cage and he threw he to the ground and raise there sword all of a sudden the man is frozen in various areas. The man was stunned about what happened and I open the door and charge drawing my short sword and slice his head off. The elf woman and everyone else in the cages were stunned then Kaidan entered the room. One of the slaves a rabbit beastman who looked like he was 15 or so called his name.

Rabbit beastman: Kaidan your back!

Kaidan: Gary your okay! Oh everyone we came here to save you guys.

I grab the keys the bandit had and started to open the cages as Kaidan started to explain what the plan is.