

When Zyrian regained consciousness. he saw that he was in a clearing. 'Wha?' He thought and sat up. He then realized a vixen was staring at him. When she noticed that he had noticed her presence, she bolted. 'What is happening' he thought, confused. and bolted after her, "Wait I need information" he called out . she looked back and bumped into a tree. she shook her head groggily, giving Zyrian time to catch up. "Stay back" she growled, "you have no idea who you are messing with", "What? a fox that can talk?" Zyrian murmured, alarmed. "Ha! You can't be talking, seeing as you are a fox to" she retaliated. Zyrian started protesting, but then saw his feet. they were paws with silver fur. 'What! I'm a fox make me human! make me human!' he thought, panicked, and just like that in a flash of tealish light he transformed into a human. Well, partially into a human. He still had silver fox ears and three tails. two of which were silver and one was blazing with golden fire. 

Just then another fox with orchid colored fur appeared, "Is this cub bothering you?" she asked, "No Instructor Mei lan" said the silver fox to the orchid colored one. And then Zyrian noticed he still had all his equipment form before he died. Wait a minute. Died! he hadn't thought about it before but now. He had died. Just then Mei lan suddenly attacked him and he used dimensional drift without thinking to pull out a sword from his weapon storage. He then parried and started attacking in a way that, to an onlooker would look like a dance. He then made a claw motion with his left hand and pulled. To anyone else it would look like he disappeared. The world was bathed in a greenish teal light and Mei lan stumbled in surprise. Zyrian channeled his energy his energy into his sword and sliced between the dimensional barriers and into Mei lan's thigh. though not very deeply. The silver fox then reacted and changed into her human form which was surprisingly just like his but she was Stunningly beautiful. She bolted towards him. But just then something whizzed by Zyrian's face and made a shallow cut. The silver fox started in surprise and got cut by Zyrian's blade then Zyrian stumbled and fell on top of her.

When they got up the silver fox's blood dropped into the cut on his face. [*Ding*] He heard a voice in his mind [*Blood Transfer detected. Copying abilities and knowledge to new user*] 'A system?!?' Zyrian thought in surprise! then he stopped, "someone is coming" he said. just then two Nascent Soul stage cultivators came into the clearing, "Humans" Mei Lan growled. It was commonly known that the Beast race couldn't cultivate. But they had their own Divine abilities to counter their martial arts and weapons. The human and beast races were always fighting. Humans mainly to get parts of beast race's members for pills and cultivation. Just then someone shoved him into a space pouche and he heard nothing else.