
Reincarnated as a Dragoness

Yuna, a 20-year-old girl after a desperate attempt to go to college and drop out, depressed and eventually was murdered by a mysterious figure and brought into a world where she did again attempt to reach peace as her destiny brought forth her the exact opposite. She was reincarnated into another world called Astreral a magical world that is under attack by void a mysterious force with the ability to corrupt creatures of other realms. She finds herself in a world presented with obstacles and dangerous monsters. Her only way to live peacefully was to become stronger and capable. As she wanders around endlessly desperately trying to find a place to settle and live her life in peace how she always wanted, however, trouble will find her. I wanted to tell this story as best as I can I would love it if everyone enjoyed it too, so please leave a comment and tell me how I can improve it would be much appreciated and I am interested in this story and how it would play out. Indeed this is my first story but I wanted to make a universe with multiple stories and main characters that will be inside different stories and bodies.

Yumera · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs



She's woken up by the sunbeam reflecting directly from the top of the cave entrance, yawning as loud as can be still hopping yet everything could just be a dream but it had occurred to her that this was her life as she rub her weary eyes, slowly she remembers that she was no longer human and struggle a little to get up tripping and falling multiple times, finally, she managed to stand up the pain from yesterday walking was still bearable even though it was little compared to her walking to school, with these little legs that she had it was more difficult than she thought reaching the entrance as the light shone through a flash cause her to squit her eye shut a little, focusing she looked up at the sky noticing a strange sun as if it was flaring very close to the surface, even though it was not hot rather than it was still cold at least the sunlight had warm her up a little.

Stretching her body she looked over to the nearby pathway which was now covered with feet prints seemingly the tracks of humans, a group of humans had passed through this area earlier the steps lead to another splitting road deciding to go to the nearest settlement she followed the footsteps to the left, even though there was a sign they were useless to her anyways because she could not read what they meant.

Suddenly she smelled a sweet fragrance nearby, she continue to walk in the same direction which was leading her further ahead, nearby there was a fire with smoke coming out she walked toward the little camp someone had setup because of the smell made her remember that she was yet to eaten anything that was decently good or cooked at that.

Sudden movement nearby stopped her dead in her track looking over to the left side of the forests he saw a young man slowly walking out dragging behind him a dead wolf she thought about the men from yesterday and slowly backed away and hid, seemingly to be hidden she stalks like a predator stalking her prey she moves as slow as she can her paws on the powdered snow did not make much noise, observing the young man she notice that he had a wild look almost like a hunter.

"I would probably be skinned if we're to be found" as this thought slipped her mind she feel somehow that the hunter had noticed her gaze and were being cautious and looking around in his surrounding, in feared she froze as the hunter stood up and started to search around as he came closer focusing on him she saw a panel appeared-


Species: Human-North Joureafla

Health: 217/265



She could not outrun the hunter as for attacking there's no way she could win, as he came closer she was still thinking of an escape plan well the only plan that she had was just to run, leaping out of the bush she started running as fast as she could at the speed she could be dashing into another nearby bush, the hunter's eye looked directly over of the sound thinking this was more rabbits he moved closer readying his short bow he uncovers the bush looking straight into the eye of a lizard his confused reaction was noticeable as he reaches in trying to figure out what she was, "oh sh*t" "I might be as well dead" as she tried to intimidate him by showing teeth.

He did not stop moving toward to pick her up like a little kitten. Confused and scared she bit him on his palm as he did not react.

Ending this one short but i've just decided to let her meet people early.<3

Also would love it if you rate my story it tells me how i should improve.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Yumeracreators' thoughts