
Reincarnated as a Dragon-Demon Princess: The Journey of Azure

Sakura Hiwaki is a high school student who is bullied and ostracized due to rumors that spread after some classmates took inappropriate photos of her. She wishes to disappear and be invisible until she can go home. One day, a boy asks her to meet him under a cherry blossom tree after school where he confesses his love for her. Sakura rejects him and he becomes angry, threatening to spread more lies about her. Sakura leaves school and walks to the train station, where she is killed. She is then reincarnated into another world as a baby named Azure von Hiltsvlade, the daughter of a dragon princess and a demon lord. She grows up and undergoes magic training under a royal tutor, learning about the history and culture of her new home. With the support of her loving family and her tutors, Azure becomes a strong and skilled dragon-demon princess.

Kenji_Nakamura01 · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

The Birth of a Princess: Azure von Hiltsvlade is Born

It was just like any other day at school. The same monotonous routine, the same lecherous grins from boys and disgusted looks from girls. I hated it here. It was all because of Akari and Riku, who took pictures of me while I was changing and sent them to every guy in our grade. I thought they were my friends. Now I just try to stay invisible until it's time to go home.

The bell had already rung, and I realized I had spent the whole day in my own head again. It was better than facing the judgmental stares of my classmates. As I was checking my locker, I found a note addressed to me.

"Hiwaki, can you please give me a minute of your time? Please? It will be really quick, I promise. Just meet me at the cherry blossom tree behind the school after school."

I was puzzled as to why someone wanted to meet me outside, but I felt an inexplicable pull to go. I trudged over to the cherry blossom tree, seeking the shade it provided.

"Hiwaki! I... I..." The boy stammered, his ears red. He had a nice chestnut brown hair, but I couldn't see his face because he was bent down too far. Oh no, was he going to confess to me?

"I've been in love with you since freshman year..."

Gross. He doesn't even know me, and he's confessing his love.

"So please, will you go out with me?!"

"Gross," I said, unable to hide the disgust on my face. I couldn't believe he was asking me out, knowing nothing about me except for some rumors that circulated freshman year. "Is this what you do? Corner a girl you barely know to confess your feelings? Do you know how many guys ask me out every day because of those freshman year pictures? Are you some kind of pervert who gets off on confessing to girls you think are easy? Did you think that if you asked me out, I'd say yes instantly? Poor Sakura Hiwaki, the girl the entire school avoids. She's all alone, so if I show up like her prince in shining armor, she'll fall for me like a girl in a shoujo manga. That's disgusting."

I could see the hurt on his face, but I knew it was better this way. It was kinder to cut him off now than to lead him on. "You can go find some other girl you like, and I'll go back to not existing. It may seem harsh, but it's the best thing for both of us."

But I was wrong about him. The smug look on his face as he realized he wouldn't get what he wanted made me want to punch him. I had almost forgotten this was my reality every day. Guys would confess their feelings to me, expecting something in return, only to spread lies about me when I rejected them. That's why I hated it here. The rumors that started from those pictures had gotten way out of control. I've never done anything like that. I've never even held hands with a guy, let alone anything else.

I left the school and headed to Shibuya Station, walking past the crowds of strangers who knew nothing about me. The quiet was actually nice. These were the moments I looked forward to, where I could escape the lies and judgments of my classmates. But even here, I couldn't shake the feeling of being alone. I was just Sakura Hiwaki, the girl everyone avoided.

As I walked through the crowded streets of Shibuya, I couldn't shake the feeling of being alone. I was just Sakura Hiwaki, the girl everyone avoided. But then, everything went black.

When I woke up, I was in a completely different world. It was a beautiful, vibrant place with green forests and clear skies. I was no longer alone; there was a kind-looking old man standing before me.

"Hello, dear," he said with a gentle smile. "I am the god of this world. You have been reincarnated here after your untimely demise in your previous world."

I was shocked. "What do you mean, I've been reincarnated? And what happened to me in my previous world?"

"I'm sorry to say that you were killed, my dear. But don't worry, you have been given a second chance in this world. And with it, the ability to choose your own path. What kind of life do you want to lead here?"

I thought for a moment. I didn't want to be alone and judged again. I wanted to be surrounded by kind, genuine people.

"I want to have friends," I said firmly. "Real friends who accept me for who I am, not for what rumors say about me."

The old man nodded. "Then that is what you shall have. But be warned, dear. This world is not without its dangers. There are dark forces at work, and you must be careful. But I have faith in you. What is your name, child?"

"Sakura Hiwaki," I said, a sense of determination growing within me.

"Very well, Sakura Hiwaki. Your journey begins now."

And with that, I set off into this new world, ready to forge my own path and find true friendship.

I woke up in the arms of a beautiful woman with flowing silver hair. She smiled down at me with love in her eyes.

"Hello, Azure," she said softly. "I am your mother, Liliana von Hiltsvlade, the dragon princess of the Kingdom of Kaulder. And your father is Abbadon von Hiltsvlade, the current demon lord of this kingdom."

I was in shock. This was not the world I had been expecting. I had been reborn as a baby in a fantasy realm, the daughter of a dragon princess and a demon lord.

"Welcome to your new life, Azure," my mother said, kissing my forehead. "I know it must be overwhelming, but we are here to guide and protect you. And this is your family, the royal court of Kaulder."

She gestured to the group of people gathered around us. They all had various fantastical features, from pointed ears to wings. I was in awe.

"Azure, these are the members of the royal court," my mother said, introducing each one. "They will help you learn and grow in this new world. And most importantly, they will be your friends and support you on your journey."

I looked at each member of the royal court, feeling a sense of belonging I had never experienced before. I knew that this was where I was meant to be, and I was ready to embrace my new life as Azure von Hiltsvlade, the dragon-demon princess of Kaulder.

As I grew older, my mother and father introduced me to many of the people who would become an important part of my life. One of the first was my demon butler, Xarathos. He had dark, swirling horns and sharp claws, but he was kind and attentive to my every need. He taught me how to conduct myself as a princess and how to use my magical abilities.

By the time I was eight, I was already undergoing magic training under a royal female tutor named Lady Arora. She was a fierce and powerful sorceress, and she pushed me to my limits in order to hone my skills. But I was determined to become the strongest dragon-demon princess in the kingdom.

Every day, I would wake up early and head to the training grounds, where Lady Arora would put me through a rigorous training regimen. I practiced summoning and controlling fire, telekinesis, and many other magical abilities. I was proud of my progress and eager to continue improving.

But even as I dedicated myself to my magic training, I never forgot about the friends and family who supported me. Xarathos was always by my side, offering guidance and advice. And my parents, the dragon princess and the demon lord, watched over me with love and pride. I was truly blessed to have such a loving and supportive family in this new world.

One day, Lady Arora approached me after a particularly grueling training session. "Azure, you have grown strong and skilled in your magic," she said with a proud smile. "But there is more to being a princess than just power. You must learn to use your magic for the good of the kingdom and its people. And to do that, you must learn about the history and culture of Kaulder."

I nodded, eager to learn more about my new home. Lady Arora began to tell me stories of the kingdom's past, of great battles and brave heroes. She also taught me about the customs and traditions of the different races that lived in Kaulder. I was fascinated by all of it, and I couldn't wait to put my newfound knowledge to use.

As I continued to grow and learn, I knew that I was on the right path to becoming a true dragon-demon princess. And with the support of my loving family and the guidance of Lady Arora and Xarathos, I was confident that I could handle whatever challenges came my way.