

What Bob just did to the Grandmaster who just got headless was one of the moves grant to him by the forgotten arts. It allows the user to compress air to form a crescent shaped blade before sending it out towards a distance of five meters.

'How brutal' Hutton thought with a stunned look on his face while staring at the headless body of the aged Grandmaster. Although he knew that the forgotten arts are extremely formidable, he never knew it can grant someone such power.

But it didn't take him much longer for him to regain his calm as he looked at the other Grandmaster that was hired by the James to kill him.

'Seems like I have run out of luck in this life' The Grandmaster thought as he surprisenly looked at Bob and Hutton calmly as he spoke.

"Even if you spared my life right now just to gain information on the organization am in or who exactly hired me in James family, I still wouldn't tell you since I already took an oath on not to speak"