

"Is something wrong with you?" While Hutton is having the greatest struggle of his life, Angelo suddenly asked a question when she notices the abnormalities on Hutton with a confused look on her face

 But Hutton didn't give a respond as he kept his head lowered while creating a fist on both his hands. When Angelo saw that he isn't responding, she immediately stood and walked towards Hutton to find out what is wrong.

"Stay back!!" But before she could get there, Hutton suddenly yelled out in anger which greatly startled Angelo to the extent that she fell to the floor.

"What kind of a monster are you!!? I just wanted to check up you but instead of just telling me mildly to stay back, you shouted at me. Why!!?" Angelo exclaimed with a wronged look on her face. But Hutton still give her any response as his head remained lowered.