
Escaping Slavery (2000 Words)

As Bason kept floating down the hallway, the sound of water became louder and louder. Every cell looked lifeless, pitch black, with flickering torches rarely along the wall. The farther he got, the colder it was. The path seemed to be tilting downwards.

After about 20 minutes of flying, Basmon finally reached a large wooden door with a gold padlock on it. Of course, Basmon had a way to get through this.

He summonsed an arrow, and released it, right towards the door. The moment the arrow hit the door, Basmon teleported it inside of the room, then used Second Teleportation to teleport himself inside the room.

Around Basmon stood hundreds of large, bird cage-type cells in a huge room. All the cells held beasts. Hundreds of wild animals. Caged up, all starved, and on the brink of death.

'Who... Who could be so cruel? I understand hunting for food and stuff... But capturing them just to torture them?' Basmon wondered, looking around in shock.

Basmon quickly walked past the animals, making a mental note to free them if he had the chance.

Past the animals stood another large, metal door. This time, however, there was no padlock. Instead, it had some sort of magical lock.

Basmon waited for a while, and regenerated his Mana, then did the trick to get into the next room.

-30 Mana

-80 Mana

The moment Basmon saw the room, he fell down in shock.

"ROoo--arrr...." A pathetic roar sounded out from the little room. The sole exit was behind Basmon.

'What... Why is a dragon here...' Basmon thought, looking at it in shock. Its once gold scales had been stained with dust, now dark as night. The shine in its eyes was gone, and shackles held its arms and legs in place.

The dragon tried to jump at Basmon, but was held back by the chains. It could not reach.

"Ro...ar..." Once more, it roared pathetically.


"You... Please... Leave..." The dragon's voice rang out, shocking Basmon.

'You can talk?' Basmon asked.

"Yes... Thing... I haven't a clue what you are... But please. Free me! Please!" The dragon begged Basmon, still floating in shock.

'How... How are you here?' Basmon questioned.

"Later! Please! They will be here soon! Just... Please! Release me from these chains!" The dragon pleaded.

'I... I don't know how.'

"Come to me! Quickly!" The dragon requested, and Basmon floated over to him.

'What now?'

"Grab the stone behind me, and release mana into it. It should feel like a tangled rope! Just try and untangle it with your mana! Please!"

Basmon obeyed its instructions, still in shock. A dragon was a mythical creature said to be stronger than gods... How could a dragon be locked up down here?

Basmon walked up to the glowing, purple stone, on a black pedestal, and summonsed spectral body.

"What! How did you do that???" The dragon questioned.

'Not now... Give me a bit.' Basmon said, reaching his hand out, and inserting mana into the stone. The moment Basmons mana reached the rock, he felt a tangle of mana inside the rock. It seemed like a bunch of ropes had gotten tangled... He had no idea how he would untangle this.

'Dragon! How do I do this!' Basmon questioned

"Think I know? Just use your mana and guide the mana in the black stone until it's all untangled!"

'Alright...' Basmon responded and started to inspect the huge mess.

The first thing he did was try and trace out a full string of mana. After doing so, he started to slowly guide it backward, and after about 3 minutes he had untangled 1 stand of mana. Only 200 more to go!

After a bit of the dragon nagging and Basmon getting better at guiding the stands of mana out, Basmon learned that the dragon had been stuck here since he was born, and that he had learned everything he knew about the world from his inheritance.

After about 3 and a half hours, Basmon had finally undone all the strings of mana.

'Dragon! I did it! Now, what do I do?' Basmon asked the dragon, who apparently did not have a name.

"Wonderful. You do nothing, I just have to break these restraints. Give me a couple of seconds." The dragon responded, pulling as hard as he could on the chains. The chains gave off loud creaks and started to crack.

After about 30 seconds, the chains snapped all at once.

The dragon fell forwards, groaning.

"Gods... Ugh..."

'You good?' Basmon asked.

"Yeah... Let's go." The dragon said, tearing down the door. They immediately moved into the room Basmon had been in a couple of hours before.

"ROOOOOAAAAAAAAAR" The dragon cried out, looking at all the locked and chained animals. He felt horrible for them and sympathized with them. He immediately started tearing off cage doors, but the animals did not move.

'Stop... I think most of them are dead, and the ones that are not will die soon. We can do nothing...' Basmon said remorsefully.

"...Ok..." The dragon said, a lone tear falling out of its eye as they ran towards the next door, which, once more, the Dragon tore down easily. Basmon and the Dragon ran through.

Inside the large hallway, hundreds of cells lining the wall, a large man stood.

"!!!HOW DARE YOU TRY AND ESCAPE YOU BASTARD DRAGON!!!" The gigantic man roared, charging at the Dragon. The dragon hesitated, seemingly reenacting trama.

'Dragon! Act! What's wrong!'

"He... he is master... I must obey him..."

'No! No! You are your master! DRAGON!' Basmon yelled, but the dragon seemed to not hear him, as it fell back onto its hind legs.


"...He will hurt me..."


"But... the whip..."

'YOU CAN KILL HIM! YOU ARE NO LONGER RESTRAINED!' Basmon screened telepathically, which snapped the Dragon out of his stupor.

The dragon immediately got back on all fours, roaring at the large man still running down the long hallway towards them. Out of his mouth flew a torrent of fire, hitting the man, easily burning him.

"HOW DARE YOU HARM YOUR MASTER!!!" The huge man screamed.

"No... You are not master..." The dragon said, hesitating a bit.

'Dragon. He is not your master. Kill him.' Basmon commanded.

The dragon still hesitated a bit, so Basmon decided to help him. He pulled back a fire arrow, and was entirely ready to use power shot, but the Dragon interrupted him.

"No... Don't. I need to do this..." The dragon said, getting a glint in his eye once more.

'Good for you...' Basmon said, happy the dragon had come to his senses.

The dragon jumped towards the man, shaking the entire dungeon. A sword appeared in the man's hands and blocked the dragon's claws.

The dragon spewed out a bit more fire, causing the man to cry out in agony.

Basmon decided to help the Dragon a bit, and used his invisibility skill for what it was originally meant for. He pulled back an arrow, and shot it towards the man, using invisibility so the dragon wouldn't notice. He then also teleported the arrow behind the man, causing it to sever his spine, paralyzing him.

The man stopped moving, and the dragon immediately swiped down, knocking off the man's head, killing him.

Basmon and the dragon walked past him, and the Dragon tore the doors off every cell. After a bit of time, they had a large following, however, about 3/4 of the people stayed back in their cells, having given up on life.

Finally, they got up to Vatue once more.

"Dad! Whos this... Dragon... And all the people behind you?" Vatue exclaimed in shock, seeing Basmon followed by the dragon and everyone who followed them.

'Later. Come.' Basmon commanded, and the dragon tore off the door.

After all that, they ran towards the stairs. After a while, they had climbed all the way up to the huge, original door they had all been dragged through (Other than the dragon).

Basmon shoved open the door, and all of them charged out in a stream, shocking everyone in the church. Immediately, the strong force Basmon felt earlier appeared, jumping like a superhero towards them. "Boom!!!" A crack appeared where he had landed, shaking the building.

"WHO LET YOU MAGGOTS OUT!?!!!?" The man roared, stunning everyone around them, who where already shocked by the dragon and everyone still spilling out.

"ROAARRR! YOU DARED IMPRISON US! THIS IS ILLEGAL IN THIS COUNTRY! HOW DARE YOU!" The huge crowd of people roared, charging at the man along with the guard. The bystanders quickly ran out of the church, screaming bloody murder.

The dragon and Vatue fought with the huge man, and everyone else fought the guards.

The huge amount of now freed prisoners easily overpower the guards but stayed back to watch the fight. If they tried to interfere they would just be crushed.

The dragon spewed fire at the man, and vatue attacked with his axes, but the man put up a mana shield, seemingly formed by his sword, and blocked Vatues attacks with his sword. He had a lot more reach and was slightly bigger than even the huge Vatue, so he had the advantage.

The dragon, however, was even bigger than the man. The dragon's claws flew down on the man, who raised his sword to block, but Vatues axes flew into his side.

"Ough!" The man moaned, jumping backward. Blood spewed out of his side. He immediately cast some sort of healing magic on himself, but right as it started to work an arrow flew right into his eye.

Yep. Basmon had just been waiting for the perfect shot.

"GREAT JOB, DAD! WE GOT THIS MR. DRAGON!" Vatue yelled happily, jumping after the man.

"HOW DARE SOME LOWLY MAGGOT!" The man screamed, and suddenly a yellow aura covered the area, pressing down on everyone inside.

"Oof." Both Vatue and the dragon groaned, then Vatue activated his own Aura, releasing most of the pressure.

Luckily for Basmon, he and most of the spectators were just out of the range of their aura. Sadly, now Basmon could not get a good shot in on the man.

The man switched from a 2 handed sword style to a 1 handed style and used his other hand to form an aura sword, blocking Vatue.

Slowly, his aura started to shatter. It seems Vatue had a stronger aura.

"YOU MEASLY SLAVE!!!!!" The man screamed, pulling back in his aura. Immediately, Vatue took the chance and jumped, slamming both axes into his side, causing the man to kneel on the ground. The dragon above them just kept applying pressure, until the sword the man was holding started the shatter.

"Minotaur! Get Back!" The dragon yelled. Vatue jumped back, and immediately the Dragon jumped back, letting the man get back onto his feet, but then jumped full force into the man knocking him onto his back. The Dragon then used another ability of his, flame wave. He released waves of flames from his mouth, burning the man alive.

"AGHHHH!!!! STOP!!!! YOU MAGGOTS!!! STOPP!!!!" The man screamed in agony, as he was burned alive.

The dragon jumped up from the dead body, looking disgusted. Immediately, the rest of the freed slaves ran around, killing everyone who had been part of the scheme. Obviously, there were some ignorant workers who had no idea, and they left them alone, but they killed everyone who had any part in this scandal.

After all that, the ex-slaves started streaming out of the building, with some going back into the dungeon and telling the rest to leave, they had been saved. Soon, thousands of ex-slaves stood outside of the church, not sure what to do.

"AYY!!! OI!!! WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING!" A voice suddenly sounded over the large crowd. Above them, a man flew across the sky, a robe flowing out behind him. He released his aura, pressuring everyone even though they were decently far from him.

***Author Note: 500 Extra words, Sorry for the delay. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!! (Sorry if quality down, forced myself to keep writing, thank god for good country songs)